Add more utility to creature mounts

Add more utility to creature mounts
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Feedback Needed by the development team. See the post from the developers asking for follow-up discussion or alternative suggestions to discuss.
Proposing some changes to boost the effectiveness of mounts. Creature Handlers will get a boost to mount speed / endurance at Novice, Creature Training IV, and Master and make mounts act like vehicles (don't disappear when you dismount). . Lastly, there should be tiers of mounts based on speed and creatures should be divided in these groups- the fastest creatures would be in tier III while the slowest creatures would be in tier I.
To make mounts more effective so they can be used just as often as vehicles. This will also give them more utility.
Mounts, while cool, don't really serve any function and they are not practical means of travel.
Creature mounts have always been a cool concept in Star Wars Galaxies, but I think with a few tweaks, they could be made even better. They do not really work as an alternative to a speeder or swoop because they simply do not move fast enough- I think that should be changed with a few boosts.

At Novice Creature Handler, gaining a 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Creature Training IV, gaining an addition 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Master Creature Handler, gaining an additional 30% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance for a total of 80%.

Lastly, make mounts be in a tiered ranking system by speed (tier I, II and III) with the fastest creatures being in tier III and the slowest creatures being in tier I.
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CH being faster on mounts (y)
Mounts being as fast as swoops (n)
CH being able to train and sell trained mounts that are faster. (y)

If a credit sink of some kind is required than why not just make mounts that have increased speed require constant feeding just like combat pets. A full meter (similar to our food/drink bar) that when filled gives you the full benefit of your speed increase and when empty is the same speed as a default mount.
I support this! (y)
If mounts didnt disappear, then any player would be able to color their mounts. I tried to do this the first time I ever got a mount, and was disappointed that the creature coloring item I had was useless.

1. Make mounts stay after dismount.
2. Allow anyone to use a coloring kit to color them.
3. Change the EGG into something else. Maybe just called them "Mounts." This way mounts would be easily searchable on bazaar. Currently we have to look at each egg item to see if its a mount or a pet and thats annoying...
4. CH being able to experiment on mount attributes sounds reasonable as well. They could charge a high premium for the best results.

These are the only changes to mounts I would support. I wouldnt try to tie in some of form of money sink to mounts, as not having a repair cost is their only advantage over a vehicle. If you did that, people would just stick to using vehicles.

I currently use both my mount and my speeder. I use my speeder for deep runs, and I use my mount for short distances. In this regard they are already balanced. If you add a maintenance cost to mounts, I would never use a mount, ever.

Also need to fix the broken mounts that have 0.0 speed. Like the "Whisper Bird"
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3. Change the EGG into something else. Maybe just called them "Mounts." This way mounts would be easily searchable on bazaar. Currently we have to look at each egg item to see if its a mount or a pet and thats annoying...
Or you could just use the existing feature and setup a filter when searching for a mount.
OOOOOORRR....... you could just call them what they are. Mounts. Simple quality of life change.
Or you could use the existing build in feature, if you bothered to learn how to play the game, there is no need to put extra work on the devs for a needless change.
Creature mounts have always been a cool concept in Star Wars Galaxies, but I think with a few tweaks, they could be made even better. They do not really work as an alternative to a speeder or swoop because they simply do not move fast enough- I think that should be changed with a few boosts.

At Novice Creature Handler, gaining a 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Creature Training IV, gaining an addition 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Master Creature Handler, gaining an additional 30% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance for a total of 80%.

Lastly, make mounts be in a tiered ranking system by speed (tier I, II and III) with the fastest creatures being in tier III and the slowest creatures being in tier I.
I really like this Idea. I would like to add that I would like to see the scout and ranger professions get the ability to use a basic ranged shot while mounted. Maybe with a huge accuracy penalty with a master ranger getting like a -20% accuracy just to keep it from ever being overpowered. This would help to mitigate the penalty of a slowing mount while engaged in combat. At least if you are slowed you can shoot back lol.
I wouldn’t ever want combat possible on any mount and also don’t think an animal mount should be as fast as a swoop or barc. CH perhaps should be able to be faster on an animal as that would reflect their class.
I use my varactyl for short in between runs and I don’t think it’s that slow.
If they are to be faster then I feel there must be some sort of credit sink for that increased speed. Otherwise it seems like a work around for having to pay for using a mount.
I see your point. Maybe requiring food for mounts.
agree with the mount speed, but being able to attack while mounted is too game breaking
I don't think it would be game breaking if you attached it to a skill tree and made the accuracy penalty bad enough for those with the skill that it will never actually be a powerful skill. Heck you could even make a specialized "Mounted shot" for the scout and ranger professions that at master ranger will only ever be 80% as powerful as a basic ranged shot with a 20% penalty to accuracy.
I love the idea.

Also Mounted Combat is something I have played around with on my own VM.
IF this was ever to be implemented there are a few different scenarios.
The first one being using current abilities, some thought should go into what should or should not be allowed.
The second scenario being adding a specialized skill tree just for mounted combat and limit it to those abilities.
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- Mounts have bonus's based on specific planets. One type of animal mount may be faster on a water world, but slower on desert planet. One type of mount may draw agro quicker than another type on a specific planet, and vise-versa.
- Mounts can be sent to a waypoint. Right-click on a waypoint and tell your mount to go there. The mount will go to that point and stop unless you dismount, put it away, or terminate the command. The mount can still get stuck in a building corner or between two trees, so you'd still have to move them around obstructions. But when you stop manually changing their direction, they move back to their original course to the waypoint.
- Mounts have a slight chance to 'bolter'/panic when attacked causing the rider to be dismounted and the mount to store.
I love the idea.

Also Mounted Combat is something I have played around with on my own VM.
IF this was ever to be implemented there are a few different scenarios.
The first one being using current abilities; some thought should go into what should or should not be allowed.
The second scenario being adding a specialized skill tree just for mounted combat and limit it to those abilities.
If you put mounted combat in the Ranger tree it wouldn't have to be a standalone tree limited only to mounted combat because just to get novice ranger is so expensive point wise that it rarely gets added to builds that aren't planning on mastering ranger. I think it would fit nicely in the "Pursuit and Countermeasures" tree. Look at it this way, If you add Ranger xxx4 to any build it is going to use 97 points. That is 2/5 of your points all for 1 skill. Even if that tree gives another non combat skill you are left with 153 points to use for combat skills. That is enough points to master Marksman and Rifles with 13 points left over. In short a combat character with that skill would never be even close to overpowered.
Some games use the mounts for additional storage capacity... Maybe tailors could create a Saddlebag that allows the storage of items on mounts? I know this might double dip with droids and their storage, but droids have an added bonus of being able to be used everywhere.

Other idea... I can't remember what game it was... Torchlight maybe? Pets could make junk runs to clear inventory. Maybe some idea of that could be implemented.

Other idea... Squad Leaders ca give the group a burst run. CH should be able to give their group some kind of Stampede that greatly increases mounted speed for the group (faster than gallop) for a short duration.

Anyone else wish mounts were usable in the QZ?
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Sorry.... Last though that nobody has said.... Any way to make a mount able to hold two people? Want to give CH a bonus that won't be game breaking? Make that a possibility. :)
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I like the tiered approach, with speed etc. I also think it would be pretty great if the mounts were able to be “trained” to store and transport items by a CH. that could be as well. Tiered speed, load capability, and actually using food for operational influence on performance would be really cool. Not fed? They are slower. Carrying more weight, feedings need to be more frequent, else performance wanes.
Make mounts stand up straight, not perpendicular to the surface they are on.

Creatures stand up vertical. People stand up vertical. Put a person on a creature -> perpendicular?!?