Adjust Land Requirements for Placing Harvesters/Structures

Adjust Land Requirements for Placing Harvesters/Structures
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.
Alter the land requirements for placing harvesters/structures
Small gradients, small hills, bumps in the landscape, mob nests, should not inhibit placement of harvesters to the degree that they do.
Currently harvesters can be blocked by simple hills or what look like negligible sloping which would otherwise allow placement of the harvester. A mob spawn/nest also takes too much area preventing placement of structures.
When placing harvesters, the slighest hills or gradients can prevent the placing of a harvester in an otherwise perfect location. In cases like the image below there are 2 small hills in this area that are preventing the placement of harvesters in those sections, when a harvetser should realistically be able to be placed there. There are cases on planets that are already hard enough to find places to put harvesters, where the ground may have an incline that is not steep and could seem an ideal spot also, but the gradient is juuuuuust too much.

A small hill should not be a hindrance. Building a structure should take into account any ground modification/terraforming required as it logically should. Gradients of less than 40% should not prevent the placing of a structure. I mean, we can travel through hyperspace, we use repulsorlift technology to literally hover in midair, but we can't do something as basic as levelling a piece of land when we build on it? In the image below, we're not technologically capable of "bulldozing" those 2 small hills that are literally preventing placement of harvesters in that space? Or add some foundation on a slight slope to build on it? Isn't that essentially what's happening with the bunkers that are spawning on the 3rd character slot quest?

Mob nests also block far too much area from being buildable. Nests can spawn right next to already placed harvesters, again like you can see in the image below. It stands to reason harvesters should be able to be placed near nests.

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And while you're at it, could you please explain how you consider this to be exploiting or abusing the system? The same system that was in place on Live right up until shut down, that everyone worked with?

Give details. Give a real explanation for how this is exploiting. Please.
And while you're at it, could you please explain how you consider this to be exploiting or abusing the system? The same system that was in place on Live right up until shut down, that everyone worked with?

Give details. Give a real explanation for how this is exploiting. Please.
Well the ORIGINAL swg intended for players to only have 1 account one character (and only one master profession) and not let alts be logged in at the same time like having multiple accounts, which is perplexing to me why R3 allows one account per IP, yet allows alts to be logged in at the same time, kinda defeats the purpose of one account per IP, but once the dung is out of the horse its impossible to put it back in. I dont believe R3 would ever change the system now and if they did they would have to do a server wipe and I dont see that happening either.

But this has nothing to do with this discsussion and I wont mention it any more here so dont ask. R3 is what is it is. its not perfect(yet), but itll do.
That's not details.

A. Live certainly allowed you to have more than 1 account per IP. As long as you paid your subscription for each account, you could have as many per IP as you wanted.
B. You always got 2 toons per account. If you unlocked Jedi, you had a 3rd.
C. Pretty sure you could log in your alt and your main at the same time.

But none of these are details on how this is exploiting or abusing the system. You keep using that term, so please explain how you're basically calling anyone who uses their lots to put down harvesters cheaters.
That's not details.

A. Live certainly allowed you to have more than 1 account per IP. As long as you paid your subscription for each account, you could have as many per IP as you wanted.
B. You always got 2 toons per account. If you unlocked Jedi, you had a 3rd.
C. Pretty sure you could log in your alt and your main at the same time.

But none of these are details on how this is exploiting or abusing the system. You keep using that term, so please explain how you're basically calling anyone who uses their lots to put down harvesters cheaters.
I didnt say you couldnt have more than one account, I said it was likely the intention of the original game design. And no you could not log in your alt at the same time, that is only an R3 thing and Im surprised they pulled it off.

It is my opinion that it is abusing the system, and clealy you dont think it is, so no explanation of mine will ever convince you otherwise nor do i want to explain it to a brick wall. We disagree and thats that.
Not sure why the amount of harvesters was even a point of discussion (feels like im necroing but i blame SoloWests amazing summary PV)
I regularly send WP's to my friends in my town that target the same type of resources i do which means 4+ actual players harvesters and discounting alts that would still mean 30+ harvies. I whole heartily agree with this topic though it was a pet peeve of mine back in live where you can place personal harvesters in basically vertical slops yet this big open area isn't valid placable for a medium/heavy and don't even get me started on the fact that medium and heavy has the same size/footprint.

I would agree that 1-5 degrees reduced harshness for placement seems reasonable.
I agree that small little bumps or rocks shouldn't block placement of anything unless its programatically would cause issues with interiors for houses etc ? But if it isnt blocking a house it shouldnt block an extractor.
I disagree with mob spawners point though, they are fine as is if you have problems get a combat toon with you or a friend to help you out.