Not Implemented - Rotate Resources More Frequently And Have Less Of Them | Page 2 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Not Implemented Rotate Resources More Frequently And Have Less Of Them

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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Feb 5, 2022
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If Possible, Rotate Resources More Frequently And Have Less Of Them
To help promote a healthy economy.
Indirectly increases money sinkage, which is sorely needed for a player driven economy.
This will mean players would move harvestors more often, and the money they spend on that goes out of the game more frequently. It doesnt have to be a big change. Reducing the resource frequency and quantity by like 20-30% shouldnt be a problem for anyone. I mean, the launch version of the game had far less than what we have now and it was fine then. So this change should be just fine and help balance the economy better.

On the positive side, this will also make bad resources disappear quicker as well and get replaced by better ones.

One more thing. Taking away the childs candy is never going to be popular with the children, so all the downvotes are meaningless, unless you can somehow make a reasoned logical argument for why its better for the child to remain a spoiled glutton. So far in this discussion, no one has been able to do that, and quite frankly, its probably an impossible task.
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Actually the server had a big boost, and I'm sure will have another with 1.0. I love the people that know that believe they have all the right answers. You show up out of nowhere after playing for a few days and have all these great server changing ideas - with no logical backing..but we better not disagree with your server changing ideas, or else the apocalypse will come. You're not the first person to have a bad idea - and you won't be the last.

As you requested...and to reiterate.. downvote for a horribly thought out suggestion.
You can disagree, so long as your reasons are logical, factual and not based on faulty assumptions, like you have so far.
And Sumanden was incorrect in his assumptions, as i explained in my response to him.

In this remake, the resources are far more abundant than they were in the original game, and the original game flourished greatly economically. So your assumption that reducing the number of resources that appear at any given time is incorrect. But this server is dying, and one reason is the broken economy. If nothing is changed, that trajectory will continue. Wouldnt you agree?
I didn't make any assumptions I simply responded to your request to rotate resources out more frequently. I said it is already possible for a resource to rotate out after 6 days. So I asked for how frequently you think they should rotate out.

You are making assumptions by stating the economy is messed up because resources are too plentiful. You have no actual data to back that statement up.

So I'll ask what problem you are trying to solve with your proposed change. You said you wanted a bigger money sink by requiring you to move harvesters around. In my opinion that will just make it more difficult for less established to gather resources.
You can disagree, so long as your reasons are logical, factual and not based on faulty assumptions, like you have so far.
Hey man - it takes a big guy to come make a player voice for such a big change, and tell people to be factual, when they have no idea how much it costs to redeed 10 harvesters. I can tell you've been here for a long time, for not knowing the most basic thing in the game.
Without knowing at least the rough numbers of credits coming in and going out of the economy, any hasty changes to create additional credit sink is ill-advised. This is especially true when you talk about going after resources, the driver of the game's economy. And I agree with those who do not want to spend additional time chasing around resources and moving harvesters. Ultimately, we play the game for entertainment and to that end, the least amount of time should be spent in this endeavor.
Down vote.
Well the thing is, this server has already made drastic changes from the original game with resources, that has drastically changing the economy, so changing it back to the original settings isnt gonna be a bad thing.
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Hey man - it takes a big guy to come make a player voice for such a big change, and tell people to be factual, when they have no idea how much it costs to redeed 10 harvesters. I can tell you've been here for a long time, for not knowing the most basic thing in the game.
Like I said earlier, I dont think you can read. In my OP I said what the cost of moving 10 harvesters is. Pls make sure you read before posting more ignornant responses. Thanks.
What Phil meant was. I think just about every named resource is used in a specific schematic. You can't just remove those resources from the game easily without tweaking schematics etc.
You said this. That sounds like an a mistaken assumption to me. As I already said in my response to this. Why would you assume a schematic has to be tweaked, if you are not also assuming that I want specific resources to be removed from the game? Explain how you came to this conclusion, because I never said any such thing.
Well the thing is, this server has already made drastic changes from the original game with resources, that has drastically changing the economy, so changing it back isnt going to the original settings isnt gonna be a bad thing.
That depends on whether the changes they made improved the game or not. So far, yours is the only voice saying no, yet I still have seen no data to back up the claim. I will not advocate for blindly changing things.
Like I said earlier, I dont think you can read. In my OP I said what the cost of moving 10 harvesters is. Pls make sure you read before posting more ignornant responses. Thanks.
Explain how the cost of moving 10 harvesters is 30k credits.
"Resources rotate more frequently and have less of them"

