Space Overhaul

Space Overhaul
Consolidation of the multiple space player voices with one overhaul of the space end game and credit generation issues. Details below.
Having multiple different player voices for adjusting different parts of space leaves room for favorable adjustments to be made while ones that people don’t like are significantly downvoted. There must be concessions made, like it or not, to find balance. Otherwise the devs may just decide to nerf space how they see fit (and still could). Combining everything into one revamp shows a clear path forward, with actual balance changes designed to shift the focus of space from credit farming to ship building and combat. I’ve compiled this list based on discussions held by people in discord, other player voice posts, as well as my own thoughts.
An attempt to find common ground that players can agree upon, shifting the focus of space from farming credits to building better ships and enjoying more content.
Issue #1 – Credit Generation

Between credit chips and part drops, the amount of system generated credits per kill results in a large disparity between how much can be earned in space per hour when compared to ground activities. There are locations in space where credits and parts can be farmed without having to move at all. Running a simple macro can net you upwards of 750k per hour with zero effort. There is no similar activity on ground that comes close to matching this.

Proposed Solution
  • 50% reduction in credit chip value per kill of T6 and higher enemies.
  • 50% reduction in value of ship parts sold to the chassis dealer.
  • 75% increase in credit generation from ground kills/missions. (Excluding BH Payouts)
  • Adjust the value of weapons, armor, and jewelry to sell to the junk vendor at 40 credits per CL.

Simply nerfing credit reduction in space will only create disparity for newer players in an already inflating economy. Rather than only reducing space credit generation, we should shift some of this generation to ground combat activities and rewards so that both paths provide opportunities for new and existing players to make decent earnings. Targeting higher tier ships for the credit chip reduction will keep new players from being heavily affected, so that they can still earn towards purchasing future upgrades. I’m proposing a 60% reduction to weapon value to the junk vendor while a sizable increase to the current value or armor and jewelry. This should balance out as armor/jewelry drop heavily compared to weapons, yet currently only sell for a fraction of what a weapon goes for.

Issue #2 – Ship Decay

Currently, ship parts have zero decay. This means that there is zero cost to a decent pilot while farming. Their ship remains in perfect condition while they amass a fortune. Even if your ship is destroyed and you repair it to full at a space station, the cost is minimal.

Proposed Solution
  • Introduce a stat to both crafted and RE’d parts that matches ground items, Condition.
  • Condition should wear down through use of the components or other factors such as being destroyed, shot, or overcharged. This should happen at different rates to ensure a player isn’t having to essentially build a whole new ship all at once.
  • Normal crafted ship components should have a repair system similar to weapons and armor and then eventually need to be replaced once broken.
  • Collection ship components should have an option to deconstruct them back into a schematic once broken and be recrafted by a Shipwright.
  • Reverse Engineered components should be able to be remade in the same fashion they were created originally, with the broken component being rebuilt as it was or even upgraded if better parts are used during the recrafting process.
  • Starter ships and their components should be exempt from this as to allow new pilots time to familiarize themselves with piloting and to start saving credits for a better ship.

There are too few credit sinks at the end game of space. Once you’ve finished leveling up your pilot and building your high-end ship, several things happen. You no longer need to buy components from a shipwright. They are reduced to selling you missiles, repair kits, and the like. As your ship and piloting skills both improve over time, you are needing to repair less, thus negating any potential credit sink of having to do so. These changes would offer Shipwrights additional avenues to continue making credits through new and rebuilt parts. It would also help prevent some credits from entering the economy due to parts being needed to rebuild a reversed engineered component. There was talk of making space collections repeatable, but I think this is a poor choice because it will flood the market with these parts, thus decreasing their value. Making the components deconstructable so that it can be recrafted achieves the same goal of the part not ending up gone forever, while also keeping the value of the part intact.

Issue #3 – Duty Tokens And Their Rewards

Currently the amount of duty tokens received from missions, even while overt, is low compared to the cost of obtaining a ship part from Kash. Kash himself is another problem, being essentially a slot machine that makes all those duty tokens you just farmed mostly worthless. This combination makes duty missions less enticing than simply farming for parts.

