Scyk spawn in Ord Mantell

Scyk spawn in Ord Mantell
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Either randomize the Syck spawn in Ord Mantell, or make them aggro by default. Or both.
Randomizing the spawn and/or making them aggro will combat long-term AFK and make things easier / more fair to new players.
People are AFKing the spot for 6+ hours, meaning only 4 people can rotate per day. If you need evidence, ask literally anyone who does space. They will all tell you the same names.
Either randomize the Syck spawn in Ord Mantell, or make them aggro by default. Or both.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
What if.... after a period of 20 minutes, with no controller or keyboard hardware input, a player in space becomes flagged special forces to the opposite faction. If neutral, they are TEF'd to everyone. That could potentially solve a lot of AFK problems. Or if a universal flag is too much work simply flag a neutral player randomly.

I SWEAR I'm not just trying to get my first space pvp kill. I'm not just thinking outside the hitbox because that's the only place I can land a shot.
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What if.... after a period of 20 minutes, with no controller or keyboard hardware input, a player in space becomes flagged special forces to the opposite faction. If neutral, they are TEF'd to everyone. That could potentially solve a lot of AFK problems. Or if a universal flag is too much work simply flag a neutral player randomly.

I SWEAR I'm not just trying to get my first space pvp kill. I'm not just thinking outside the hitbox because that's the only place I can land a shot.
Again, I like the idea, but the issue is bigger than AFK. If we go this route, does that mean I can stay at the spot for 16 hours, as long as I press a button every 19 minutes? The spot is too attractive, and the server has already shown that it is incapable of sharing
What about instead of it being a static spawn, it's part of a series of spawns? Admittedly, I'm not AT this point in starfighter content, but why not have it work like Duty Mission spawns do, in a way - a series of spawns, where the origin spawn can only trigger AGAIN if the 3rd or 4th in line has been cleared out. This prevents just moving back and forth between, say, spawn 1 and 2.
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Again, I like the idea, but the issue is bigger than AFK. If we go this route, does that mean I can stay at the spot for 16 hours, as long as I press a button every 19 minutes? The spot is too attractive, and the server has already shown that it is incapable of sharing
That is the definition of not being AFK so yea. You and the guy that's been there x hours have exactly equal right to a given spawn under the current terms of service.

If someone is in your favorite spot go do something else. That's what I did when trying to get the Nexu dna. It was camped the first 8 or so times I went down, and you actually have to work to get to that spawn. Then I had to learn abilities from it. So I don't have much sympathy. There's only ONE place to do that.

Now, if the developers say "Ok it's illegal to stay at a given spawn for more than 1 hour!" that changes the equation. In that case, what they are doing violates the ToS.

What are you trying to get from this spawn that's so important? Money? Equipment? It's a big universe. PM me. I bet I have a better way to do what it is you are trying to do.

The developers may as well say "Only one person is allowed to sell armor at a time and no more than 6 months at a time" because someone is mad that Sena has a loyal customer base and is "camping" the armor market.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

>Shakes fist at Sena for being awesome<
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That is the definition of not being AFK so yea. You and the guy that's been there x hours have exactly equal right to a given spawn under the current terms of service.

If someone is in your favorite spot go do something else. That's what I did when trying to get the Nexu dna. It was camped the first 8 or so times I went down, and you actually have to work to get to that spawn. Then I had to learn abilities from it. So I don't have much sympathy. There's only ONE place to do that.

Now, if the developers say "Ok it's illegal to stay at a given spawn for more than 1 hour!" that changes the equation. In that case, what they are doing violates the ToS.

What are you trying to get from this spawn that's so important? Money? Equipment? It's a big universe. PM me. I bet I have a better way to do what it is you are trying to do.

The developers may as well say "Only one person is allowed to sell armor at a time and no more than 6 months at a time" because someone is mad that Sena has a loyal customer base and is "camping" the armor market.

It's absolutely ridiculous.

>Shakes fist at Sena for being awesome<
Alright then, I guess we can wrap up the thread. I'll be in Ord for the next year, pulling in 15 mil a day. Hope everyone is chill with that
I'm going to go ahead and close this as I can't imagine the discussion going anywhere productive.

Our Community Standards are clear with respect to our posture on unattended play. Report players to Community Support if you believe they are in violation of our rules and we will investigate and take action in accordance with our policies.

We will address the spawning regardless because we don't believe positioning yourself in one place and holding fire is an appropriate mechanism for the challenging and fun gameplay we strive to create.
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