Remove ground/space player bounty distinction

Remove ground/space player bounty distinction
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Remove the distinction between ground and space bounties - If you've got a bounty, stay strapped or get clapped on the ground and in space.
It makes no sense that a Bounty Hunter can't attack their target, who they know have a bounty, just because they aren't in space.
The bounty is placed on the player, not their ship.
Space bounties are a pain to hunt down due to the lack of accurate tracking and it's annoying to see the terminal filled with space bounties.
Someone with a space bounty can hang on to their bounty by not launching.
I know I'm not the only one that would enjoy this change.

Edit: My stance on this has changed and I no longer think this is the way to go. I'll leave the proposal unedited for people to further discuss, if needed.
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Id rather see the bounty go on the ship, and stay only in space. Afterall its a ship earning the bounty (who knows who flew it). Perhaps instead separate the ground and space bounties to dedicated terminals. That would also allow dedicated JTL players to not have to level up a combat toon for enjoying the space PvP.
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tbh, this makes sense, when the pilot is on the ground, he should still have the active bounty on him. Yes makes it harder to claim the bounty if your not in space, but if the bounty is walking around to get a buff, those few minutes they should be vulnerable to land based BH?
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Personally I don't see an issue with it, but I do understand some might.
The way I see it is if you PvP (and get a bounty) you gotta be ready for the consequences.

I see Space (JTL) and ground PvP as two different gamestyles and appealing to two different playergroups.
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You make a compelling argument with many great points.

I'll counter with this: Instead of complaining that you can't kill pilots on the ground, git gud at space.
I know that wasn't aimed at me and I was wondering when a comment like this would be made (I almost mentioned it myself in the original post)..
To clarify, this PV wasn't born as a result of some salty space fueled whining on my part, it's fair to say I'm a pretty good pilot and I'd have no issue at least putting up a fight 1v1 with anyone on this server, so from my point of view it isn't about not wanting (or being able) to fight people in space.
"'s annoying to see the terminal filled with space bounties."

I have heard this expressed a lot and it's not a good reason to make the change.

My suggestion has been to have more accurate tracking space. This should fix the first part of this sentence. "Space bounties are a pain to hunt down due to the lack of accurate tracking..."
tracking in space is a complete waste of time and yea these bounties flooding the bh terminal are really annoying indeed, but given that even cl1 crafters can be pilots claiming these bounties on the ground wouldnt be a good solution either
Well yeah, I totally get the frustration, and almost agree. But the crafter bounties need to be addressed, there's gotta be a better solution. Maybe we can add location-specific tracking?

I know space bounties can be off-putting because people have unicorn ships, but Remis has blown me up several times and as far as I know he doesn't have any crazy parts
Well yeah, I totally get the frustration, and almost agree. But the crafter bounties need to be addressed, there's gotta be a better solution. Maybe we can add location-specific tracking?

I know space bounties can be off-putting because people have unicorn ships, but Remis has blown me up several times and as far as I know he doesn't have any crazy parts
Better tracking will help people that want to do bounties in space, but it won't help the "it's annoying to see bounties I can't clear"
Better tracking will help people that want to do bounties in space, but it won't help the "it's annoying to see bounties I can't clear"
Not a BH so not 100%, but don't all missions on the BH terminal share the same tab?

Could the space bounties just be filtered into a separate tab on the mission terminal (similar to how destroy/delivery missions are split) to solve this issue? That way players have the option of viewing these separately if they wish to do so and can avoid them completely if they don't want to take them. Might as well separate the PvP bounties as well from the PvE missions (if they aren't already).
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