Proposed Solution
  • Increase duty mission payouts by 50% for regular duty mission rewards.
  • Increase duty mission payouts by 100% for overt mission rewards.
  • Add a pity timer to Kash Nunes that if you have not received a part that has a stat of 95% or above in your last 15 purchases, the next one is guaranteed to have at least one that meets this (excluding armor).
  • See Narmy’s post regarding introducing new duty missions. This additional content is needed for end game activities. Here is his player voice.

The consistent message about the end game of space is that it is focused on Reverse Engineering and PvP. Increasing duty mission payout will allow players to purchase parts from Kash at a faster pace, and the pity timer will ensure that your efforts are not in vain. Duty tokens are typically junk not only because of their low drop rate per time spent, but also due to poor rate of return when purchasing parts. Only increasing their payouts will just result in more useless parts, keeping these activities unattractive compared to regular farming.


Just implementing one of the changes by itself does not solve the problem. The changes proposed are designed to compliment and work with each other to bring space more in line with ground regarding credit generation, provide shipwrights with more work at the end game of space, and provide the space player with more worthwhile activities at the end game. There was some math done to obtain the numbers I used, but this is just a starting point for discussion and fine tuning.
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It is definitely baffling to me that a game like SWG would include a system where player equipment (ship parts) don't decay at all with use. I'm so glad to see an overhaul proposal that not only takes a holistic view at improving the space experience as well as the balance with the ground game and does it using tools and mechanics that are consistent with the overall design philosophies of the game.

The real work from this pV was done in 3 diffrent ones
Issue #1 – Credit Generation

Between credit chips and part drops, the amount of system generated credits per kill results in a large disparity between how much can be earned in space per hour when compared to ground activities. There are locations in space where credits and parts can be farmed without having to move at all. Running a simple macro can net you upwards of 750k per hour with zero effort. There is no similar activity on ground that comes close to matching this.

Proposed Solution
  • 50% reduction in credit chip value per kill of T6 and higher enemies.
  • 50% reduction in value of ship parts sold to the chassis dealer.
  • 75% increase in credit generation from ground kills/missions. (Excluding BH Payouts)
  • Adjust the value of weapons, armor, and jewelry to sell to the junk vendor at 40 credits per CL.

Simply nerfing credit reduction in space will only create disparity for newer players in an already inflating economy. Rather than only reducing space credit generation, we should shift some of this generation to ground combat activities and rewards so that both paths provide opportunities for new and existing players to make decent earnings. Targeting higher tier ships for the credit chip reduction will keep new players from being heavily affected, so that they can still earn towards purchasing future upgrades. I’m proposing a 60% reduction to weapon value to the junk vendor while a sizable increase to the current value or armor and jewelry. This should balance out as armor/jewelry drop heavily compared to weapons, yet currently only sell for a fraction of what a weapon goes for.

Issue #2 – Ship Decay

Currently, ship parts have zero decay. This means that there is zero cost to a decent pilot while farming. Their ship remains in perfect condition while they amass a fortune. Even if your ship is destroyed and you repair it to full at a space station, the cost is minimal.

Proposed Solution
  • Introduce a stat to both crafted and RE’d parts that matches ground items, Condition.
  • Condition should wear down through use of the components or other factors such as being destroyed, shot, or overcharged. This should happen at different rates to ensure a player isn’t having to essentially build a whole new ship all at once.
  • Normal crafted ship components should have a repair system similar to weapons and armor and then eventually need to be replaced once broken.
  • Collection ship components should have an option to deconstruct them back into a schematic once broken and be recrafted by a Shipwright.
  • Reverse Engineered components should be able to be remade in the same fashion they were created originally, with the broken component being rebuilt as it was or even upgraded if better parts are used during the recrafting process.
  • Starter ships and their components should be exempt from this as to allow new pilots time to familiarize themselves with piloting and to start saving credits for a better ship.