You want resources to be more people don't

If you have 10 resources..and 3 are good...1 person has to choose between those less of each..

If you have 5 resources..and 1 is good...then people will focus all their attention on that 1...and..stockpile....

I guess I did miss you were the world's best architect...I think you want an economy you can raise your prices..and aren't really worried about anything else.
1. Having fewer types of resources available at any given time does not prevent anyone from stock piling any resource.
2. Rotating resoures a little more frequently will drain more money from players coffers. That is the whole point.
3. If you have 10 resources, you are choosing between 10 resources. if you have 5 resources, you are choosing between 5 resources. Not sure what you are on about.
4. If 3 are good ones, people will choose the best 1 of the 3. So.. whats your point?
5. I have played as an architect in every iteration of SWG since initial launch day so I have plenty of knowledge and experience to reference from in this discussion.
That depends on whether the changes they made improved the game or not. So far, yours is the only voice saying no, yet I still have seen no data to back up the claim. I will not advocate for blindly changing things.
Sure, just keep everything the way it is, and let things keep heading down the drain.... sit back and watch, then wonder what happened... Not a good strategy. All "my data." is from my own observations and listening to the opinions of others. i do not see the underlying mechanics, only the effects of it, just like everyone else.

Does anyone think the economy is in good shape? heading in the right direction? By all means, offer your suggestions to fix it please. or maybe we could ask the people who have quit the game, why they left? I havent been on the server long, but in my short time, i have tried entering the houses of several player stores ive seen around and every single one was either condemned, or empty. Every... single... one.

Will my proposal fix everything? No, its just a small piece of the larger puzzle. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt do it.
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Sure, just keep everything the way it is, and let things keep heading down the drain.... sit back and watch, then wonder what happened... Not a good strategy. All "my data." is from my own observations and listening to the opinions of others. i do not see the underlying mechanics, only the effects of it, just like everyone else.
So all your data is from observation and hearsay. No fact. I didn't say it.. You did.. But let's make a big change on the word of that. You must think very highly of yourself. I'll stop now. I will punish myself for engaging this long with you later.
It’s already a nightmare trying to keep up with resources that are up for 6-21 days making some change quicker would be a even bigger nightmare. With the reduction in harvester rates it is fine where it is and how it works now so going to downvote this
It’s already a nightmare trying to keep up with resources that are up for 6-21 days making some change quicker would be a even bigger nightmare. With the reduction in harvester rates it is fine where it is and how it works now so going to downvote this
21 days? Are you serious? A resource lasting for 21 days is insane. I thought 6 days was too long. And you think having to move harvester after 21 days is a nightmare??? Holy hell you people are fucking spoiled beyond imagining. Take a good look R3 team, this is what you have done.
So all your data is from observation and hearsay. No fact. I didn't say it.. You did.. But let's make a big change on the word of that. You must think very highly of yourself. I'll stop now. I will punish myself for engaging this long with you later.
People have never seen a black hole, yet through observations have determined them to be a fact. I did the same thing. After all the stupidity ive seen from several of your posts, I can reasonably conclude you are a toxic person, and a troll, and are incapable of adding anything useful to this discussion. You arent even a crafter. So yes, its better that you stop posting here. Thank you. Most intelligent thing youve managed to say yet.
Do you really not know? You really arent a crafter then.
Haha.. who has to craft to put a harvester down?

