Pistoleer improvements

Pistoleer improvements
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Pistoleer skills need a little bump on their dmg multiplier in order to be as competent as rifles or carbines. My proposal is to make body shot be hand by hand with leg shot/critical shot/headshot, not talking about advanced quick draw because that ability is not even worth to be placed on the toolbar it totally needs a decent dmg buff. I would suggest increasing the duration of warning shot too since the debuff is really short and with all the misses realistically you will maybe land 2 or 3 shots if you are lucky before it expires, keep warning shot up with other debuffs like dizzy/stun/intimidate.
Pistols are the quickest weapons and the weakest at the same time which is fine, but its dmg multipliers are too low compared to carbines, rifles or bh specials.
Some simple numbers tweaks may change this profession to be more competent, even if you consider pistoleer an utility prof not a dmg dealer it really needs some love.
Nothing crazy just some dmg buffs to these 2 skills i mentioned and the debuff duration increase would place pistoleer in a great spot, also people who pairs smuggler with it (due to SP) will get a benefit too since they lack dmg as well.
I think the issue more lies into the fact that Rifles and Carbines are way overtuned with Speed.

We have way too many Speed modifiers that allow Rifles/Carbines to reach the same as Pistols while doing the same with a Pistol makes you hit the diminishing returns.

Everyone should check out SWGANH forums and log in to view the CU Rifleman/Carbineer/Pistoleer forums to see what the capped weapon speed for weapons was supposed to be.
I agree with this but I don't want a huge damage buff to the Pistoleer modifiers, just a medium sized one. In addition, I think they should be slightly faster and I think that Carbineer and Rifleman should be slower.
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I think the issue more lies into the fact that Rifles and Carbines are way overtuned with Speed.

We have way too many Speed modifiers that allow Rifles/Carbines to reach the same as Pistols while doing the same with a Pistol makes you hit the diminishing returns.

Everyone should check out SWGANH forums and log in to view the CU Rifleman/Carbineer/Pistoleer forums to see what the capped weapon speed for weapons was supposed to be.
yea this is completely true, but i think it might be easier just to increase slightly the pistoleer modifiers instead of nerfing all the carbineers and rifleman which may cause an uproar like it happened early on the server with severe combat speed changes
I did some testing over the weekend having mastered both rifleman, carbineer, and pistoleer. Pistoleer doesn't hit nearly as hard as carbineer or rifleman to the point where it's pretty drastic. I definitely think a good fix would be to increase the damage modifiers.
Isn’t the point of pistoleer to not hit as hard, but to hit faster? So surely it’s okay to not be rivalling rifles for damage ? Or am I missing the point ?
Well, from what I was seeing, both my carbineer and rifleman were shooting faster than my pistoleer. I took a look at the numbers and pistoleer gets the lowest speed modifiers when compared to carbineer and rifleman which seemed a bit weird.

I am not sure what they did to end up mob accuracy but I think that needs to be adjusted because regardless of what ranged profession I used, accuracy seemed the same against high-end mobs.
Well, from what I was seeing, both my carbineer and rifleman were shooting faster than my pistoleer. I took a look at the numbers and pistoleer gets the lowest speed modifiers when compared to carbineer and rifleman which seemed a bit weird.

I am not sure what they did to end up mob accuracy but I think that needs to be adjusted because regardless of what ranged profession I used, accuracy seemed the same against high-end mobs.
pistoleer gets 5 more general speed while carbineer gets 5 more carbine speed so they should end up even. i'm wondering how pistol damage is with abilities that are known to be good damage like torso shot
It might help if the pistoleers knockdowns worked like in the original game. Im not sure, but I think "firearm strike" is supposed to be that, but as far as I can tell, that skill does nothing. I believe the original game called it "Pistol Whip" and it would knock opponants helplessly to the ground for a short time. i remember using it often to great effect and winning duels because of it. I only just started playing this a few days ago, and Im on the path to master pistoleer, but I can already tell that pistols are the suck and Im thinking about changing my profession...
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It might help if the pistoleers knockdowns worked like in the original game. Im not sure, but I think "firearm strike" is supposed to be that, but as far as I can tell, that skill does nothing. I believe the original game called it "Pistol Whip" and it would knock opponants helplessly to the ground for a short time. i remember using it often to great effect and winning duels because of it. I only just started playing this a few days ago, and Im on the path to master pistoleer, but I can already tell that pistols are the suck and Im thinking about changing my profession...
i was led to believe the improved firearm strike which pistoleer gets can knockdown. also knockdown in this is nowhere near pre-cu where it could single handedly win fights tho it does help a lot pve
I dont have improved firearm strike yet, just teir 1 but it doesnt appear to do anything other than a pistol whip animation. Doesnt do damage or anything that I can tell, so i stopped using it.
Isn’t the point of pistoleer to not hit as hard, but to hit faster? So surely it’s okay to not be rivalling rifles for damage ? Or am I missing the point ?
With all the buffs possible/weapon bracelet/exotics and seas rifles and carbines can hit as fast as pistols, the only benefit of pistols is that below speed cap you will slightly reduce the CD of some abilities. Also even if they buffed slightly the dmg multipliers like im asking, pistols would still do 100 less dmg than a carbine or 200 less than a rifle because of how they come out crafted.
Rifleman and Carbineer are way overtuned. Basically weapon speed in general is way overtuned.
this is applicable too to mele weps even without gorax shards, but with how often you miss if they reduced the attack speed it would be unplayable
I think they need to go back to the drawing board with combat speed as a whole.

The GCD cap should be 1.0 or 1.49, I honestly don’t remember this.

I think the issue is we are able to overcap on Weapon Speed. During live CU, you could add +25 Rifle Speed and +25 General Ranged Speed and that was it. Anything after that you could still add on your gear but it wouldn’t actually do anything even though it changed your weapons speed via /examine.

I don’t think we have a cap at all here. You can essentially get +16 on 3 exotics and +30 in your Entertainer Buff, +10 with Bracelet and I’m sure a couple other things I’m missing.

Those things already put you almost double the intended cap.
The GCD cap is at 1.0, going below cap only helps to reduce some abilities cds, like going negative speed with a 1h or pistol is actually useless. I remember early on the server using speed pups with rifles and it was completely busted even with all the changes that happened at that time, so if they nerfed the speed provided by exotics/buffs etc you can always use a speed pup and cap the speed if thats what you want
The GCD cap is at 1.0, going below cap only helps to reduce some abilities cds, like going negative speed with a 1h or pistol is actually useless. I remember early on the server using speed pups with rifles and it was completely busted even with all the changes that happened at that time, so if they nerfed the speed provided by exotics/buffs etc you can always use a speed pup and cap the speed if thats what you want

Not sure if you understand what I’m saying. Weapons are able to get faster speeds here than what you could on live.

The most you could get from SEAs/Jewelry on live was +50 (+25 Rifle Speed and +25 General Ranged Speed)

Here, on R3, you can get +88 pretty easily and those are just with the things I’m aware of.

That’s why I 100% Rifles and Carbines are over performing over Pistols.

Getting a speed capped Rifle on live was do-able but you sacrificed a lot of damage to achieve that.
yea i get your point, but like i said if rifles/carbines could not get below lets say 2.0 speed with all the misses we have currently i bet no one would use them even doing more dmg than pistols, do you remember how many people complained about attack speed with the nerfs we had the first months?