Adjust Land Requirements for Placing Harvesters/Structures

Adjust Land Requirements for Placing Harvesters/Structures
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Alter the land requirements for placing harvesters/structures
Small gradients, small hills, bumps in the landscape, mob nests, should not inhibit placement of harvesters to the degree that they do.
Currently harvesters can be blocked by simple hills or what look like negligible sloping which would otherwise allow placement of the harvester. A mob spawn/nest also takes too much area preventing placement of structures.
When placing harvesters, the slighest hills or gradients can prevent the placing of a harvester in an otherwise perfect location. In cases like the image below there are 2 small hills in this area that are preventing the placement of harvesters in those sections, when a harvetser should realistically be able to be placed there. There are cases on planets that are already hard enough to find places to put harvesters, where the ground may have an incline that is not steep and could seem an ideal spot also, but the gradient is juuuuuust too much.

A small hill should not be a hindrance. Building a structure should take into account any ground modification/terraforming required as it logically should. Gradients of less than 40% should not prevent the placing of a structure. I mean, we can travel through hyperspace, we use repulsorlift technology to literally hover in midair, but we can't do something as basic as levelling a piece of land when we build on it? In the image below, we're not technologically capable of "bulldozing" those 2 small hills that are literally preventing placement of harvesters in that space? Or add some foundation on a slight slope to build on it? Isn't that essentially what's happening with the bunkers that are spawning on the 3rd character slot quest?

Mob nests also block far too much area from being buildable. Nests can spawn right next to already placed harvesters, again like you can see in the image below. It stands to reason harvesters should be able to be placed near nests.

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Which, if you read the original PV info I state:
"Small gradients, small hills, bumps in the landscape, mob nests, should not inhibit placement of harvesters to the degree that they do."

While ideally I think they should follow the same guidelines/rules as house placement (if you can build a house in the spot, you should be able to build a harvester), my request is to adjust the ruleset so it's not as restrictive as it is now. Those small gradients like the small hills in the original screenshot or the slight gradient in the others should not be the impediment that they are.

I mean, this isn't RL. This is a made up galaxy far far away where we routinely travel across the galaxy at FTL speeds, where our vehicles hover over the ground instead of touching it, where technology is light years ahead of what we have IRL, and yet we somehow can't figure out how to place a harvester on a patch of land that slopes slightly?
For that same reason, we don't know what technology the extractors use, nor what structure is underground, they still generate a network of micro channels with small mining droids, and that is why they need to be so separated from each other, maybe their systems do not allow a slope greater than 1%, while I played my artisan in the old servers I never saw a problem for that type of situation, I simply adapted and looked for the alternative with smaller extractors or other ore veins.

I think they don't need a big change, imagine that under that slope there is something that prevents you from accessing the material, like in RL when you find a rock or a gas pocket that spoils your extraction plans.
Just think a little and learn the game and you don't say inaccurate things. You can only have 3 character and that means 30.lot, so not a single player can place 31 harvester.. please learn the game before you answers anywhere..
Yes I already knew that. You shouldnt make assumptions like that, it just makes you a troll. So 30 of the harvesters belong to 1 player, and the last harvester belongs to someone else who managed to get in of the very edge of the "hotspot" or it belongs to their friend, or their family member. The point is, it was most likely all or nearly all one person who placed all those harvesters by exploiting the system.

There is no way a handful of random players with no social connection whatsoever are going to be finding the same resource spot and have all the exact same sized harvester and line them all up like that. That wouldnt even be a reasonable assumption. No, that was one player who did that.
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I already knew that. So 30 of the harvesters belong to 1 player, and the last harvester belongs to someone else who managed to get in of the very edge of the "hotspot"
Then you don't understand anything about this game.. so you think there are player who don't own any house, factory, or more harvester for energy, just dropped this 30 factory and want to make money about or what to do whit it?

I say last time learn the game before you comment anything
I'm still trying to figure out how it's "exploiting the system."

Let alone I can't think of how many times, including in the last month, I've found a spot to place harvesters, and 3-4 other people all placed theirs with mine within a day or so, including lining them up. But that never happens, huh?
Then you don't understand anything about this game.. so you think there are player who don't own any house, factory, or more harvester for energy, just dropped this 30 factory and want to make money about or what to do whit it?

