Reduce space junk vendor prices to 20% of their current value

Reduce space junk vendor prices to 20% of their current value
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I am proposing that space junk vendor item prices are reduced to 20% of their current value. This is coming from an ace pilot who owns a gunship.
I believe I covered this in the motivation section, but I will reiterate. Reducing space junk prices to 20% of their current value will put space profits on-par with ground content and crafting (20% of 500k/hr is 100k/hr). I cannot think of a single good reason to allow players to make such absurd amounts of money from such little amounts of work.
Currently, a group of level 80s can only make about 100k/hr doing ground content. Same goes for top-end crafters (although this could be highly debated, depending on how you calculate time/cost/profit). Yet, with my gunship, I can sit in one spot and easily bring in over 500k/hr by selling parts to space junk vendors. Not only is that five times as much profit as ground content/crafting, it is also far less effort. This essentially destroys the economy and makes credits meaningless. There are also people who don't want to do space content, for which they should not be punished.
See details above.
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This isn't a comment for/against, but just a note that the Development Team is aware of and exploring solutions to counteract the variance between space and ground loot valuation and is closely monitoring the generation and removal of credits from the economy.
This is the unspoken, very obvious discrepancy currently in the live environment. I would dare say on the verge of an exploit. Whenever I want to buy something I consider it in terms of hours of Kashyyk required. Truth hurts sometimes.
Could make the ground loot sell for more. On legends a piece of junk RE armor or clothing loot sells for upwards of 9-10k per piece based on level. Here all pieces are less than 1k making it so we dont even keep non usable re loot to junk at a dealer. One example of why discrepency is so large. Where as a lvl 10 space part sells for 10k which goes up 1k per level till 10.
The problem isn't space loot its your not getting enough junk loot to make it even , or as it is on other servers LESS than junk loot for the same time.

I used to play on a few other servers and ill be honest junk loot from killing npc's is FAR more lucrative than the same time/effort in space. where i could get 500k ish value of space junk with a great setup ship I would EASILY fill backpack inventory and even a couple of droids with stat loot to shove into the junk dealer and get 800-1.1mill with a lot less hassle.

Now i realise that this server is not those servers and things are are different here BUT rather than calling for what would in effect be a massive nerf of credits for those who know how to get them is give the same rate elsewhere by either increasing junk loot drops from mobs or increasing mission pay outs or both tbh so people have a choice how to earn credits.

Personally space seems fine and more or less even to where it was, what we don't have is solo groups (were defiantly in the cu its how i ground out jedi template changes) we only get what is it 10 terminal mission before they dry up / out ( ill be honest i haven't looked at this yet but i believe this is the case here which it wasn't in the cu) there was always ways to gain a very large amount of credits very easily if you knew how to do it till the nge made more or less everything worthless.

It seems some tinkering is needed with drops / missions ect to bring in 'other' ways to earn and believe me space was NEVER number one.

Id like to end this with much love and support for whatever the team here decide to do, and this being txt not speech please don't take this a s a flame or me being antagonistic to the OP they spotted a problem and im glad they raised it i just think the answer they come up with is not the angle id fix from


everyone has the option to go up into space to make creds if they choose not to then that is their choice and as such others hsould not be penalised for doing this
exactly everyone has the option to not go into space and shouldnt be penalized for not doing so
I'm always a little weirded out that new people are always told "you should do space for easy credits" when joining the game. It's easy to say that it's a choice not to do space content, and it is - but the reality is that players that do space have much greater purchasing power than those who do ground content. I thought this was SWG, where you can take multiple viable paths to have fun and be successful - the economy's prices are currently skewed upwards for those who like space, IMO good idea for a nerf to credits OR make space content more dynamic with PvP zones around currently farmable content OR switching up spawn locations OR just making it more of a risk so that the reward is justified.

space is out of wack rn with the rest of the game, not wise to do nothing about it for the health of the game just because some players want to be easy millionaires

for those that are saying just buff ground credits, that's the same as a nerf to space credits except now your previous space credits are worth less because there are more entering the supply :rolleyes:
after much thought and concidering the ammount of time played atk and afk in various arenas of the game, there are some areas that need adjusting and others that do not, to minimize the ammount of space loot and credits is obsured, the space community drives the economy (10 richest players are spacers appaently), how else do people afford to keep prices for other profesions down?they supliment income from space , if space loot is lowered people will spend a little more time in space to keep there own funds up so they can buy items sold by others, but then increase space sellable items on there own vendors for a higher amount (time vs reward) , Space is open to any level toon and you can make credits in space from day one in your piloting career with out waiting hours for a spin group or reaching lvl 80 and afk grinding ryatt trail froshe bunker and or dwb other areas are available,, if the ground pounders want parity then increase the vendor prices on junk or heres a novalty make space a part of you profesion points so you are a ground pounder orlet the pilot proffesion eats into one of your other trees that way the people who want to do ground can stay there and not compalin about people putting effort into collections or there vendor stocks. JTL has always been a way of making credits because lets face it once you finish a few missions there is little to no content in space , apart from making your ship better and better via looting stuff and selling it on to a vendor or to another player, de ing item to make a kse firesprey or re ing junk even using all droid interfaces so you can do convoy runs , to make your ship better or selling it on, ie time and risk vs reward. when an item take over a year to make via reverse engineering i would nt want to sell it for 500k because some one hasnt bothered with there time to farm credits , if its an issue of time spent on a spawn point make areas with time limits say 2 hour in dwb or other know farming locations and your ejected, in space similar 2 hours and ejected if a player is atk a run back to where they were farming is no big deal if there afk then tough tities. run back in or run your overloads. In short leave Space alone if you think theres to many credits for yourself, do not go there, do something else leave the credits to people who want to collect them. increase ground junk values, the space community is small enough you need to be encouraging people to come into space, for some end game content , pvp and pve, not try to deter them, credit and reward. Ground is not for all space is.
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You're not being penalized. You're choosing not to do the task and not gaining the reward. Quite different then removing the ability/benefit from someone because another player does not wish to do it.

