More options for Doc's

More options for Doc's
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Im proposing the return of XP for docs/trainee docs on things like wound healing (self/others) and buffs (self/others) as it was (iirc) based on amount of % increase of stat/ability (buff) or amount of % healed wound and even reviving players / cures ect.
Getting Doc xp atm is frankly frightning if you dont get a chance at or dont enjoy spin groups. There are other options sure but they feel very 'Exploity' (following an alt and running a heal macro) or getting the trickle of xp coming in via constant combat and self heals.
I see no reason why Doc's and medics should suffer from basically being forced to level in a VERY specific way.
Trying to level doc solo is a joke unless you are on at the right times.
Im currently leveling Doc and finding it difficult solo. At TKM / Novice Doc it took me 3 hrs (ish) to gain 175k (value of first boxes in doc) of med xp from playing / grinding mobs in game.
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I stopped playing this server because of how slow it is to level medic, CM as you must be in a group, I play mostly mornings, early afternoons EST and the pop is to low to even think about finding a group.
medic/doc xp was super easy to level as a CH. I have done it twice now. I get nobody should HAVE to play a CH to make medic/doc easy to level but was my work around as I have never touched a spin group.
medic/doc xp was super easy to level as a CH. I have done it twice now. I get nobody should HAVE to play a CH to make medic/doc easy to level but was my work around as I have never touched a spin group.
So I have to level 2 scout trees first to level CM high enough to where healing exp isn't so gimped and then level a medic in 2 trees just to level a CM to 4224 with severely gimp experience from healing a pet compared to healing in a group. Then drop scout and CM......... No thanks!.
That is why i said " I get nobody should HAVE to play a CH to make medic/doc easy"
I understand the issue people have with getting medic/doc xp. I am not telling anyone how to play.

but with note* you shouldn't be able to get XP from healing/buffing/image designing your alt, we removed that.
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