I say last time learn the game before you comment anything
OMGAWD..... Do i have to LITERALLY spell out every detail to you so you dont think I dont understand how the game works? You are just being a troll at this point.
I'm still trying to figure out how it's "exploiting the system."

Let alone I can't think of how many times, including in the last month, I've found a spot to place harvesters, and 3-4 other people all placed theirs with mine within a day or so, including lining them up. But that never happens, huh?
It probably does happen, but I dont think that posted picture represents that. And I was only talking about that.
It probably does happen, but I dont think that posted picture represents that. And I was only talking about that.
"There is no way a handful of random players with no social connection whatsoever are going to be finding the same resource spot and have all the exact same sized harvester and line them all up like that. That wouldnt even be a reasonable assumption."

That indicates you think otherwise.
OMGAWD..... Do i have to LITERALLY spell out every detail to you so you dont think I dont understand how the game works? You are just being a troll at this point.
so do you think i'm like you? You trolling here from the beginning.. and our conversation is over..

Drueric Joined Feb 5, 2022 Messages 101
Dzsuhi Joined Aug 10, 2021 Messages 16
"There is no way a handful of random players with no social connection whatsoever are going to be finding the same resource spot and have all the exact same sized harvester and line them all up like that. That wouldnt even be a reasonable assumption."

That indicates you think otherwise.
Certainly not 31 of them like in that *specific* image that I was *specifically* referring to. You seem to have this habit of putting words in my mouth. Stop doing that.
so do you think i'm like you? You trolling here from the beginning.. and our conversation is over..

Drueric Joined Feb 5, 2022 Messages 101
Dzsuhi Joined Aug 10, 2021 Messages 16
What post did I make here in this topic that is trolling? Quote me pls.
Guys can you both quit it.
Player Voice is to be used for expressing views and ideas in a mature civilised way.
If you both want to be pedantic and childish please take it to DMs so we don’t need to see your perpetual drivel and new players don’t assume both of you are a representation of the server.
The case I'm mentioning in the last month was for a radioactive spawn. There were over 40 fusion harvesters in place at that spawn, only 9 of which were mine, and I was there first. I watched other players roll up and place the harvesters in line with my existing ones. So yeah, even 31 of them could be different people. I remember this happening a lot with live, also.
The case I'm mentioning in the last month was for a radioactive spawn. There were over 40 fusion harvesters in place at that spawn, only 9 of which were mine, and I was there first. I watched other players roll up and place the harvesters in line with my existing ones. So yeah, even 31 of them could be different people. I remember this happening a lot with live, also.
I guess that sound believable to me, if on certain planets. So how did you get 9 of them? do you not have a house?
When I don't have a shop set up yet while I gather the resources I want to build with? Yes. Why have a house? My son has a house that we both use for storage already. I'm mayor of the city, so city hall is my residence. Until I need the house to set up an open shop, the tent suits the needs I have just fine.

Plus I have 2 alts. Neither of those requires a house. I could have used one of them to put down 9 harvesters. Or even 10 if I don't bother giving them a tent, either. It's like you really just do not understand this game at all, or deliberately ignore facets of the game.
When I don't have a shop set up yet while I gather the resources I want to build with? Yes. Why have a house? My son has a house that we both use for storage already. I'm mayor of the city, so city hall is my residence. Until I need the house to set up an open shop, the tent suits the needs I have just fine.

Plus I have 2 alts. Neither of those requires a house. I could have used one of them to put down 9 harvesters. Or even 10 if I don't bother giving them a tent, either. It's like you really just do not understand this game at all, or deliberately ignore facets of the game.
Oh i understand it just fne, I just wanted you to admit what I already believed to be true that you are abusing the system. But hey, I may not like it, but its allowed, so... Ill do it too.
Oh i understand it just fne, I just wanted you to admit what I already believed to be true.
And what would that be? That I know how to play, how to use my lots, how to harvest resources and build my stockpiles?

That I know what I'm doing? Well done, I'll admit that every time.

And you call everyone else a troll...