Space Duty Mission Token Overhaul.

Space Duty Mission Token Overhaul.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
To have a slight increase of Duty Mission Tokens paid out to make them feel more worthwhile to get. And to reward the risk taken whilst doing these mission Overt. And to also help encourage more Organic PvP in space.

1) that there be a 1000 token reward for mastering a squadron be added so as to introduce new players to the Kash Nunes Gamble.

2) A 50% increase in payout for players who choose to do duty missions whilst non overt and a 100% increase to those who choose to be Overt whilst doing these missions.

3) 2 New Duty missions one
a) A new duty in the Ord Mantell Sector using t6 spawns that pays 800 tokens upon completion. Owing to the naturally occurring spawns this could be a very challenging mission to take and will require a pilot to use a lot of skills to finish. It would also be a shared payout to group members giving space a much needed group activity
b) A Deep Space Duty Mission that will pay out 1000 Tokens. I propose that this will be t4 spawns as Deep Space is a very small sector so anyone doing these missions will be easy to hunt quickly. Also as it is a PvP only area there will be people using smaller ships with out the firepower of the bigger ships.
Duty Missions and Kash Nunes where introduced on Live to help new players obtain the stats that they needed for starter RE projects and for more established players to complete their longer standing more advanced RE Projects by offering them the chance to specify the level part and type that they required for their projects by offering the player a chance to roll the dice and cut down the RNG aspect of loot drops obtained whilst farming. Many players feel that the pay out for these missions is not worthwhile and would rather farm spots for hours on end than do duty missions. Hopefully an increase in the pay out of Tokens will give them an incentive to do the Duty Missions.

With regards to the 100% increase in payment for been overt. This will hopefully encourage more players to go overt and provide more Space PvP. It also brings the Duty missions token pay out in line with event tokens ( Life Day, Empire Day etc)

The increase in token pay out should not have a negative effect on the economy as it is not a massive increase in the amounts paid out. For reference. a Level 10 Part costs 100 tokens. Should it be junk and sold to a chassis dealer for 10k. On average when I do duty missions I will do them for approx an hour and a half to do 2 of the Yavin cultist missions, and at present will earn about 1000 tokens.. so only potentially 100k creds should I choose to go for lvl 10 guns and they are all junk. The Credit chip payout for doing this normally works out at about 30k on average and the selling of junk parts another 50k on average.
To help encourage players to do these mission rather than just farm specific mobs and spots, To help encourage players to start to play the space RE game and work on projects. by giving them a few more rolls of the dice with Kash Nunes
After discussions with the community in the Space Senate Channel and Various DM's It has been found that the general consensus with regards to Duty Mission Token Payout is low and does not motivate players to do these and instead they would prefer farming spawns such as the Kash Merc freighters, The static t6 Pirates and the Orion Scyks in Ord Mantell. Most players who have engaged in the discussion have agreed that they woudl like payouts increased. This will hopefully make the idea of doing duty missions more appealing to players.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Upvote from Prudii Tor..

MajorSethDawg — Today at 12:59
I really like your PV not sure if my acc is old enough but getting more chances at RE parts is very appealing and would spice up duty missions to the point where I feel like you’d have less people sitting on a T6 spawn in ord
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some strong ideas and hopefully #2 is relatively simply to implement. #3 would also be cool but respect that that might be a longer term project for the team.
i like these ideas. i also believe it would bring more activity to space. With the limited content and story lines in space it does tend to become stagnant. this would add much needed content, purpose, and the thrill of pvp if desired.
Upvote from Prox.Sei-Ro

Very simple; I see rarely other folk up in Space exept at the usual static spawns a.s.o. With making Duties more rewarding, it should definetly alter on how Space is frequented - and by whom as well. I'd like to see more random groups tagging along for spaceaction - even so if it would be like the spins on ground - it would be a great improvement.
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from Chervill another upvote

  1. ChervilToday at 16:21​

    I joined 4/8 and play almost daily.

