Tef for reporting jedi

Tef for reporting jedi
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Players who choose to report jedi and groups involved on both sides are now tef'd against each other.
this solves jedi's being griefed by players strictly running around creating groups to report jedi while also encouraging pvp and gameplay.
my group and me being reported and followed for over a hour while we were locked to mustafar unable to leave.
lately players have been spamming known grind areas for jedi strictly to report them, the last 2 days groups have been forming just for searching planets for jedi. NPC's give a warning when your generating vis and you have 1 minute to kill them or they generate the vis. realistically a jedi cannot hide from groups forever and will be spotted which is fine i have no issues with being BH'd or the Inq or Vader etc. but to have a group of players follow you reporting without any way of getting rid of them besides logging off is a bit of a issue in my opinion, we are already limited by deaths and vis locking us to planets etc. im asking that jedi get the chance similar to npcs if they are willing to spam report a jedi or group of jedi allow the jedi to fight them over it. if a player wants to follow a jedi around and keep reporting them give the jedi the opportunity to fight them for it creating a tef between the reported or reported group with the reporter/reporter group would stop griefers from running in and reporting any jedi they see every 5 minutes until the jedi is forced to log off unable to leave the planet. it would also create plenty of pvp for the players who felt up to the challenge encouraging pvp. FRS has already been stated as "you can be attacked by anyone whose willing to tef against you" so this would be no different it gives jedi the option of defending themselves against people who knowingly choose to report them.
This sounds like the system is working as intended. If people are reporting you, the intent is to unequip your lightsaber and stop using force powers to avoid getting reported or deal with the consequences. Jedi are meant to have to find more obscure/difficult/isolated grinding options etc. Its part of gimmick.
You want a tef for someone reporting you when this server won't even implement a group tef when one of their party members is actively being killed by a bounty hunter?

You took the risk of grinding in the most popular place for jedi and you have suffered the consequences. Next time leave before you build that much vis instead of going to a pv to cry.
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You want a tef for someone reporting you when this server won't even implement a group tef when one of their party members is actively being killed by a bounty hunter?

You took the risk of grinding in the most popular place for jedi and you have suffered the consequences. Next time leave before you build that much vis instead of going to a pv to cry.
"next time leave before you build that much vis instead of going to a pv to cry" lol so it took 1 report to lock me to the planet which to be fair i was grouped with quite a few jedi, the radar/screen was covered enough between mobs n lag no one in the group managed to spot him before he had reported everyone in the group. which again 1 report no big deal i get it i was grinding in public n got caught, dont think it should have locked me to the planet to be stalked for the next hour but is what it is. but then 5 minutes later 3 more of his buddies came and reported us too after we had all left that zone and moved to another area on the other end of the map. then for the next 30 - 45 minutes we all get to try n play escape the reporter while they follow us but we cant leave the planet. Your first line has nothing to do with this n is another subject. I'm not complaining about the system not working I'm just asking to be able to defend myself against the ones who make it more of a issue then it should be. Tef'ing a reporter makes sense i can kill the npc's who cause vis why cut out the players? give me the option to silence them before they report even if you want to look at it from a lore perspective it makes sense. the only logical arguments anyone has made is that it would negatively hurt the ents/crafters which i agreed with so if this were to be implemented add a level restriction to the tef if they are low lvl they cant be tef'd n the issues solved.
IF you read the dev diary this is in line with the vision the devs had in mind , the Jedi are on the run , they are not trusted and everyone is encouraged to report them , if your sole issue is you were "locked" on Mustafar and being chased , there are things you can do , 1) log out and let any visibility you had decay , 2) log out till things cool down in that area so you can leave once your visibility has gone down , before you say , "well my time is limited blah blah" you were given a 4th slot USE it , many ppl would love to have a 4th slot to play with , im down voting this
I can see a Dark Jedi attacking someone that reports them, but for the Jedi creed I can't imagine they would attack an innocent just for reporting them. The empire is quick to blame anyone associated with a Jedi, reporting them is just protecting yourself.
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4 different Downvotes and not a single one listed why they disagreed with this idea you all jumped at the fact i was grinding on mustafar and that im crying instead of thinking what a cool mechanic this could add to the game. im not crying nor do i have a issue with the fact i got vis yes i was salty about being stuck on musty n being forced to log out but thats not what the post is about. it gives jedi the option to defend themselves against being camped n spammed by people reporting n stalking but at the same time creates a unique pvp situation, the lore behind it fits and if your not going out of your way to ruin someone elses day why would it bother you? there are no rewards for reporting you gain nothing if anything you pay extra n end up costing yourself more for paying to escalate the report. add in rewards, make it a cool pvp thing instead of sucking the fun out of someones day. and if reporting is that important to you theres no reason you cant beat me in a fight or escape n do it anyways. of course i know something like this would have to be tweaked in areas its just ment to be a general idea of something that could be added.

