Ideas for Ace of Aces rewards and recognition.

Ideas for Ace of Aces rewards and recognition.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Implemented so it has (or will be) implemented into the game in some capacity. More information can be found in the post from the development team.
1. Of course, there should be a badge and title that shows others the hard work you have done to complete the progression.
2. There should be some sort of benefit for the work. I have suggested a larger number of ships to be made available for the pilot who completes AoA. The current number is 6, and in some of my reading, that number goes up to 10, but I think it could be better. When Wedge Antilles left The Empire, he did not forget how to fly a TIE Fighter, so why should we? Now, I have also suggested that we make every ship that an AoA has ever been certified on be available in their fleet. Now, I have heard from others that they do not wish to see Rebels fly Imperial Craft, as well as vice versa for cannon, but we see neutral factions flying Rebellion certified craft, so I think we can make each faction specific craft available with the addition of one ship from each other faction. I.E; if a CorSec AoA pilot wants, they can pick one Imperial Craft to add to their personal fleet and one Rebel Craft. Han Solo was a Rebel Captain flying the famous Millennium Falcon, Sabine Wren flies a custom painted TIE, so why should not the best pilots in the galaxy be able to do the same.
3. Add the ability for AoA pilots to leave to space from their home town, if they have a shutteport. This will bring more spacers into the long progression, just to have the convenience of being able to not have to travel to a star port to get to orbit and out to work. To keep from the cities loosing the tax generated by shuttle tickets, make the AoA pilots pay a fee to the city in question for the convenience of being able to have their ships be more accessible. It would give a good credit sink, add to the taxes for each shuttle port town and again, make the progression pursuit very much worth the time.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feedback.
Jinxie, Pirate Senator
This, to me, is a win win for all spacers and a great carrot for pilots who are wondering why anyone would do all the work to master 9 or more times. To give the crazy and obsessed spacers real goals to work towards. Feeds the Star Wars nerds in us all with a real prize to work for.
The reason behind this is to bring more people into trying to do more than just becoming a master pilot, but actually immersing themselves into the compete pilot story of each squadron in the game. More people in ships and out working means more people in the game looking for better parts, more money to shipwrights for parts, ammo, munitions, paint kits and texture kits, and more money into the towns, for the use of their ports as a path straight into space.
It also gives the idea of neat rewards like being able to fly your favorite fan ship, with out having to stay in one faction or the other. You have already done them all... Pick your ship, Pilot.
Many of us love space enough to work through the entire gambit of all the squadrons the game has to offer. There were rumors of rewards being brought to bare for those who complete the effort and manage to do the deed. What would be a good reward for the effort? Beyond badges or titles, there should be something of substance reward the effort and the time spend in the long pursuit of AoA.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
There are still plenty of ships in the code that isn't even in R3 yet or in R3 but NPC only. I would much rather ask for a new ship than one we can already fly.
Every single idea is good until it throws off the balance of the long term goals of getting more people to play. I don't know what all happened on Legends, but it has been very important not to repeat the same missteps. My ideas are mine, but that is not to say that have not been explored or implemented other places. I am trying to go in a direction that will help us sustain growth. So, hearing that others don't agree with me and why is paramount to keep ego from trying to take over, when that is not my job, or goal at all.
Keep em comin!!
We have to do this together if it going to get done.
Every single idea is good until it throws off the balance of the long term goals of getting more people to play. I don't know what all happened on Legends, but it has been very important not to repeat the same missteps. My ideas are mine, but that is not to say that have not been explored or implemented other places. I am trying to go in a direction that will help us sustain growth. So, hearing that others don't agree with me and why is paramount to keep ego from trying to take over, when that is not my job, or goal at all.
Keep em comin!!
We have to do this together if it going to get done.

One thing that comes to mind is that usually people plan to AoA then afterward settle in their chosen faction. Therefore, I think it would be best to provide a choice of one of three ships: one for each faction.

For example:

Imp: TIE Striker or TIE Silencer
Rebel: UT-60D (U-wing) or MG-100 StarFortress bomber
Neutral: Incom Z-80 Interceptor or Chiss Nssis Clawcraft or Kom'rk-class fighter/interceptor

I was thinking about adding the Jedi Starfighter complete with dockable hyperspace module but I think this should be a Jedi-only ship. I'm sure there might be better ones, but you get the idea.

This helps to reinforce the need to keep ships according to their faction. One reason this is needed, just like on the ground, is that enemies in PvP need to remain identifiable. I know that appearance slots largely sabotages this need, however, identifiability remains largely intact and is typically a design philosophy here. In either case, I remain of the strong opinion that ships remain identifiable with faction, including neutral.
How about an AoA gets a expansion on their favorite fightert that gives epic mass and makes it super competitive in pve and pvp? Like an additional 50k mass to a ship of their choosing. Makes room for great armor, upgrades to possible weapon and engines, but still reasonable... a vacksai would become super, a jaf would be a nightmare and defenders and heavy xs would become a the stuff of myths and stories...
Just another idea...
This just sounds like it'd make already good ships horrendously OP for the reasons you mentioned and more!