Anyways..I can explain with fact..even though you can' if you would like to tell me your fact after this I'm all ears..

You lay a large harvester down. Costs nothing to put down. Costs 4500 credits in the maintenance pool to pick back up. Which means at the very minimum, it costs 4500 credits to move a harvester. 4500 credits x 10 harvesters is 45000 credits.

If you are basing everything you are saying based off of other servers you've been on without having put in any time on this server, then I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Now if you'd like to explain the 30000 credit pricetag you've put on moving 10 Harvesters, I am interested in hearing this.
Sure, just keep everything the way it is, and let things keep heading down the drain.... sit back and watch, then wonder what happened... Not a good strategy. All "my data." is from my own observations and listening to the opinions of others. i do not see the underlying mechanics, only the effects of it, just like everyone else.

Does anyone think the economy is in good shape? heading in the right direction? By all means, offer your suggestions to fix it please. or maybe we could ask the people who have quit the game, why they left? I havent been on the server long, but in my short time, i have tried entering the houses of several player stores ive seen around and every single one was either condemned, or empty. Every... single... one.

Will my proposal fix everything? No, its just a small piece of the larger puzzle. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt do it.
You and some of those in your circle may not be happy, but the contents of this thread show that many do not share your opinion. I am one of them. I agree that there needs to be ample credit sink to keep things balanced. But I have seen no evidence that it is out of balance. Also, the devs are aware that this is necessary to the game and they do have access to the data. I am going to trust them to make the right decisions with the input of helpful players.
As for asking why people are quitting, let's. As I recall, you rage-quit about four or five days ago and it had nothing to do with the economy. If your goal is to suggest drastic changes to the game after playing for a short time and insult everyone who disagrees with you, I would prefer you follow through on your promise to quit.
Thank you for your input.
Haha.. who has to craft to put a harvester down?

Anyways..I can explain with fact..even though you can' if you would like to tell me your fact after this I'm all ears..

You lay a large harvester down. Costs nothing to put down. Costs 4500 credits in the maintenance pool to pick back up. Which means at the very minimum, it costs 4500 credits to move a harvester. 4500 credits x 10 harvesters is 45000 credits.

If you are basing everything you are saying based off of other servers you've been on without having put in any time on this server, then I'm not sure what else I can tell you. Now if you'd like to explain the 30000 credit pricetag you've put on moving 10 Harvesters, I am interested in hearing this.
Ive compared my prior experience to what ive experienced here. Its a pretty drastic difference. And not in a good way.

I guess you only ever owned heavy harvesters, or you would know, and it just shows even more how spoiled you are. The smallest harvesters cost 3000 to pick up. And since Im new, i can only make small harvesters, and that is what they cost to move. 10 small harvesters = 30k to move.
You and some of those in your circle may not be happy, but the contents of this thread show that many do not share your opinion. I am one of them. I agree that there needs to be ample credit sink to keep things balanced. But I have seen no evidence that it is out of balance. Also, the devs are aware that this is necessary to the game and they do have access to the data. I am going to trust them to make the right decisions with the input of helpful players.
As for asking why people are quitting, let's. As I recall, you rage-quit about four or five days ago and it had nothing to do with the economy. If your goal is to suggest drastic changes to the game after playing for a short time and insult everyone who disagrees with you, I would prefer you follow through on your promise to quit.
Thank you for your input.
1. its not a drastic change i am suggesting.
2. I quit because the combat system is rubbish.
3. I came back because I decided to just be a crafter and ignore combat.
4. I made this suggestion because myself and others have discussed the economic imbalance and I thought this would be a simple but effective method to help balance the economy without causing a big stir.

Even though there is a strong opposition to this idea in this topic(out of ignorance mostly), I have no doubt in my mind that if the R3 team did this without telling anyone they did it, that hardly anyone would even notice, or care, because its all RNG anyway. Only the R3 team would see the direct effects of it themselves from their internal data. So really, all this back and forth here is really redundant. They will either do it, or not, for their own reasons.
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