Edit: draconious did list why he disagreed he doesn't see light side jedi killing people for reporting which makes sense. however at the moment none of the jedi are light or dark side since we're all padawan. maybe theres a cool story line or lore we could add in or maybe change what exactly the light side chooses to do instead of killing.
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i will play devil's advocate here , the whole thing screams you are/were salty at the fact someone was reporting you and chasing you around , and therefore you should have a way to stop it via TEF and fighting them and now you want to mask it as a cool feature , the best scenario i can think of for this to work would be for Visibility to scale with the CL of the player reporting you , for example a CL 5 crafter reporting you would give you very low visibility and NON attackable , a CL 50 player would give you moderate Visibility and NON attackable , finally a full template CL 80 player would give you the most Visibility and therefore would be the only CL that would be attackable by the Jedi , this i could get behind , but then again that is for the Devs to discuss and chime in , meanwhile my down vote stays
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and thats your choice, i admitted to being salty about it at that time but the actual idea came from another player discussing npc's being killable before they report lol. n honestly your idea doesn't sound bad at all id be fine with it going that way. also tho even if it is me looking for a way to fight them it doesn't really change the feature it falls in line with what you said. it gives me the option to defend myself and introduces a cool feature it can be both.
4 different Downvotes and not a single one listed why they disagreed with this idea you all jumped at the fact i was grinding on mustafar and that im crying instead of thinking what a cool mechanic this could add to the game. im not crying nor do i have a issue with the fact i got vis yes i was salty about being stuck on musty n being forced to log out but thats not what the post is about. it gives jedi the option to defend themselves against being camped n spammed by people reporting n stalking but at the same time creates a unique pvp situation, the lore behind it fits and if your not going out of your way to ruin someone elses day why would it bother you? there are no rewards for reporting you gain nothing if anything you pay extra n end up costing yourself more for paying to escalate the report. add in rewards, make it a cool pvp thing instead of sucking the fun out of someones day. and if reporting is that important to you theres no reason you cant beat me in a fight or escape n do it anyways. of course i know something like this would have to be tweaked in areas its just ment to be a general idea of something that could be added.

Edit: draconious did list why he disagreed he doesn't see light side jedi killing people for reporting which makes sense. however at the moment none of the jedi are light or dark side since we're all padawan. maybe theres a cool story line or lore we could add in or maybe change what exactly the light side chooses to do instead of killing.
Pursuing Jedi skills is a criminal activity, as viewed by the law. Why should law abiding citizens reporting criminal activity they witness be subject to immediate attack by said criminals?
Pursuing Jedi skills is a criminal activity, as viewed by the law. Why should law abiding citizens reporting criminal activity they witness be subject to immediate attack by said criminals?
based off what you said im a criminal why wouldn't i attack you for reporting me to the authorities? Muggers,Thiefs,Murderers,Gansters anything you want to call it are all criminals who hurt,kill, try to avoid getting caught. this lines up perfectly with what you said, im a criminal in the eyes of the law why shouldn't i stop you from getting me killed?
based off what you said im a criminal why wouldn't i attack you for reporting me to the authorities? Muggers,Thiefs,Murderers,Gansters anything you want to call it are all criminals who hurt,kill, try to avoid getting caught. this lines up perfectly with what you said, im a criminal in the eyes of the law why shouldn't i stop you from getting me killed?
By and large, criminals don't get to make the laws to benefit themselves.
No one forced you to be a Jedi. You had to go to considerable effort to be one. You did it knowing this server was going to make being a Jedi a challenge. This server is not going to suddenly decide Jedi need coddling. Suck it up and deal with it, if you want to be a Jedi.
but the law has no bearing here you just called me a law breaker n then said im trying to make the law benefit me, no im not im ignoring the law n killing you before you can tell on me.
By and large, criminals don't get to make the laws to benefit themselves.
No one forced you to be a Jedi. You had to go to considerable effort to be one. You did it knowing this server was going to make being a Jedi a challenge. This server is not going to suddenly decide Jedi need coddling. Suck it up and deal with it, if you want to be a Jedi.
sry for some reason it didnt originally show me the bottom part of this msg, your right they've said several times jedi was ment to be challenging n im cool with that im not asking to be coddled im asking to be able to make a reasonable decision to kill players who report me who says pvp makes it any less hard? if anything it makes having a group of players report you even more dangerous. im not asking to kill low lvl players i agreed with the devils advocate on saying we could only fight if they were lvl 80. After all aconite himself and others have claimed jedi is a pvp class this is just adding more to it imo. i rolled jedi intending on pvp its unavoidable so instead of just making it BH's and other Jedi give me the option to also fight those who choose to help the empire in killing me.
I don't see an issue here. If you're suddenly in a position to be wanted by the most powerful government in the galaxy, be smarter about how you grind. If you stay in one spot for too long, you're only bringing it on yourself. This is what made the original hide'n'grind so great and it should stay that way. You let the cat out of the back at "known grind areas". Seriously, if there's already "known grind areas", you're doing it aaaalllll wrong.
I genuinely feel a little torn on this one, a part of me loves the idea of taking revenge on the person reporting. But equally that should if it was implemented result in greater attention from the authorities? Which ultimately would result in the same thing, an investigation from the inquisitor squad / patriots?

But you also forget that DB’ing a player would get you put on the bounty hunter boards, which ultimately ends in the same result your trying to avoid?

Personally I feel this suggestion would stop a large portion of players reporting Jedi for risk of PvP, and in turn take away the fact that Jedi are supposed to be rare or punished severely.

For this reason I am downvoting the suggestion.