Not sure if this has been suggested yet, if it has I haven't seen it, but how about something like cosmetically different (superior) versions of existing ships? I personally don't think AoA should provide any functional or gameplay affecting benefits.
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This just sounds like it'd make already good ships horrendously OP for the reasons you mentioned and more!

Not sure if this has been suggested yet, if it has I haven't seen it, but how about something like cosmetically different (superior) versions of existing ships? I personally don't think AoA should provide any functional or gameplay affecting benefits.
I was spitbslling and wanted to encourage any idea to bring more joy, without causing a slaughter of newbies, or anything too super-powered,... like a delta that works with jedi powers? Or a special Super Ship that is beyond exp3ctations, but still has to be really worked on, like the mass limited statfighterrs, N1 and Awings...
One thing that comes to mind is that usually people plan to AoA then afterward settle in their chosen faction. Therefore, I think it would be best to provide a choice of one of three ships: one for each faction.

For example:

Imp: TIE Striker or TIE Silencer
Rebel: UT-60D (U-wing) or MG-100 StarFortress bomber
Neutral: Incom Z-80 Interceptor or Chiss Nssis Clawcraft or Kom'rk-class fighter/interceptor

I was thinking about adding the Jedi Starfighter complete with dockable hyperspace module but I think this should be a Jedi-only ship. I'm sure there might be better ones, but you get the idea.

This helps to reinforce the need to keep ships according to their faction. One reason this is needed, just like on the ground, is that enemies in PvP need to remain identifiable. I know that appearance slots largely sabotages this need, however, identifiability remains largely intact and is typically a design philosophy here. In either case, I remain of the strong opinion that ships remain identifiable with faction, including neutral.
I like the idea of a jedi only ship with it's own super thingies, but you have to imagine what kind of balance issues you can create with such an overpowered war machine...
I like the idea of a jedi only ship with it's own super thingies, but you have to imagine what kind of balance issues you can create with such an overpowered war machine...

Why? How would it be overpowered? I imagine it'd actually be very comparable to the JSF or Belbullab, but just a different skin? Same with all the ships I mentioned.... 🤔

Or did you think I meant the ETA-2 Actis? It's called a Jedi Starfighter here, but there's a jedi starfighter that Obi-Wan used to get to Kamino by tracking Jango. And honestly, when you go to hyperspace, it'd just be an animation to dock with the module, wouldn't be an actual part, so no change with the actual mechanic.
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Why? How would it be overpowered? I imagine it'd actually be very comparable to the JSF or Belbullab, but just a different skin? Same with all the ships I mentioned.... 🤔

Or did you think I meant the ETA-2 Actis? It's called a Jedi Starfighter here, but there's a jedi starfighter that Obi-Wan used to get to Kamino by tracking Jango. And honestly, when you go to hyperspace, it'd just be an animation to dock with the module, wouldn't be an actual part, so no change with the actual mechanic.
No, I get what you mean completely. The Delta JSF was a very cool craft. And I love the idea od the hyper ring. I just think making a jedi only craft may make an already wicked class invincible in space. But, as I have no idea what comes next, who knows what they have in mind.
But, I would love to see something like a delta, or another ultra wicked ship me made available to the AoA pilots. I hope I didn't blather too much there...
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No, I get what you mean completely. The Delta JSF was a very cool craft. And I love the idea od the hyper ring. I just think making a jedi only craft may make an already wicked class invincible in space. But, as I have no idea what comes next, who knows what they have in mind.
But, I would love to see something like a delta, or another ultra wicked ship me made available to the AoA pilots. I hope I didn't blather too much there...
Yeah, again, they'd already have access to the ETA-2, so really no difference, just the identifiable skin.

But that's off-topic.

Back to the AoA rewards, I think many of those ships would be awesome to be able to pick one out once you hit AoA, or something special like those.
What exactly got implemented? I have done all 9 squadrons and not sure what of these ideas have been implemented. Not even a badge?
What exactly got implemented? I have done all 9 squadrons and not sure what of these ideas have been implemented. Not even a badge?
I can see that this discussion has come to a close, and I read the first 2 pages following along and glanced through the 3rd. I know I'm waaaaay late in saying anything, but one thing I saw come up regularly in the discussion was the assumption that everyone was getting these abilities. "So are we just going to be giving out participation cookies?" and such the like. I want to point out that this game at its height had 22 million players. Of that 22Mil, less than 10% had solo'd the Correllian Corvette. Of all those players, only this small percent had done something ONLY a true ACE would even attempt, let alone an AoA. Even though it was more than possible for every single one of them to do it, only so many of them actually did it. I say that to say this, most players are goingto be like my brother. He picked a faction, he's gonna Ace it and be done. it is not often you find a player willing to put the hundred or so hours in JUST in space, but I'm gonna do it.

TLDR; Your not handing out participation cookies, your giving rewards to fanatics.