Introduction of Decay to Space Components.

Introduction of Decay to Space Components.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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To introduce a two tier system of decay to Space Components to bring Space into some kind of line with the ground game. And introducing a potential credit sink and enabling Shipwrights to be a more viable profession.
To bring some kind of equality to Space and make it more balanced as well as introducing a credit sink for players.
There is a clear imbalance with space components compared to Ground Equipment, as presently they do not decay. Unfortunatly there are some who are put off the space game due to this. This proposal will hopefully encourage more players to start the Space Component subgame rather than just relay on a crafted loadouts.
This Player voice will address three diffrent issues with regards to the introduction of decay to Space. Essentially a new stat may need to be added to all parts including Reverse Engineered Components called Condition. Each time a player launches with these parts the condtion will decrease by one tick. I suggest that the max condition be 200. This will mean a player can launch up to 200 times before the condtion hits 0. The proposal is as follows.

1) Player crafted components to decay and be destroyed once they hit condition 0. Even a player who uses mostly RE'd parts will still have some player crafted items. I myself use crafter droid interfaces and boosters as well as missile launchers and chaff launchers. As these are destroyed then they will need to be replaced. In effect these become something that the space game needs which is more consumables and as such will become a credit sink.

2) The crafted space component collections to be made repeatable. At present these are a one time collection and as such if they decay to a 0 condition and be destroyed a player would lose them for good unless they are able to buy the schematic or crafted part off another player. This will also help longer standing players who has crafted these schematics early on in the game where the resources to cap them where not available as they will be able to replace them with better crafted ones when resource quality improves.

3) Reverse Engineered Components will be able to be repaired fully to a 100% condition. Many RE parts can take a long time to finish and cost a player millions of credits to finish off. This repair will be carried out by a Shipwright. I Propose that a tool be introduced that will enable this to be done. Personally I would like to see this tool use a few diffrent resources as well as the original component in order to repair the part fully. Should this not be possible then a tool like the Component Analyser Tool that a SW will use to make an RE'd part. In order to battle credit generation from the sale of junk space loot then the tool would require x amounts of the level part in order to repair to full condtion ( i.e. a level 8 part Weapon would require 8 junk level 8 guns as well as the original part in order to fully repair the RE'd part.)

I would like to thank the space community and especially Philmor for his input with this proposal
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Either all parts should decay under same circumstances or none, because as much as I appreciate the enthusiasm that helped to spark the idea, it is one sided and doesn't take into account for players not being able to invest the time for reengineering or simply not wanting to do the hassle necessary for it. Does anyone really think it being a good idea to dictate those via gamemechanic on how to play the game?
I cannot aprove such an endavour.
Either all parts should decay under same circumstances or none, because as much as I appreciate the enthusiasm that helped to spark the idea, it is one sided and doesn't take into account for players not being able to invest the time for reengineering or simply not wanting to do the hassle necessary for it. Does anyone really think it being a good idea to dictate those via gamemechanic on how to play the game?
I cannot aprove such an endavour.

No need to re-engineer for this idea. It's repairable, like your BARC or AV-21.
While the idea on paper sounds good in practical application it won't be if you want to solve the space credit issue nerf the static spawn's up the duty tokens and make active play more rewarding funneling money to SWs will not solve anything and it's not a credit sink it'll just keep credits in the economy crafted parts perma breaking depending on the ship will honestly add up to be too costly if you want decay make them both repairable by the station to add a credit sink the key in my opinion would be making duty missions more rewarding than farming static spawns and that would encourage new pilots and tone down credits while also introducing a credit sink to wash credits out of the economy.
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From where I'm standing this doesn't seem like a credit sink at all, the credits being generated are not just going to simply be pulled out of circulation with this system. All the credits are going to be going to the SW, therefore it's not a sink, you're talking about funneling money to SW. Having crafted parts be destroyed doesn't seem like it will bring in more people to space, it's just going to be that much harder for the new people to come in considering they're going to spend all the money the ever earn on keeping their ship afloat, let alone how that will make the POBs and gunships parts be, people are never gonna want to ever use them. Parts shouldn't prem break, you'll just shut down all the big ships. Stations being able to repair the condition is a much better idea then what is being suggested
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While the idea on paper sounds good in practical application it won't be if you want to solve the space credit issue nerf the static spawn's up the duty tokens and make active play more rewarding funneling money to SWs will not solve anything and it's not a credit sink it'll just keep credits in the economy crafted parts perma breaking depending on the ship will honestly add up to be too costly if you want decay make them both repairable by the station to add a credit sink the key in my opinion would be making duty missions more rewarding than farming static spawns and that would encourage new pilots and tone down credits while also introducing a credit sink to wash credits out of the economy.

