Add more utility to creature mounts

Add more utility to creature mounts
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Feedback Needed by the development team. See the post from the developers asking for follow-up discussion or alternative suggestions to discuss.
Proposing some changes to boost the effectiveness of mounts. Creature Handlers will get a boost to mount speed / endurance at Novice, Creature Training IV, and Master and make mounts act like vehicles (don't disappear when you dismount). . Lastly, there should be tiers of mounts based on speed and creatures should be divided in these groups- the fastest creatures would be in tier III while the slowest creatures would be in tier I.
To make mounts more effective so they can be used just as often as vehicles. This will also give them more utility.
Mounts, while cool, don't really serve any function and they are not practical means of travel.
Creature mounts have always been a cool concept in Star Wars Galaxies, but I think with a few tweaks, they could be made even better. They do not really work as an alternative to a speeder or swoop because they simply do not move fast enough- I think that should be changed with a few boosts.

At Novice Creature Handler, gaining a 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Creature Training IV, gaining an addition 25% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance. At Master Creature Handler, gaining an additional 30% boost to mount speed and gallop endurance for a total of 80%.

Lastly, make mounts be in a tiered ranking system by speed (tier I, II and III) with the fastest creatures being in tier III and the slowest creatures being in tier I.
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Mounts could do with some attention. Making them a vehicle alternative is not it. Its about picking their function in game and making them better at that narrow brief than a vehicle - which is in turn better in its specific role.

Agreed, Having mounts run around at the same speed as swoops would look ridiculous.
I love mounts. I am confused about the disappearing when you dismount. They don't disappear. They either follow you or you can pet them to have them sit down or take a nap and wait for you to return. Nice way to not mess up your house! I do miss doing the flip trick while on my Kaadu and doing flips!

I would like some of the larger mounts to be able to sit more than one person!