Reduce space junk vendor prices to 20% of their current value

Reduce space junk vendor prices to 20% of their current value
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I am proposing that space junk vendor item prices are reduced to 20% of their current value. This is coming from an ace pilot who owns a gunship.
I believe I covered this in the motivation section, but I will reiterate. Reducing space junk prices to 20% of their current value will put space profits on-par with ground content and crafting (20% of 500k/hr is 100k/hr). I cannot think of a single good reason to allow players to make such absurd amounts of money from such little amounts of work.
Currently, a group of level 80s can only make about 100k/hr doing ground content. Same goes for top-end crafters (although this could be highly debated, depending on how you calculate time/cost/profit). Yet, with my gunship, I can sit in one spot and easily bring in over 500k/hr by selling parts to space junk vendors. Not only is that five times as much profit as ground content/crafting, it is also far less effort. This essentially destroys the economy and makes credits meaningless. There are also people who don't want to do space content, for which they should not be punished.
See details above.
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I'm always a little weirded out that new people are always told "you should do space for easy credits" when joining the game. It's easy to say that it's a choice not to do space content, and it is - but the reality is that players that do space have much greater purchasing power than those who do ground content. I thought this was SWG, where you can take multiple viable paths to have fun and be successful - the economy's prices are currently skewed upwards for those who like space, IMO good idea for a nerf to credits OR make space content more dynamic with PvP zones around currently farmable content OR switching up spawn locations OR just making it more of a risk so that the reward is justified.

space is out of wack rn with the rest of the game, not wise to do nothing about it for the health of the game just because some players want to be easy millionaires

for those that are saying just buff ground credits, that's the same as a nerf to space credits except now your previous space credits are worth less because there are more entering the supply :rolleyes:
Space was always like this during live sooooo,......
why is it that people always want to nerf everything instead of boosting areas that seem to be lacking like oneco suggested?

thought the gaming world was supposed to evolve forward instead of reverting backwards?
I don't know, call me crazy but if income across the game is where they want it and they maybe overlooked the potential income of space loot maybe the thing that is out of line should be reduced instead of just inflating everything else
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I don't know, call me crazy but if income across the game is where they want it and they maybe overlooked the potential income of space loot maybe the thing that is out of line should be reduced instead of just inflating everything else
I think it's a pretty safe thing to say that even from just this thread that ground loot / income is not where the players want it and thats kind of the point.

The OP may have thought about tuning down space loot but the massive majority want all other income spun up to at LEAST what you can get in space so everyone feels like time invested = return

No matter what happens people will always horde credits this game has a max credit limit and i garuntee within a year somone will hit it and it wont be from space loot or ground junk lol so whats the odds here in letting players make credits its the whole point of the game for some.

If it all gets too much we could have a limit on sales top vender price of 5k 10k 20k 30k whatever THATS a control method not making players feel unrewarded for time spent that just leads to them going elsewhere.

Rather than dropping the prices down, maybe just adjust the loot drop percentages down a little bit? Only thing is, you would have to increase the KSE Firespray disc drop to make it fair for the Shipwrights who RE those parts...
20% is very specific an probably the wrong number. The Devs have said they're already looking at it. So I'm just gonna voice my support for the spirit if the idea.

RIght now space income far exceeds the ground game potential. This is a disparity that needs to be addressed, but sure could be by making junk weapons/armour/clothes pay out better from the junk vendors and increasing mission payouts. That however misses the larger point that its not just a disparity between space and ground that is at issue, but the massive influx of credits in general and not enough sinks. As it stands the server is headed for outrageous inflation. We've decimated harvesting rates and we still see millions of credits flowing into space aces banks. I recently heard an influential player say, and I quote

Space. Get ace and farm space. It’s to easiest way to make a load of money for doing literally nothing. So exploit it while you can. Everyone else does

There is no way this can go right now except to see skyrocketing prices. Prices that only those in the space game will be able to afford. The space game should be nurtured and celebrated, but no one should be forced to go there if thats not The Way for them.
I belive that there has been some fixes to this now. junk look stacks are now been correctly priced and looted armour and weapons are now having a more accurate price given based upon their CL
Been a long time since I posted this but I just wanna say that I'm now bringing in 1-1.5 mil per hour at kash transports and t7/8 officers. Idk if that changes anyone's opinion but that's a thing
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everyone has the option to go up into space to make creds if they choose not to then that is their choice and as such others hsould not be penalised for doing this
Space requires a certain amount of hand-eye coordination. Some players can't meet the real life body challenges that space requires. My 80 year old mother-in-law has played SWG continuously since live. She has no trouble with the ground combat game, but she just can't do space.

Not everyone has the option.
While I agree with the Dev response, I feel like a lot of yall are going a bit hard on the OP. I also agree with the idea of adding instead of taking away, but too much adding is** how you get power creep/scaling issues.

I don't think the OP made this post/idea with the ideal of harming any of you or trying to give any spacer a negative impact on your gameplay. They expressed something they saw as a flaw. No one needs to be rude or childish to the OP to get across the idea they don't want more nerfs to the game which is understandable.
I actually agree with the OP.
Go to Ord Mandel. There's a person there right now farming parts by the station. You can tell because they're sitting there firing at nothing so when the scyks spawn in, they can blast them.
T6 spawn giving serious loot and cash. They need to randomly spawn in a T9 gunboat that's not agro so if they hit it, they get splattered...
You'd have to reduce bounty hunter npc mission payouts too. I can make about the same amount running them that I can in space. In fact I often alternate to break things up.

