Pistoleer improvements

Pistoleer improvements
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Pistoleer skills need a little bump on their dmg multiplier in order to be as competent as rifles or carbines. My proposal is to make body shot be hand by hand with leg shot/critical shot/headshot, not talking about advanced quick draw because that ability is not even worth to be placed on the toolbar it totally needs a decent dmg buff. I would suggest increasing the duration of warning shot too since the debuff is really short and with all the misses realistically you will maybe land 2 or 3 shots if you are lucky before it expires, keep warning shot up with other debuffs like dizzy/stun/intimidate.
Pistols are the quickest weapons and the weakest at the same time which is fine, but its dmg multipliers are too low compared to carbines, rifles or bh specials.
Some simple numbers tweaks may change this profession to be more competent, even if you consider pistoleer an utility prof not a dmg dealer it really needs some love.
Nothing crazy just some dmg buffs to these 2 skills i mentioned and the debuff duration increase would place pistoleer in a great spot, also people who pairs smuggler with it (due to SP) will get a benefit too since they lack dmg as well.
yea i get your point, but like i said if rifles/carbines could not get below lets say 2.0 speed with all the misses we have currently i bet no one would use them even doing more dmg than pistols, do you remember how many people complained about attack speed with the nerfs we had the first months?
The miss chance needs adjusted as well. Combat is not in a healthy state

Their goal should be to mimic CU as close a possible and build from that. You start throwing whatever variable you seem fitting T the time then it’s just going to create more issues.
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So the Marksman version of Firearm Strike does nothing- only Improved Firearm Strike and Advanced Firearm Strike from Pistoleer have a chance of a KD.
Yes, it makes a pistol whip animation, but does no damage and doesnt knock an enemy down. So basically, it does nothing. I dont know though, maybe it has a very small % chance of a knockdown, but Ive yet to see it happen.
Isn’t the point of pistoleer to not hit as hard, but to hit faster? So surely it’s okay to not be rivalling rifles for damage ? Or am I missing the point ?
It's not about being equal to rifles in damage per hit, its about making it viable in damage per second. Yeah, its a speed vs power trade off, but right now the speed difference isn't as pronounced as the damage difference leaving pistols under powered. It's why I dropped it. I don't expect anyone to run out and make wholesale changes but I do think this needs to be part of the next balancing conversation the devs have.
A big thing for me as smuggler is that I pretty much have to go pistoleer if I want decent healing because it's a pre-requisite for it, as well as unarmed which soaks up a lot of points without contributing anything. Bounty hunters get to choose any ranged prof or CH and still get CM heals. Smuggler doesn't pair well with commando or MCM because DoTs and AoEs break dazes and BH costs too much so you would only be able to afford x2xx medic for healing and you'd still have to use pistols.

I realize smuggler/pistoleer is a CC build but from an RP standpoint smugglers and BHs should be able to go toe to toe. I can escape a bounty hunter with CCs but they'll just keep coming after me if they want. Unless they have a root and rifles, then I'm screwed because of pistols' range.
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Give Body Shot a small damage increase and give Advanced Quick Draw a chance to double attack upon successful hit.

IF Advanced Quick Draw procs its double attack then the ability will go on a 1.5x your weapon speed cooldown (If you are 1sec then it takes 1.5 seconds) so you cannot just spam Quick Draw.
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I realize smuggler/pistoleer is a CC build but from an RP standpoint smugglers and BHs should be able to go toe to toe. I can escape a bounty hunter with CCs but they'll just keep coming after me if they want. Unless they have a root and rifles, then I'm screwed because of pistols' range.
I don't think so, a amuggler didn't need to be a weapon specialist, is more a smart guy with a problems with the rules that prefer to do things not really legal for easy money, a smuggler use to work with a group of partners (Solo-Chewie, Malcom Rey and his crew...) but the bounty hunter use to work alone, I think from an RP standpoint bounty hunter vs smuggler is an strategy duel where one has his weapon proficency and his gadgets, while the other has his tricks and friends...

I'm a BH/Smuggler with some pistols, and work with a Doctor/Medic/Pistoleer as my partner in crime... I'm not the best BH, I'm not the best smuggler, but I can trust that my partner will help me and unless they pick me alone and undress I'll survive (not sure if I'll be able to kill them, but for sure I'll escape alive)
Anyway, I also think that pistoleer needs a bit of rework, it should be paired to rifleman and carabineer, it has the range limit, but the speed should help to deal similar dps
yea that's the problem with the other weapons hitting speed cap as well, slightly buff to body shot, make quickdraw decent and longer durations of warning shot would be ideal
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yea that's the problem with the other weapons hitting speed cap as well, slightly buff to body shot, make quickdraw decent and longer durations of warning shot would be ideal
I do agree pistols need a slight power bump, however, it might be better to start off with increasing GCD’s for weapon types specifically.


Pistols fire the fastest. 1s GCD
Carbines 1.25s GCD
Rifles 1.5s GCD

This can help prevent the damage creep and incentivize players choice in weapons.

That being said Heavies will also need a looking at once commando is updated to see how it plays.
I do agree pistols need a slight power bump, however, it might be better to start off with increasing GCD’s for weapon types specifically.


Pistols fire the fastest. 1s GCD
Carbines 1.25s GCD
Rifles 1.5s GCD

This can help prevent the damage creep and incentivize players choice in weapons.

That being said Heavies will also need a looking at once commando is updated to see how it plays.
yea commando really needs to get gorax shards into the wep core and be able to use pups imo, but thats another player voice
The problem I see with pistoleer is that some of the skills are not very useful, or dont do enough damage. For example, quickdraw I believe was intended to reset the autoattack cooldown, when auto attack was still in the game. Now that its not, quickdraw is basically useless. Im sure they will overaul all the combat classes in time regardless. But I think pistoleer should be one of the first ones that get attention.

I had thought that the knockdown strike was pistoleers advantage over other combat professions, but as I tried out other combatclasses I came to realize that pistoleer really has gotten the short of the stick. I mean, its viable, but other combat profs are much better.
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