Except the task is standing still and hitting ships as they leave spawn, and this is 5x more lucrative than more challenging and dynamic ground content. Not to mention effectively a lack of decay. Is that not a long term problem?
Except the task is standing still and hitting ships as they leave spawn, and this is 5x more lucrative than more challenging and dynamic ground content. Not to mention effectively a lack of decay. Is that not a long term problem?
It's not. The problem is nerfed ground loot on this server making ground combat less rewarding. My issue is with the mentality of constantly looking to nerf or reduce benefits to players. I think it is a massive reason as to why there are so few people on this server.
well i guess nerf the space loot to be on par as we would not want hyper inflation on sales because players have too much money
I have not missed a day playing on this server (i even played beta), created a flourishing guild with 60+ active member and a flourishing max level city, so my roots go back a long while, recently i applied to join the quality assurance team i was so happy in the game . But this is possibly the straw that will break this Camels back, There is great potential on this server especially as the player voice is often listened to , however do not be mistaken if its already on the radar and would be implented you will get a thumbs up we agree with you, your voice has been heard , any fall out from it and well you did ask for it, be aware what you ask for. I digress its time for me to think long and hard about staying on this server where playing space has been my favourite part and yes a nice source of income for ingame commodities, one person potentially leaving because they do not agree with an idea is no big deal to many. but to me this game has been a great source of amusement and company the last 8 or so months whilst the game as been live so i really wouldnt be contemplating such a step with out a heavy heart. no one person is bigger than the game and the cycle will go on.
I'm always a little weirded out that new people are always told "you should do space for easy credits" when joining the game. It's easy to say that it's a choice not to do space content, and it is - but the reality is that players that do space have much greater purchasing power than those who do ground content. I thought this was SWG, where you can take multiple viable paths to have fun and be successful - the economy's prices are currently skewed upwards for those who like space, IMO good idea for a nerf to credits OR make space content more dynamic with PvP zones around currently farmable content OR switching up spawn locations OR just making it more of a risk so that the reward is justified.

space is out of wack rn with the rest of the game, not wise to do nothing about it for the health of the game just because some players want to be easy millionaires

for those that are saying just buff ground credits, that's the same as a nerf to space credits except now your previous space credits are worth less because there are more entering the supply :rolleyes:
You do realize ground credits, especially loot and junk loot credits have been massively de-valued in this version of the game right?
It's not. The problem is nerfed ground loot on this server making ground combat less rewarding. My issue is with the mentality of constantly looking to nerf or reduce benefits to players. I think it is a massive reason as to why there are so few people on this server.
It's Time vs effort of what one thinks to bring about enjoyment of their story in this environment, no more no less.

If the greed of credit accumulation is ones driving ambition, nothing the dev team is going to do will solve that.

The gotta have it now folks walking around with entitlement are a bane to the community.

Vet rewards were there for a reason, and really need to be brought back.

Imho the op is over dramatizing a bit, the economy will work itself out accordingly. The greed'sters selling vet based loot box rewards (or anything for that matter, i.e food, weps, armor) for a million credits, are equally part of the problem. As we've seen just takes a single crafter to start selling at reasonable prices and the credits shift.

I haven't been in a full spin group in a long time, in fact they really aren't that necessary two people two boxing with droids and or pets are just as effective if not more even, as a full group. Although it might be the time to fire back up the ol entertainer auto invite macro to increase the scaling.

The op also leaves out the additional funds from selling collection pieces and what not, but again that gotta have it now generation....

Truthfully on a server that touted bringing back community from the get go, if amassing credits is your primary goal, this might not be the place for you. I've given away or traded more items then I've actually sold, never really had more than 5 million accumulated at any given time.

There are certainly plenty of other servers that don't have space as option, and we all know how much fun solo'ing janta's all day is for credits.
While I agree with the Dev response, I feel like a lot of yall are going a bit hard on the OP. I also agree with the idea of adding instead of taking away, but too much adding is** how you get power creep/scaling issues.

I don't think the OP made this post/idea with the ideal of harming any of you or trying to give any spacer a negative impact on your gameplay. They expressed something they saw as a flaw. No one needs to be rude or childish to the OP to get across the idea they don't want more nerfs to the game which is understandable.
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