Wounds being problematic

Wounds being problematic
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I propose to put all wounds suffered on a timer be it 5 mins or 30 mins and allow them to go away on their own.
The number of new med bots created, the 11 mins or so it takes to rid yourself of wounds, and how they remove me from a real immersive gaming experience. (also credits)
To rid the community of players that have no real plans on playing outside of making a bot and to improve the quality of time in game playing. It also seems unfair credit wise to make us pay for an obsolete mechanic.
Wounds have driven me crazy since day 1. They feel more like a troll to rid me of my game enjoyment and credits and to me set up an environment where med bots get free credits while the rest of us search for ways to earn them while being in game playing and not afk. We have been getting more bots and less players out there.
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until they address the afk game play this will haunt everyone not just med bots. med bots are only profitable if they are used. You chose to use them or not. But to take away wounds imo would setup a scenario of no consequence of death. As long as you have medkits you could fight/die as often as you like. This is just my opinion and in no way reflects the options of the server/staff.
I hardly see anyone afk anymore and the consequence of dying is death/clone (I feel like even NGE had that thing where you had to run and watch an ent to get rid of it).

Only the purest of the pre cu, cu players (how many are even left? ) will even care about keeping wounds and they are all willing to rage quit over the smallest things. They already have twice now. They will hold back the game, Hold any changes hostage via rage quitting.
My biggest problem with games rn is time. We view time a lot different in 2021 then we did in 2005. My time is valuable to me and if I am wasting it running around looking for bots or w/e it is time wasted, time I could have spent questing, etc. 4 mins in 2021 is like 20 mins in 2005 lol
Mos E. Catina usually has doctors along with Dantooine Mining Outpost. If you ask in Discord, I know often Entertainer/Doctors will respond to work requests there as well too as they're always looking to help people (in my experience)
Can't say I see any sense in this suggestion. A huge part of SWG are the mechanics that bring players back to cities for buffs/treatment. Whether you view interacting with an afk doc as immerisve or not, the mechanic of having consequences (wounds) from combat and needing to return to town is part of the sandbox atmosphere of SWG. Even in other versions there is battle fatigue that plays out much the same. But would changing to that really be worth the devs time right now? Removing it entirely would have a large impact on pvp which I dont think would be favorable.

As far as credits go I doubt the afk docs are really sucking up that much currency. And for new players who might not be linked up with a guild yet they provide a pretty important service.
Mos E. Catina usually has doctors along with Dantooine Mining Outpost. If you ask in Discord, I know often Entertainer/Doctors will respond to work requests there as well too as they're always looking to help people (in my experience)
I get it, It is still time to travel from where I am to where I heal up and back.
I've found plenty of med bots around in general. It would be nice if being in a med center/hospital gave a slow tick off on wounds on the rare occasions you can't find a doc, but generally I have no issue with resolving wounds.

I do wonder since the fatigue mechanic was removed (and ENTS now have greater purpose with buffs, but still I miss that) if wounds serve the same job they did when you could get fatigue and wounds. Some disease and poison PvE wound generation seems to be unbalanced to me.
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I've found plenty of med bots around in general. It would be nice if being in a med center/hospital gave a slow tick off on wounds on the rare occasions you can't find a doc, but generally I have no issue with resolving wounds.

I do wonder since the fatigue mechanic was removed (and ENTS now have greater purpose with buffs, but still I miss that) if wounds serve the same job they did when you could get fatigue and wounds. Some disease and poison PvE wound generation seems to be unbalanced to me.
I feel like they seem more like a reason to give DR a purpose which is fine, but what about the rest of us?
to address med bots. Finding them while I'm on tatt or Dant is easy most days but at cl80 I have to travel there just for this purpose alone. (it's a time sink)
I feel like they seem more like a reason to give DR a purpose which is fine, but what about the rest of us?
to address med bots. Finding them while I'm on tatt or Dant is easy most days but at cl80 I have to travel there just for this purpose alone. (it's a time sink)

so its inconvenient to have to travel to Tatt or Dant to get a DR?
Would you pay a premium for a delivered-to-you doctor (doctor on demand)?

What if a NPC doctor was available on the planet, but only if a player doctor wasn't already on the planet?
NPC Dr or ENT someone could go watch or interface with would be a great idea. Tho, it would just be the cause of another players heartache at the end of the day. I'm starting to see the player base has zero cares about attracting new players and could walk around in an empty universe. Thank you for taking the time out.
Based on some of these posts, it seems like some of it has to do with missed opportunities for aspiring medical practices. I don't know what the population of doctors is on the server, but it does seem they all congregate in a very small area around the ME Starport and Cantina. What could be done to encourage some to hang out a shingle on Dathomir, Kashyyyk, etc.?
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Based on some of these posts, it seems like some of it has to do with missed opportunities for aspiring medical practices. I don't know what the population of doctors is on the server, but it does seem they all congregate in a very small area around the ME Starport and Cantina. What could be done to encourage some to hang out a shingle on Dathomir, Kashyyyk, etc.?
more population more money/exp/socializing. I do like the idea of "Doc for hire".
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Would you pay a premium for a delivered-to-you doctor (doctor on demand)?

What if a NPC doctor was available on the planet, but only if a player doctor wasn't already on the planet?
We used to have slow wound reduction from just hanging out in a med center/hospital. But it was (and should be) crap compared to finding a Doc. Wounds (and fatigue) were supposed to break up the constant grind - thats not immersion breaking its more immersive. Anyone claiming immersion break on this misstating the truth. Its annoying when all you want to do is combat constantly, but you could always make your own Doc.

I think the real opportunity here is to make Doc buffs and heals more interactive and valuable.
We used to have slow wound reduction from just hanging out in a med center/hospital. But it was (and should be) crap compared to finding a Doc. Wounds (and fatigue) were supposed to break up the constant grind - thats not immersion breaking its more immersive. Anyone claiming immersion break on this misstating the truth. Its annoying when all you want to do is combat constantly, but you could always make your own Doc.

I think the real opportunity here is to make Doc buffs and heals more interactive and valuable.
I say we disable wounds for a week and see how it really effects anything. At present, its is only a graphic and has no real impact on the game outside of making the game look broken. So why keep them at all? Because a player base of 20 players wants them. Lets ask the 400 or so accounts that are missing what they think.
I say we disable wounds for a week and see how it really effects anything. At present, its is only a graphic and has no real impact on the game outside of making the game look broken. So why keep them at all? Because a player base of 20 players wants them. Lets ask the 400 or so accounts that are missing what they think.
When did wounds change to where they were only a graphic?
Disable wounds?
I say we disable wounds for a week and see how it really effects anything. At present, its is only a graphic and has no real impact on the game outside of making the game look broken. So why keep them at all? Because a player base of 20 players wants them. Lets ask the 400 or so accounts that are missing what they think.
Disable wounds? Wounds decrease your health cap. When you get your wounds healed - your max health goes up. Am I missing something? Just because they suck doesn't mean they should be removed from game. Get wounds - go see a Doc. That's just how it works.
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