There are too few credit sinks at the end game of space. Once you’ve finished leveling up your pilot and building your high-end ship, several things happen. You no longer need to buy components from a shipwright. They are reduced to selling you missiles, repair kits, and the like. As your ship and piloting skills both improve over time, you are needing to repair less, thus negating any potential credit sink of having to do so. These changes would offer Shipwrights additional avenues to continue making credits through new and rebuilt parts. It would also help prevent some credits from entering the economy due to parts being needed to rebuild a reversed engineered component. There was talk of making space collections repeatable, but I think this is a poor choice because it will flood the market with these parts, thus decreasing their value. Making the components deconstructable so that it can be recrafted achieves the same goal of the part not ending up gone forever, while also keeping the value of the part intact.

Issue #3 – Duty Tokens And Their Rewards

Currently the amount of duty tokens received from missions, even while overt, is low compared to the cost of obtaining a ship part from Kash. Kash himself is another problem, being essentially a slot machine that makes all those duty tokens you just farmed mostly worthless. This combination makes duty missions less enticing than simply farming for parts.

Proposed Solution
  • Increase duty mission payouts by 50% for regular duty mission rewards.
  • Increase duty mission payouts by 100% for overt mission rewards.
  • Add a pity timer to Kash Nunes that if you have not received a part that has a stat of 95% or above in your last 15 purchases, the next one is guaranteed to have at least one that meets this (excluding armor).
  • See Narmy’s post regarding introducing new duty missions. This additional content is needed for end game activities. Here is his player voice.

The consistent message about the end game of space is that it is focused on Reverse Engineering and PvP. Increasing duty mission payout will allow players to purchase parts from Kash at a faster pace, and the pity timer will ensure that your efforts are not in vain. Duty tokens are typically junk not only because of their low drop rate per time spent, but also due to poor rate of return when purchasing parts. Only increasing their payouts will just result in more useless parts, keeping these activities unattractive compared to regular farming.


Just implementing one of the changes by itself does not solve the problem. The changes proposed are designed to compliment and work with each other to bring space more in line with ground regarding credit generation, provide shipwrights with more work at the end game of space, and provide the space player with more worthwhile activities at the end game. There was some math done to obtain the numbers I used, but this is just a starting point for discussion and fine tuning.
You can get 320 tokens in 35-40min. I do it all the time.
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  • Add a pity timer to Kash Nunes that if you have not received a part that has a stat of 95% or above in your last 15 purchases, the next one is guaranteed to have at least one that meets this (excluding armor).
Big fat NO and i dount the devs would also implement this part of your proposal as such.

What your paying for with kash nunes is that your stripping away the first 3 layers of RNG when it comes to space loot rolls. 1) that you will get a part 2) what level of part and 3) what kind of part you will receive. There is no need to add any more stripping of RNG to Duty Missions.
I fully understand that a total stripping rng off of the duty token gamble is undesirable, and also understand that a few layers have already been removed. However, as it stands presently the odds of attaining anything useful from Kash is still overwhelmingly low. As an example, I've recently run through over 4000 tokens, and the highest % I've received on any stat has been 86% (and I've heard plenty of tales that make my 4k look like peanuts by comparison.)

Meanwhile on the ground, there are multiple "grind this currency, attain this item" scenarios available. None of them that I am aware of are, "grind this currency, and if you're lucky...maybe."

That said, I get that rng is simply a part of it. But I'm not entirely sure why there needs to be a hardline stance, "a big fat NO" in the discussion of this idea.
I remember getting to Ace pilot license in the live version and then thinking; where's the content for after you grind to Ace? Any improvement to end game space content is much appreciated.

I always loved the grind to Ace and after experiencing the lack of content after Ace I thought why not introduce some kind of group content that gives the same fun that I felt grinding to Ace. I kinda wish there was some sort of progression system built around progressively harder encounters that where progressively more rewarding in some compelling way.

Anyway, so far the server has been fun in my short time here. And the idea of the OG post is as good as any, if not better than any, I have seen. Well done.
If credit generation disparity with land activities is the issue I don't see why you have to reduce space income and punish pilots when you could just increase ground income and it just rewards ground play without punishing pilots. Just double or triple the ground income.

As far as space item decay I wouldn't mind if it was slow and I had to replace my parts once a month to help ship rights get more repeat business and make it more like armor and weapon smiths.