  2. [16:22]
    The two main reasons I came here is I love JTL and I like the mix/match of the skill system I joined Live right after the CU hit, so it is my main comfort zone (although I have zero issues with the NGE other than the bait/switch of implementation).

  3. [16:24]
    Most of the server economies I have tried are borked and unbalanced to say the least. Legends and SWGEmu make it nearly impossible for a newer player to get a foothold without making a lot of "connections". One of the things I have loved about R3 so far is how they have tried hard to keep the economy under control. I say that to offer a bit of background to my response about the Duty Token thread.

  4. [16:30]
    Since I started playing, I have only done one round of Space XP grinding in a POB. That was parked on Ord Mantell and it was because I finally hit T4 missions and needed 1M XP to progress. The rest has been a mix of Merc Missions from the space stations and the Lok Nym's Hovel T3 spawns. One of the reasons I haven't done as many of the Merc Missions is, as you said, the payout wasn't worth the effort. Travel to the wp. Wait for one enemy to spawn. Kill it and wait for 2, then 3. After doing that 3 times I fight a gunship, which is not too bad if you know how to do it. But especially for newer players the beating you take from the gunship, plus the delay in waiting for new ships to spawn isn't worth the payout. Especially when as a lower level pilot I can hang around the ME station and pick off the mercenary ships that naturally spawn there, or go to Nym's Hovel and kill the T2/T3 ships that spawn there. The spawns are relatively quick and I loot some decent parts. If the token payout was increased, it would be much more inticing. I realize that they may want to disincentivize a T4 player from just running T1 merc missions and farming tokens quickly, but I don't see why the payout can't scale based on your pilot skill/cert level like the other payouts do
Great player voice and would love to see some changes to duty mission payout.

1) that there be a 1000 token reward for mastering a squadron be added so as to introduce new players to the Kash Nunes Gamble.
Completely on board with this.
  • Entices players to work towards Ace of Aces
  • Great way to introduce Kash Nunes to newer pilots
2) A 50% increase in payout for players who choose to do duty missions whilst non overt and a 100% increase to those who choose to be Overt whilst doing these missions.
Yes please!

3) 2 New Duty missions one
a) A new duty in the Ord Mantell Sector using t6 spawns that pays 800 tokens upon completion. Owing to the naturally occurring spawns this could be a very challenging mission to take and will require a pilot to use a lot of skills to finish. It would also be a shared payout to group members giving space a much needed group activity
b) A Deep Space Duty Mission that will pay out 1000 Tokens. I propose that this will be t4 spawns as Deep Space is a very small sector so anyone doing these missions will be easy to hunt quickly. Also as it is a PvP only area there will be people using smaller ships with out the firepower of the bigger ships.
a: Sounds like the "high-tier" duty tokens that you can get in Kessel, no? Would not be against Ord Mantell getting its own duty missions though. I am also a fan of the 800 rewards at the end.

b. I'm not so sure on this one.
  • I advocate it in the regard that is might spark more organic space pvp
  • However, I think those players that have god-tier ships and superior pvp experience will monopolize these duty missions

A thing to think about is if there is some sort of change to duty mission payouts, it will increase the number of parts that are generated. While this is great for reverse engineering, we are all aware of how many garbage parts you get from Kash Nunes and you end up selling to the chassis dealer.

I think this will only increase the already large gap in credit generation between ground and space. Personally, I have probably generated ~15 million from the parts provided by Kash Nunes so far on this server, which wasn't even my goal. I was trying to find a high percentile part and generated those credits as a by-product.

I try to do 4 duty missions a day, if possible, and achieved this profit in around 3 months of casual game-time.

I know this player voice isn't concentrated on those issues, so sorry for getting off track, but I think it is something to think about.
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I am for the player voice for the following reasons;

Currently the length of time spent vs reward given is far too low for it to be worth it. Farming spawns just about anywhere in Ord Mantell is faster and more lucrative. As of right now it feels better off to spend most of your time farming for random parts and waiting until you need the last 1 or 2 items before you start gambling on Kash. Even then, it feels terrible to be spending 100 duty tokens on a part that ends up being crap. With current payouts, getting 3-4 junk parts in a row could be an hour or more of wasted time.