I'd like to point out that that issue is not part of this proposal and several other PV's have already been submitted for that. This proposal is simply to help the dev's stated objective to bring space more in line with the ground, and this will help to make it so without the devs using a bigger hammer to accomplish that.
At the end of the day - something is going to change, so to sit here and complain and shoot every idea down is senseless, especially when you're offering no alternatives to the ideas that were proposed.

Personally - I think #2 is a great idea. Collections being repeatable offers additional business for shipwrights and adds resource sinks for the game in general for all the earlier crafted components to be re-crafted with current resources.

#3 I could get on board with - and I think the idea of repairing RE'd ship components utilizing like cert level components is actually a really good idea. It's not 'funneling' money to shipwrights - it's removing credits generated by the system into a player to player transaction. Instead of selling 8 W8s to the chassis dealer for 64k, you're using those components to get your RE'd component repaired/restored. That's 64k that isn't entering the economy. Maybe it's looting more and selling those parts to another player that needs a repaired part - but at the end of the day - again - it's removing the system generated credits.

I'm definitely against any permanent damage to RE'd components, as they are very much different than crafted. To claim any different is ridiculous.

Credits generated from the chassis dealer either has to be reduced dramatically, or a system to counteract those sales through some sort of sink needs to be introduced. Ideas?
I'd like to point out that that issue is not part of this proposal and several other PV's have already been submitted for that. This proposal is simply to help the dev's stated objective to bring space more in line with the ground, and this will help to make it so without the devs using a bigger hammer to accomplish that.
The devs would have to do alot more work to do this than to alter already existing systems. New code rarely presents fewer problems.
The devs would have to do alot more work to do this than to alter already existing systems. New code rarely presents fewer problems.

Agreed, new codebases shouldn't be done. However, it's already been acknowledged by a dev in Discord chat that this doesn't actually present any coding issues and the precedent and code is already there.
I'll be honest. It doesn't feel like a credit sink to me. Seems more like an expense on casual players and a money maker for Shipwrights. I'm not a Shipwright though so I will admit my bias. Maybe they need more business. If so, I could be convinced.

My main question is, shouldn't a credit sink remove credits from circulation?
I understand something will be changing. I guess I still support a maintenance fee of sorts on ships that is similar to houses on the ground.
You want that free Fighter so you can travel for free and not but tickets, it'll cost you the same as a Small House. YT-1300 pob, Medium House cost. You want to have a massive Gunboat, well you gotta get out and use it because it'll cost you the same as a large house.
Encourage players to get out and play the space content. That's what we're here for right.?
if space parts receive a condition stat like ground weapons and equipment, it should have similar condition as well that the SW experiemnts on. The parts should also be able to be repaired similarly to ground weapons where one kit repairs it to max at the cost of a slight loss to max condition. If decay systems are to be implemented, why not make it function to similar versions already in palce and successful. This would ensure that space parts hold value and have longevity if taken care of properly similar to ground equipment.
We have two different repair systems already in game. One can repair at a space station, or one can buy repair kits from a SW. Both work well as intended. I think making ship parts decay would have a negative effect on the space game overall. I am a pilot and I love to blow things up. That is how I generate my income to buy ships and parts. I don't make parts, I have not interest. I am happy to pay a SW to do that. I do enjoy the RE game, I like the thrill and frustration of the RNG. As I have no interest in being a production SW, funneling credits to SW doesn't impact my game play. I enjoy playing the game as is an see no reason to fix what is not broken.
The motivation puzzles me. I would have thought the lower "risk factor" would be improving uptake, adding risk in the form of decay would increase the barrier to entry, not reduce it.

1)The viability of SW atm in my view is down to population. Even on a live server you'd only ever have a handful of "profitable crafters", the current population I would imagine has more shipwrights than highly active pilots (purely speculative, if there is data to the contrary then fair enough). This issue would not be addressed by "forcing everyone to buy more" and does not drain the credits, just moves them.

2) i support in a general concept anyway as it removes the need for burner toons, but this is a laziness issue and one not necessarily needing to be addressed in isolation. Most players can currently get 3x each schem as it stands without "abusing character slots". Well, once the bunker is fixed, 2x for now then.