Of course personally I think they should just leave it alone. Everyone has the option to get in a space ship and make the same money or play on the ground if they want and I really don't think this is a change that needs to be made. I would rather see them recreate the CU than make any real changes.
Of course personally I think they should just leave it alone. Everyone has the option to get in a space ship and make the same money or play on the ground if they want and I really don't think this is a change that needs to be made. I would rather see them recreate the CU than make any real changes.
Space is the only place a crafter or entertainer can experience combat without being instantly one-shotted by the most miserable dregs of mobs. Starting with CU, mixed templates are not viable at all (getting only scraps from both sides); then NGE WOW-in-space killed templates completely with a fixed class system. Be careful what you choose to break in the name of "balance".
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If credit generation disparity with land activities is the issue I don't see why you have to reduce space income and punish pilots when you could just increase ground income and it just rewards ground play without punishing pilots. Just double or triple the ground income.

As far as space item decay I wouldn't mind if it was slow and I had to replace my parts once a month to help ship rights get more repeat business and make it more like armor and weapon smiths.

Of course personally I think they should just leave it alone. Everyone has the option to get in a space ship and make the same money or play on the ground if they want and I really don't think this is a change that needs to be made. I would rather see them recreate the CU than make any real changes.
A big current problem, as I understand it, seems to be credit inflation (too many credits being in circulation, because farming is too easy, making things more expensive than they should be). Space credit income is just the major source of this - increasing ground credits won't fix the problem, it would just make it more consistent.
A big current problem, as I understand it, seems to be credit inflation (too many credits being in circulation, because farming is too easy, making things more expensive than they should be). Space credit income is just the major source of this - increasing ground credits won't fix the problem, it would just make it more consistent.
Yes, so? I know this is a bizarre nigh-heretical notion to any developer of any version of SWG, but for once could you try to not wreck the game for the little guys in the name of reining in the top 1-5%? Believe it or not, there are players who enjoy diverse experiences in the low-to-mid tier, who don't go macro-ing their way into game-breaking fortunes and exploits. With CU and NGE both, I've gotten very tired of having my fun ruined because the big boys are on a rampage, and developers decide that cone fire is easier than sniper shots.
Yes, so? I know this is a bizarre nigh-heretical notion to any developer of any version of SWG, but for once could you try to not wreck the game for the little guys in the name of reining in the top 1-5%? Believe it or not, there are players who enjoy diverse experiences in the low-to-mid tier, who don't go macro-ing their way into game-breaking fortunes and exploits. With CU and NGE both, I've gotten very tired of having my fun ruined because the big boys are on a rampage, and developers decide that cone fire is easier than sniper shots.
How do you propose they do this? The credit inflation needs to be resolved, because it does screw over those that don't fall into the 'best grinding' options - read: low-to-mid tier characters, who aren't macroing their way into game-breaking fortunes and exploits. If you have a suggestion on how to tackle the problem without affecting everyone somehow, by all means - make a seperate PV for it (because really, this bit has gotten off-topic.)
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How do you propose they do this? The credit inflation needs to be resolved, because it does screw over those that don't fall into the 'best grinding' options - read: low-to-mid tier characters, who aren't macroing their way into game-breaking fortunes and exploits. If you have a suggestion on how to tackle the problem without affecting everyone somehow, by all means - make a seperate PV for it (because really, this bit has gotten off-topic.)
No, I don't have specific suggestions. I'm just saying: don't open up with a blunderbuss barrage! I'm tired of being collateral damage.
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How do you propose they do this? The credit inflation needs to be resolved, because it does screw over those that don't fall into the 'best grinding' options - read: low-to-mid tier characters, who aren't macroing their way into game-breaking fortunes and exploits. If you have a suggestion on how to tackle the problem without affecting everyone somehow, by all means - make a seperate PV for it (because really, this bit has gotten off-topic.)
I've said it before, the best way to tackle it is to go after the exploiters. Destroy THEIR method of credit generation. BUT make it still accessible for the ones who aren't using said exploit. Limiting the number of parts that can be sold to the chassis vendor would be a better method.(as an idea) It destroys the top earners method of credit gen, but doesn't hurt the casuals at all. They might not even hit, for instance, selling 100 parts a day. But the credit farmers will.