Wounds being problematic

Wounds being problematic
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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I propose to put all wounds suffered on a timer be it 5 mins or 30 mins and allow them to go away on their own.
The number of new med bots created, the 11 mins or so it takes to rid yourself of wounds, and how they remove me from a real immersive gaming experience. (also credits)
To rid the community of players that have no real plans on playing outside of making a bot and to improve the quality of time in game playing. It also seems unfair credit wise to make us pay for an obsolete mechanic.
Wounds have driven me crazy since day 1. They feel more like a troll to rid me of my game enjoyment and credits and to me set up an environment where med bots get free credits while the rest of us search for ways to earn them while being in game playing and not afk. We have been getting more bots and less players out there.
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No longer relevant. Doc bots on 24x7 in coronet, theed, mos eisley; payment is optional. A space ship is free from a pilot trainer and you never need to leave ground to use it so interplanetary travel is free and instant. Downvoted.
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I'm fairly new in the game and my first character is Master Carbineer, Master Combat Medic and 4XXX Doctor. I find it quite rewarding to play a valued supportive character in combat and afterwards by patching up my fellow combatants.
I think we have to keep wounds as a consequence. Besides there are several options to wound healing yourself and if camps would have wound healing effect like in the good ol' days there would be more. You can hang out in a med center; you can add novice doc or TKA 4xxx to your build. Those are options right off the top of my head.
@Aconite Maybe a BE crafted bandage or wound care kit that increases wound heal rate in a med center and allows healing in camps would be a cool idea instead of an NPC?
I leveled three characters and having wounds was never a problem, nor was getting them healed. Sometimes I did have to wait a bit to get them healed, but nevertheless, wounds never exceed 500 and content is still doable with them. This game is definitely before the instant gratification today's games now teach players inadvertently, and I'd hate to see this game become one.
Docs and Hospitals can remove wounds, most AFK doc bots, have heal wounds added to their macro. Docs remove them faster than sitting in a Hospital.
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I say we disable wounds for a week and see how it really effects anything. At present, its is only a graphic and has no real impact on the game outside of making the game look broken. So why keep them at all? Because a player base of 20 players wants them. Lets ask the 400 or so accounts that are missing what they think.
I've admittedly not done much endgame ground content but "just a graphic" really only applies in so far as the most basic of game content. Sure, we can run content like Jabba's Palace with wounds, but when it comes to PvP or fighting bosses that are designed for groups? Sometimes that reduced HP can be the difference between making it through the fight and not.

Really it benefits casual players the most to have it this way; someone who doesn't want to be bothered with getting their wounds cleared doesn't have to if they want to forage or do a low-effort spin group. There's no pressure to tip the doc every time that player wants to do something. For the players who are going in to skirmishes? The endgame, geared player who has credits to spare? Removing their wounds is an essential part of the process and acquiring wounds can change success parameters- it also provides an additional outlet to spread credits around, sometimes to newer players who want to set up a buff bot to get their bearings early on.

Being said, wounds do feel very light here and I wouldn't be against tweaking them in the opposite direction. I do understand why it is how it is and I believe that the way it is now is to find middle-ground for those "400 or so accounts that are missing." Whether or not that middle-ground is successful and, if not, how to improve upon it is probably a different topic from this one altogether.
Honestly, I think we should increase the Wound Cap. Especially if you could tie it to a percentage instead of number of health points (like 50% max wounds no matter how much health you have). As it stands, the cap of 500 is balanced well for beginning players, but It is pretty negligible at max. I agree with Syzygy's post about it still mattering to PvP players and End-Game Group Content, but I would like to see it be more impactful within the game.
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I think we have to keep wounds as a consequence. Besides there are several options to wound healing yourself and if camps would have wound healing effect like in the good ol' days there would be more. You can hang out in a med center; you can add novice doc or TKA 4xxx to your build. Those are options right off the top of my head.
@Aconite Maybe a BE crafted bandage or wound care kit that increases wound heal rate in a med center and allows healing in camps would be a cool idea instead of an NPC?
Wounds really are out of hand. I took ONE mission to kill Dune Lizards. I got diseased at least 3 times, almost certainly more, and came back to ME with about 350 wounds. Med center wound healing is unbelievably slow, and I got kicked for being AFK at least twice waiting. (Yeah, yeah, there's doctors, but I'm brand new here.) In Pre-CU, even a Novice Medic could heal wounds, even if you are in constant rotation to the cantina for entertainers to handle the resulting mental damage. And the first box up the medicine column gave you wound medpacks. This is one of the things I hated most about the CU: the way that basic professions were nerfed to utter worthlessness, where before you could be broadly functional without more than a novice box of any advanced.
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