Implemented - Other - Allow rescaling/font size adjustment for UI fonts | Page 3 | Star Wars Galaxies Restoration

Implemented Other Allow rescaling/font size adjustment for UI fonts

This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
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Oct 15, 2021
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As most of you already know, you can already scale the font size for the chat window, hover text, chat bubbles, and player/NPC names, etc., but what I'm asking is allow scaling for all the other UI font sizes, like the quest tracker, tool tip fonts, and so on.
Almost all other text in the game can be scaled already. I've seen other servers and mods that allow for this. Shouldn't be terribly difficult to implement (I hope)!
Most of the UI fonts are far too small for me to read without squinting and getting eye-strain over hours long play sessions, and it also makes it much more difficult for me to stream the game because I constantly have to stop what I'm saying and lean in to read the super small text.
As most of you already know, you can already scale the font size for the chat window, hover text, chat bubbles, and player/NPC names, etc., but what I'm asking is allow scaling for all the other UI font sizes, like the quest tracker, tool tip fonts, and so on.

Most of it is far too small for me to read without squinting and getting eye-strain over hours long play sessions, and it also makes it much more difficult for me to stream the game because I constantly have to stop what I'm saying and lean in to read the super small text.

Even if it's not an in-game option, even a downloadable separate file, I'd greatly appreciate it!
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
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