Ideas for Ace of Aces rewards and recognition.

Ideas for Ace of Aces rewards and recognition.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
1. Of course, there should be a badge and title that shows others the hard work you have done to complete the progression.
2. There should be some sort of benefit for the work. I have suggested a larger number of ships to be made available for the pilot who completes AoA. The current number is 6, and in some of my reading, that number goes up to 10, but I think it could be better. When Wedge Antilles left The Empire, he did not forget how to fly a TIE Fighter, so why should we? Now, I have also suggested that we make every ship that an AoA has ever been certified on be available in their fleet. Now, I have heard from others that they do not wish to see Rebels fly Imperial Craft, as well as vice versa for cannon, but we see neutral factions flying Rebellion certified craft, so I think we can make each faction specific craft available with the addition of one ship from each other faction. I.E; if a CorSec AoA pilot wants, they can pick one Imperial Craft to add to their personal fleet and one Rebel Craft. Han Solo was a Rebel Captain flying the famous Millennium Falcon, Sabine Wren flies a custom painted TIE, so why should not the best pilots in the galaxy be able to do the same.
3. Add the ability for AoA pilots to leave to space from their home town, if they have a shutteport. This will bring more spacers into the long progression, just to have the convenience of being able to not have to travel to a star port to get to orbit and out to work. To keep from the cities loosing the tax generated by shuttle tickets, make the AoA pilots pay a fee to the city in question for the convenience of being able to have their ships be more accessible. It would give a good credit sink, add to the taxes for each shuttle port town and again, make the progression pursuit very much worth the time.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback.
Jinxie, Pirate Senator
This, to me, is a win win for all spacers and a great carrot for pilots who are wondering why anyone would do all the work to master 9 or more times. To give the crazy and obsessed spacers real goals to work towards. Feeds the Star Wars nerds in us all with a real prize to work for.
The reason behind this is to bring more people into trying to do more than just becoming a master pilot, but actually immersing themselves into the compete pilot story of each squadron in the game. More people in ships and out working means more people in the game looking for better parts, more money to shipwrights for parts, ammo, munitions, paint kits and texture kits, and more money into the towns, for the use of their ports as a path straight into space.
It also gives the idea of neat rewards like being able to fly your favorite fan ship, with out having to stay in one faction or the other. You have already done them all... Pick your ship, Pilot.
Many of us love space enough to work through the entire gambit of all the squadrons the game has to offer. There were rumors of rewards being brought to bare for those who complete the effort and manage to do the deed. What would be a good reward for the effort? Beyond badges or titles, there should be something of substance reward the effort and the time spend in the long pursuit of AoA.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Launching to space from home is a terrible idea because it can be abused as hell from the bh perspective, imagine a jedi player launching his ship from home then using home port to avoid any interaction with ground bhs. Starports are really necessary for bhing
Launching to space from home is a terrible idea because it can be abused as hell from the bh perspective, imagine a jedi player launching his ship from home then using home port to avoid any interaction with ground bhs. Starports are really necessary for bhing
This could be addressed if the plan to allow BHs to slice into mark's houses and multiplayer ships gets done. There's been talk of doing this. You could wait in their living room for them to spawn in >8)
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This could be addressed if the plan to allow BHs to slice into mark's houses and multiplayer ships gets done. There's been talk of doing this. You could wait in their living room for them to spawn in >8)
Tue that mechanic is in development but i think its more focused to avoid jedi afking in their houses than anything... because as soon as you land home you can logout and your char will immediately disappear
Launching to space from home is a terrible idea because it can be abused as hell from the bh perspective, imagine a jedi player launching his ship from home then using home port to avoid any interaction with ground bhs. Starports are really necessary for bhing
For sure, I do not want to be able to launch from the home, but from the shuttle port. I do not thing anyone should launch from home. I can see working on that remote terminal and working on loadouts, but to launch or land, there had to be a shuttle point.
Launching from home would be op for many different reasons, but if you have a city with a shuttle port, and did work that all out, why not? It would be totally public and out in the open. You could have someone waiting for you when you go home, if you have been.... Naughty....
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How about the ability to land or takeoff for an AoA from their PA Hall's open roof? It seems like the natural position for it.

Edit: It allows for a mixed level of security. A private PA Hall would stop things like BH's, but the players have to make it to the building from their residence to be safe.
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What would said Launch term cost? 10k per launch? 20k? When do we add the private/player city Bazzar. I mean while we are at it lets just ditch the NPC cities all together and give everyone lvl 80 just for logging in.
What would said Launch term cost? 10k per launch? 20k? When do we add the private/player city Bazzar. I mean while we are at it lets just ditch the NPC cities all together and give everyone lvl 80 just for logging in.
Well, the cost could be figured out where it would not be debilitating, but maybe removes a bit of money from the economy, but still, you would have to work through all 9 squadrons to even have access the ability. You cannot spin your way through to the end. You have to fly. And, Fly Well...
3. Add the ability for AoA pilots to leave to space from their home town, if they have a shutteport. This will bring more spacers into the long progression, just to have the convenience of being able to not have to travel to a star port to get to orbit and out to work. To keep from the cities loosing the tax generated by shuttle tickets, make the AoA pilots pay a fee to the city in question for the convenience of being able to have their ships be more accessible. It would give a good credit sink, add to the taxes for each shuttle port town and again, make the progression pursuit very much worth the time.
It is unlikely we will approve this because of 1\ the need to counteract urban sprawl and 2\ the implications to travel dynamics (e.g., as mentioned, PvP).
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AoA should not grant landing at home. Though it would be gated by folks who can make it through all 9 factions, as stated previously it harms the starport usage.