3) seems an overly complex method vs a review of existing station/kit repair costs/mechanics. A creative suggestion though it must be said.
Good afternoon,

"Each time a player launches with these parts the condition will decrease by one tick. I suggest that the max condition be 200. This will mean a player can launch up to 200 times before the condition hits 0."

I play this game a lot. Launching 200 times might seem like a lot, however, I can easily launch that many times in just a few days. When I was reversing level 10 weapons, I wanted to pick out a really cool effect. I launched more than 20 times just to fire a weapon 1 time and land.
There have been many times when I have loaded a new part that I launched to find out my droid commands were not loaded which required me to land and then launch again.
There are many times when you are fine tuning ship parts to the mass of your ship, and you have to launch into space to test changes. For example, I have wanted to use a more powerful weapon and to get the weight right I needed to use smaller weapon cap. I needed to test several times weapon cap drain. Sometimes you go with smaller reactor and need to test to see if you can use all the droid commands.

Maybe something can be added to launch into test mode. It would allow you to be in space a short time then automatically returns you to where you launched.

I think there should be a special tool that uses mercenary tokens that would give you 1 kit to fix a crafter part with a lowered condition value similar to weapon repair kit. It would require A LOT of tokens so this is not an easy thing to buy.

I completely understand changing space to be better in-line with how things work on the ground.

this is colonelmeow on discord, thundercats ingame.
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So i just started playing StarWars Galaxies for the first time about a week ago, and i've primarily been enthralled with the crafting professions and space combat, so i'd like to offer my opinion as someone that is completely new to the game and struggling to balance my credits between ship repairs, travel, and crafting

so when i first started, one of the first things i did was go into space after someone kindly showed me where to get my first ship, and the first thing that happened.......i died.....a lot to ships that were seemingly never endingly spawning on top of me, and i couldn't get away, now in my starter ship i noticed the repair cost was about 100 credits, talk about a low barrier to entry, so i thought why not, and kept going out into space having a blast learning how to fight and survive

now keep in mind i was spending all of my credits on crafting traveling to player cities with the ticket system, had a good laugh when i found out a ticket i bought from the starport wouldn't work at the shuttle port in the same city

i felt fairly poor as a new player trying to explore the crafting and professions system, but when i found out i could sell the parts that were too good to equip on my free ship, i found myself going out to space and hunting these parts, so i could sell them to further my crafting endeavors

So i came into this game with the idea that i wanted to fly in space and be able to make my own ships and parts, and i quickly realized that i would not be able to make my own ships for months if i refused to fly anything than what i make myself, so i started looking at vendors i came across and spent all of my credits on a new ship and some parts that were leagues better than what i had......come to find out i couldn't use those parts until i levelled up once more, so i just transferred everything from my free ship into my new dunelizard

i quickly found out after finally equiping better parts on my new ship that the sweet days of 100 credit repairs were officially over, so i looked into repair kits, and man am i burning through repair kits now, but it is way better than paying the stations for repairing my ship now

if i had to worry about the individual condition on all of my parts on top of keeping them repaired after most of my fights in space, i wouldn't even be able to try to figure out how to afford to enjoy the game as much as i have been

i would rather have a condition on the ship chassis overall, instead of each individual part, that can be repaired from a craftable repair kit or at a chassis dealer, but the condition goes down when you die like the ground gear, no need to punish those of us that love to fly just for flying, just punish those of us that are bad at it so we have a reason to get better, just like repairing your parts after each death,

as for how much that condition is, just an idea, make it depend on the SW Skill like everything else, but 200 is way too low, i'd rather it float around 1000+ like this nifty flight suit i was given by a very kind crafter when they noticed my enthusiasm with space and thought i would enjoying looking the part as well(and i do very much so)

i don't know what RE parts are, from what i'm reading they are expensive as hell, so as a new player that is still trying to figure things out and relying on shipwright crafted gear, i want nothing to do with RE parts

needless to say i'm a very Poor New Player about a week in so far that spends all of their time in space and wastes all of the little credits acquired on crafting and ship parts that are way better than anything i could make for myself in a reasonable timeframe(also couldn't care less about ground stuff, i just wanna fly and craft things that let me fly better)

but my final thoughts on the current proposal, i'd have to give it a hard No as it is currently explained
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In all honesty - they could leave a lot of things alone in space and cut sales to the chassis dealer by 75% and it would take about 2 minutes to implement. The main problem is not that there aren't enough sinks, it's that credit generation is out of control. They can work the other part of this in more minor ways afterwards so it affects everyone's load outs/space experience to a lesser extent, and curb the issue immediately.
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