Scyk spawn in Ord Mantell

Scyk spawn in Ord Mantell
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Either randomize the Syck spawn in Ord Mantell, or make them aggro by default. Or both.
Randomizing the spawn and/or making them aggro will combat long-term AFK and make things easier / more fair to new players.
People are AFKing the spot for 6+ hours, meaning only 4 people can rotate per day. If you need evidence, ask literally anyone who does space. They will all tell you the same names.
Either randomize the Syck spawn in Ord Mantell, or make them aggro by default. Or both.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Report them to Community Support. There’s a bit of a backlog right now but we’ll get to it. Their farming won’t be any good for them when they’re banned.
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Report them to Community Support. There’s a bit of a backlog right now but we’ll get to it. Their farming won’t be any good for them when they’re banned.
I appreciate that option. For me though, there's kind of a conundrum about it for a few reasons. Instead, the idea of making these exploitable spawns something that must be farmed ATK is a more appealing option. That is why I like the PV that Rev has made here. Heck, even making a slightly different spawn point for each fighter would ensure shooting the same spot for hours would be considerably less profitable.
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I *think* this is the only full AFK-able spawn left. Fully support this PV. Farming is still ok but should be all ATK.

Space credit generation has been “evaluated” for 6 months now by devs but that’s another topic…
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the issue is that a lot of ppl are saying someone is AFK when they are not. Some people are antisocial and dont respond. how ever he real issue is the ones using gunships to farm and who are monopolising the spawn. Personaly I do not have much of an issue with AFK as long as its done to give an ATK player the opertunity to take the spawn. Unfortunatlly there are 2 players using gunships equipped with null bolts for fast refire who are not doing this as they are aiming right at the spawn point. These players are the main cause of all the upset. More so one whos been very hypocritical in discord about things.
Report them to Community Support. There’s a bit of a backlog right now but we’ll get to it. Their farming won’t be any good for them when they’re banned.
Banning people for AFK is not the answer. Why dont you auto log out players after 90 mins. an ATK player would simply log back in so theres no issues there
The issue goes deeper than AFK itself. I've seen your XWing get blown up by Scyks on multiple occasions. The issue is that the spot is so attractive, making many players come here to farm. Only a couple people will actually get to because three people are doing marathon grinds everyday. You wouldn't be able to marathon grind it if you couldn't use a macro.
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the issue is that a lot of ppl are saying someone is AFK when they are not. Some people are antisocial and dont respond. how ever he real issue is the ones using gunships to farm and who are monopolising the spawn. Personaly I do not have much of an issue with AFK as long as its done to give an ATK player the opertunity to take the spawn. Unfortunatlly there are 2 players using gunships equipped with null bolts for fast refire who are not doing this as they are aiming right at the spawn point. These players are the main cause of all the upset. More so one whos been very hypocritical in discord about things.
I have a huge issue with afk farming. It creates an environment where in order to compete on a player-controlled market, one must also afk farm for hours on end or face a steep depreciation of returns on time spent atk farming.
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The issue goes deeper than AFK itself. I've seen your XWing get blown up by Scyks on multiple occasions. The issue is that the spot is so attractive, making many players come here to farm. Only a couple people will actually get to because three people are doing marathon grinds everyday. You wouldn't be able to marathon grind it if you couldn't use a macro.
so get rid of macros.. thats gonna upset a lot of people
I don’t understand why the entertainer buff screen that pops up occasionally asking how many rebel insignias do you see couldn’t be used for afk? Box pops up, if you don’t enter the number correctly after x time limit, you get disconnected.
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I mean, I would love that implemented, but it still doesn't fix the fact that the entire server wants to farm this spot, and only a few people get to, because they stay for 6 hours. So yes, a captcha would be great, but we would still have the same issue. Except now they need to go to their computer every 15 minutes to enter a captcha.
Problem with making a spawn move is you can /target it and auto follow it. It’s just hard to battle the campers. I think aconites suggestion of reporting it is the best answer really.
I am talking about the Scyks that spawn 500m from the Ord Mantel station. They spawn in the same spot, follow the same path, can be one-shot, and have an 80% drop rate.
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