The new duty missions you're proposing would be nice to see and I think are a good way to combat people hoarding afk spawns in OM. I'm a fan of the high risk/high reward style of gameplay that attempting to farm overtly in these spaces would present. There is always the option to not be overt and just do the missions regularly if space PvP really isn't your thing.

I still would like to see an improvement in Kash's drop rate to make it really be worthwhile to run duty missions. Previously I had suggested making it so that he guarantees a 95% stat when you purchase an item from him, but I can concede that might be a little too much. Perhaps something like a built in pity timer, where after you purchase 10 parts without getting a high quality stat, your next purchase has at least one HQ stat (at random), and the timer resets.
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Good changes proposed here. I believe it is a good way to make space more worthwile for new players and those who have been playing. The increased duty payout and deep space missions are definitely needed to make space not feel like boring grind(imo).
Good changes proposed here. I believe it is a good way to make space more worthwile for new players and those who have been playing. The increased duty payout and deep space missions are definitely needed to make space not feel like boring grind(imo).
come back. I miss my favorite Imperial and I still have your 3 crates of glowsticks you never picked up
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Good changes proposed here. I believe it is a good way to make space more worthwile for new players and those who have been playing. The increased duty payout and deep space missions are definitely needed to make space not feel like boring grind(imo).
If you come back to discord I will put up a PV that the Fedora and Whip are added ingame even thou its notmy errr jurisdiction? :P
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I like it. Let's incentivize actual gameplay. I just wanna put in my 2 cents and say... let's also be careful. I think we all know that this is how Legends started out before they went off the deep end.
I like it. Let's incentivize actual gameplay. I just wanna put in my 2 cents and say... let's be careful. I think we all know that this is how Legends started out before they went off the deep end.
This is not how Legends started out. The devs intentions where good and I can see the view point that they wanted to attract a lot of vets back to the game and one of the biggest draw backs was the gear grind, more so in Space as people had loadouts that they had spent years working on. The Legends pitfalls and mistakes are something that I am keen to avoid hence why I have thought long and hard about the token pay outs for the new missions and the amount that normal duty missions pay out.

The Legends going off the deep end was caused by the introduction of their High Tier Duty missions which have a pay out of over 5000 tokens if finished whilst overt. But even that was not the real cause. Unfortunatly Human nature and greed ended up been the cause as players where doing marathon grinds and making player truces during a double tokens week and millions of tokens where been generated so farming whilst overt and expecting to left alone became the norm. Something that the CSRs and Devs should not have ignored but they did.
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this is a clever initiative from Narmy with a good insight to how to gain more interaction with spacers rather than just lets sit here and farm static spawn crap, a way of gaining legitimate loot via kash nunnes and actually working and learning the mechanics of space combat, either in a pve role or pvp as a lot of people do not like to pvp but still get a good reward from pve.
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1) that there be a 1000 token reward for mastering a squadron be added so as to introduce new players to the Kash Nunes Gamble.

I don't think this is super necessary but I do think it would be nice for those people who enjoy running the different squadrons. As Dom mentioned, you're more likely to see people running these together to complete them as a team, which is really something that space content would benefit from.

2) A 50% increase in payout for players who choose to do duty missions whilst non overt and a 100% increase to those who choose to be Overt whilst doing these missions.

Duty missions definitely need some boosting. +50% on the baseline sounds reasonable to me with the caveat that other duty missions like Debris Cultists/T4 Black Suns from Arkon's Havoc receive less of a bonus, maybe 10-25% at most. As it stands, someone running duty missions for tokens is going to pick from a select few to maximize their earnings and I think it's typically the T4-T5s with gunboat spawns that people tend to skip over. Those are the ones that most need the boost. Duty missions that spawn large quantities of enemies with no true boss wave are pretty quick and risk-free to run as it is. It would over-incentivize them for their rewards to scale in the same way as lesser-done duties.