I like the idea, but it's a bit much... Maybe a modification...
Another station option. Set down anywhere. Your ship lands at a random location on the planet. If you travel 500M from it, it is returned to the starport. Barring that, I believe there was a YT1300 house... Was there also a Decimator and Nova? Perhaps a Starship house deed?

The big one that I want, and pretty much the ONLY thing that would make me do all 9, is the ability to fly any faction ship. NPC's do it all the time. How many times have you seen the neutral faction enemies flying X-wings...

Flying Imperial you constantly run across YT1300's flown by Rebels...

There are lots of stories of Imperials flying different ships as well...

Another possible reward for getting AoA: a schematic for a starship repair droid. It can be loaded with your repair kits, and cuts repair cooldown time(but still needs to be used by the player) or perhaps the only thing it repairs automatically is conduits (R2 repaired the equivalent to conduits, but the hyperdrive was not repaired...), Or maybe repair reactor and engine to a maximum of only 10%... It would be enough to limp to a station, or you can sit in space and repair it yourself...

Another possible reward: Access to an AoA vendor who sells limited use schematics for an All Purpose Repair Kit. Pretty sure I'd pay chunks of credits to a vendor to have a single repair kit to replace the different component repair kits... And it would provide a credit sink...
It is unlikely we will approve this because of 1\ the need to counteract urban sprawl and 2\ the implications to travel dynamics (e.g., as mentioned, PvP).
I can understand that completely. But again, that is only one part of the idea. The ships, additions to the number of ships, the possibility to fly different types of ships. These can be look at. I hope. I know I can't be the only one who wants to see some interesting combinations of fleets for Master of Master pilots....
I believe there was a Vigo House Deed unless that was just another server that made the vigo the house but it is out there
I can understand that completely. But again, that is only one part of the idea. The ships, additions to the number of ships, the possibility to fly different types of ships. These can be look at. I hope. I know I can't be the only one who wants to see some interesting combinations of fleets for Master of Master pilots....
Okay, here's an idea. How about starter ships are available to Aces? That means if you get the heavy variant, you can fly that for any faction, assuming you've at least Aced the faction it came from? This wouldn't be too imbalanced, as you have the limits of the size and functionality of a starter ship, but the increased mass capacity and thus combat capability to be useful for higher leveled players.

Then, for the AoA players, any factional ship that you have to run missions to qualify for could be made available to the player regardless of faction, for example: the Vaksai, Advanced X-Wing, and Imperial Guard TIE Interceptor. This gives a benefit to people who have Aced a squadron, then simply decided to change faction. They have the starter ship(or heavy variant) which can be used with whatever side they want, while AoA gets that, plus the quest reward ships. Seems like a fair tradeoff. You won't have an Imperial dropping missiles from a B-Wing or a Neutral blasting the ISD with an Imperial Guard TIE Vigo; but an Imp-Ace turn Reb with a Heavy TIE or an AoA CorSec flying an Advanced X-Wing would be possible. Seems the most fair method I can find.

Edit: They will have to have completed those quests to have the right to use them. An AoA who didn't do the Civ Protection as an Imp will neither have the ship nor the certification to fly it, even as an AoA.
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Perhaps we can add the Homing Beacon which was a 57 month reward. this would allow Home landing but not take away 100% the NPC starport use.

Pilots can only land at their home if they are in the same star system as their structure, by talking to the proper space station. For example, if the pilot is in Naboo space, he or she is unable to land at their home outside of Mos Eisley. He needs to talk to the Tatooine space station to perform his landing.

The homing beacon technology is attuned to the veteran only, so the structure can only serve as a landing spot for the owner of the beacon. Other administrators for the building cannot use the homing beacon to land their starships. Also, only the character who claimed the beacon can use it, the alt characters on the same account won't be able to.

If the pilot is in a POB, he'll make all his passengers land in his house.
Perhaps we can add the Homing Beacon which was a 57 month reward. this would allow Home landing but not take away 100% the NPC starport use.

Pilots can only land at their home if they are in the same star system as their structure, by talking to the proper space station. For example, if the pilot is in Naboo space, he or she is unable to land at their home outside of Mos Eisley. He needs to talk to the Tatooine space station to perform his landing.

The homing beacon technology is attuned to the veteran only, so the structure can only serve as a landing spot for the owner of the beacon. Other administrators for the building cannot use the homing beacon to land their starships. Also, only the character who claimed the beacon can use it, the alt characters on the same account won't be able to.

If the pilot is in a POB, he'll make all his passengers land in his house.
The is an excellent idea. It is code that is already there from live and it bottlenecks people using it to space stations, meaning bounty hunters could just track down stations, lookin for bounties in orbit, knowing their target must use the station to land....
This has been under discussion for months before this was even posted and there are already plans etc in place: something the senator should already know about