Personally I think reducing payouts on anything is a bad idea unless there's some way to reduce market prices too. 30m for a tanray? Crazy talk....
I don't think the payout is the problem. The method is the problem. Randomize the spawn location of those farming areas and you'll kill two birds with one stone.
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well i guess nerf the space loot to be on par as we would not want hyper inflation on sales because players have too much money
Already a thing.... especially with CH pets. And I farm space. Still not enough when a crate of exo protien costs 117k or thereabouts. If you pvp on the ground, you need a way to make a lot of money just to supply yourself with all the gear and food you need to reasonably compete.

I have a character dedicated to building armor and RE (for guild) and still have trouble keeping up since I pvp daily on the ground. Those are the biggest expenses, W/A/C SEAs and armor, at least for me. Due to the evolving nature of the game things are always in flux and whenever you adjust your template, new stuff is often needed, in addition to wear and tear from fighting.

To fully kit out armor and seas is big money if you pay people to build it all for you and a large percentage of pvpers on the server are always kitted out in capped max gear.

You don't have too much money unless all you do is craft and watch your bank account grow. I personally spend it as fast as I make it just to keep up.
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I don't think the payout is the problem. The method is the problem. Randomize the spawn location of those farming areas and you'll kill two birds with one stone.
Honestly the worst one is the one where you can essentially AFK farm. The Scyk fighters in Ord are the biggest one. Literally hold the trigger down... Would be hilarious to have a T9 gunboat randomly spawn there. Wouldn't be a problem for those legitimately killing them ATK. But I tagged one fighter, and watched as the person who was farming almost got killed because they weren't paying attention, and that scyk started attacking him...
Honestly the worst one is the one where you can essentially AFK farm. The Scyk fighters in Ord are the biggest one. Literally hold the trigger down... Would be hilarious to have a T9 gunboat randomly spawn there. Wouldn't be a problem for those legitimately killing them ATK. But I tagged one fighter, and watched as the person who was farming almost got killed because they weren't paying attention, and that scyk started attacking him...
Or a combination, reduce the payout AND move the spawn, making it random so that the pilot has to move around to find them each time, which will slow down the rate of acquisition. That should help reach the goal of the OP
This thread is dead. I've made somewhere between 500m-1b since posting it.
Yes, delayed action has caused exactly the concern to come to pass. As observed by another post 30M for a Tanray, thats not a reason to have high income, its because of high income.
We will be reducing space credit taps proportionately to the reduction made in the ground game. The fact of the matter is the ground game was heavily adjusted early on in the server and space was never normalized. We have been collecting data on space related taps and sinks for several months and will make a decision soon as to how much payouts will be reduced, but we are taking into consideration other future mechanics we intend to implement in some capacity (starport fees, fuel, part decay) which is why I say “normalize” not “equalize” because there are some differences from the ground game that would make dropping payouts an equivalent amount fairly detrimental to space play.

I’ll leave the thread open as the extent of the reduction is still an open item that we have not decided on, rather, there will be *a* reduction for sure.
We will be reducing space credit taps proportionately to the reduction made in the ground game. The fact of the matter is the ground game was heavily adjusted early on in the server and space was never normalized. We have been collecting data on space related taps and sinks for several months and will make a decision soon as to how much payouts will be reduced, but we are taking into consideration other future mechanics we intend to implement in some capacity (starport fees, fuel, part decay) which is why I say “normalize” not “equalize” because there are some differences from the ground game that would make dropping payouts an equivalent amount fairly detrimental to space play.

I’ll leave the thread open as the extent of the reduction is still an open item that we have not decided on, rather, there will be *a* reduction for sure.
Somewhat off-topic from discussing types of reductions, but what are the chances that we can increase duty mission token payout at the same time? This way, the only people affected are credit farmers. Space nerds like myself gain a new way of farming space parts, at the cost of giving up easy credits. I think this would be a great way to keep people in space, and attract actual spacers to the game
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We will be reducing space credit taps proportionately to the reduction made in the ground game. The fact of the matter is the ground game was heavily adjusted early on in the server and space was never normalized. We have been collecting data on space related taps and sinks for several months and will make a decision soon as to how much payouts will be reduced, but we are taking into consideration other future mechanics we intend to implement in some capacity (starport fees, fuel, part decay) which is why I say “normalize” not “equalize” because there are some differences from the ground game that would make dropping payouts an equivalent amount fairly detrimental to space play.

I’ll leave the thread open as the extent of the reduction is still an open item that we have not decided on, rather, there will be *a* reduction for sure.
The problem as I see it, is you not only reduced the quality of the gear, you removed usability almost entirely. I'd hate for that to happen to space parts. Don't get me wrong I welcome the additional credits coming my way(as a SW), but keep in mind the space game is completely different from the ground game. Making penalties harder on the pilots would discourage Aces from helping with the more risky missions(aka Corvette).
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