I may also be in the minority for this, but I think a +100% increase to Overt is too high. +50% sounds fair to me, +75% would be pretty substantial.

a) A new duty in the Ord Mantell Sector using t6 spawns that pays 800 tokens upon completion. Owing to the naturally occurring spawns this could be a very challenging mission to take and will require a pilot to use a lot of skills to finish. It would also be a shared payout to group members giving space a much needed group activity

This is awesome and I love the focus on "shared payout." As it is, there's little reason to help someone with a duty mission since only the mission holder receives the winnings. Any type of content that incentivizes grouping with shared rewards in space is a type of content that I would love to see and, in fact, I think it would be a good idea for group members to receive a prize from any duty mission taken and assisted with - even if it's only a portion of the earnings. But that's a different topic for another post.

The only thing I would have to add here is that the 800 token bonus should scale with the actual difficulty of the T6 duty. Don't get me wrong, it sounds fair, but what one person considers worth 800 tokens versus what another person considers worth 800 tokens is going to vary. It's a hard thing to keep consistent with the token gains as it is, let alone in addition to the token gains being proposed. I would just hate to see it added and to become either used exclusively or unused entirely.

b) A Deep Space Duty Mission that will pay out 1000 Tokens. I propose that this will be t4 spawns as Deep Space is a very small sector so anyone doing these missions will be easy to hunt quickly. Also as it is a PvP only area there will be people using smaller ships with out the firepower of the bigger ships.

I have very little experience with Deep Space but I like it in theory. I would hope that this duty mission would also have group-wide rewards like the Ord mission, though. More rewards for grouping, more activity. Especially for PvP-centric content it's good to reward the entirety who show up rather than the one or two caught on their own. This might even have the side effect of changing group dynamics so that tankier ships are the mission holders and other party members serve to protect. Little things like this could provide the shake-up to space meta that I imagine we all like to experience.

edit: I'm less concerned about the 1000 token bonus from a proposed Deep Space duty completion than the 800 from Ord because, regardless of difficulty, I think the odds of completion are low when met with sufficient and focused player opposition. If anything, 1000 might even be too low if it's not party-wide.

Overall, these are good suggestions and would help new and veteran players alike.
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After discussions with the community in the Space Senate Channel and Various DM's It has been found that the general consensus with regards to Duty Mission Token Payout is low and does not motivate players to do these and instead they would prefer farming spawns such as the Kash Merc freighters, The static t6 Pirates and the Orion Scyks in Ord Mantell. Most players who have engaged in the discussion have agreed that they woudl like payouts increased. This will hopefully make the idea of doing duty missions more appealing to players.
You can earn 660 tokens in about 70mins Avg. Sometimes I can do it in 60 min sometimes 80min. It all depends on distance to next WP.
You can earn 660 tokens in about 70mins Avg. Sometimes I can do it in 60 min sometimes 80min. It all depends on distance to next WP.
I earn over a thousand in this time scale.... the issue is that the cost of components from Kash Nunes is pretty high. Say Im going for lvl 10 guns. I can get a lot more farming than i do with duty missions and buying them
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I earn over a thousand in this time scale.... the issue is that the cost of components from Kash Nunes is pretty high. Say Im going for lvl 10 guns. I can get a lot more farming than i do with duty missions and buying them
BS on the 1000 I have evaluated every duty mission running multiple times to get avg numbers. I can't stand people that always want to one up people because they think they are better. Don't say crap that is false it's not a good look.
I agree that the token amounts are currently low enough that it does not encourage folks to do them, and I think boosting the amount would be great.
But I also think it would be better if the tokens could be spent in a differnt or more efficient way. 2 ideas.
1: be able to spend them on more than just parts and scanner/interdiction schems. Perhaps some decor items, pilot clothing, etc, sky is the limit.
2: be able to make the Kash gamble...less gamble-y. Perhaps the ability to pay 2x/3x/4x/whatev the tokens and be able to boost a particular stat on a part to say, 90%+. This idea in particular I think could also make a small impact on reducing inflation due to fewer parts going from Kash straight to the vendor.
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