Introduction of Decay to Space Components.

Introduction of Decay to Space Components.
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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To introduce a two tier system of decay to Space Components to bring Space into some kind of line with the ground game. And introducing a potential credit sink and enabling Shipwrights to be a more viable profession.
To bring some kind of equality to Space and make it more balanced as well as introducing a credit sink for players.
There is a clear imbalance with space components compared to Ground Equipment, as presently they do not decay. Unfortunatly there are some who are put off the space game due to this. This proposal will hopefully encourage more players to start the Space Component subgame rather than just relay on a crafted loadouts.
This Player voice will address three diffrent issues with regards to the introduction of decay to Space. Essentially a new stat may need to be added to all parts including Reverse Engineered Components called Condition. Each time a player launches with these parts the condtion will decrease by one tick. I suggest that the max condition be 200. This will mean a player can launch up to 200 times before the condtion hits 0. The proposal is as follows.

1) Player crafted components to decay and be destroyed once they hit condition 0. Even a player who uses mostly RE'd parts will still have some player crafted items. I myself use crafter droid interfaces and boosters as well as missile launchers and chaff launchers. As these are destroyed then they will need to be replaced. In effect these become something that the space game needs which is more consumables and as such will become a credit sink.

2) The crafted space component collections to be made repeatable. At present these are a one time collection and as such if they decay to a 0 condition and be destroyed a player would lose them for good unless they are able to buy the schematic or crafted part off another player. This will also help longer standing players who has crafted these schematics early on in the game where the resources to cap them where not available as they will be able to replace them with better crafted ones when resource quality improves.

3) Reverse Engineered Components will be able to be repaired fully to a 100% condition. Many RE parts can take a long time to finish and cost a player millions of credits to finish off. This repair will be carried out by a Shipwright. I Propose that a tool be introduced that will enable this to be done. Personally I would like to see this tool use a few diffrent resources as well as the original component in order to repair the part fully. Should this not be possible then a tool like the Component Analyser Tool that a SW will use to make an RE'd part. In order to battle credit generation from the sale of junk space loot then the tool would require x amounts of the level part in order to repair to full condtion ( i.e. a level 8 part Weapon would require 8 junk level 8 guns as well as the original part in order to fully repair the RE'd part.)

I would like to thank the space community and especially Philmor for his input with this proposal
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Again, the trend is AWAY from the parts that can be destroyed. And yeah, I know it's different. That's kinda the point people are making as to WHY decay in space is a bad idea. BUT you can kit out a ship with all looted gear to effectively enter the end game. AND not even need a SW to enter the end game(well, okay... for the chassis). So what if the parts get destroyed. They are a means to an end. That end is parts that will not get destroyed. That end is parts that are BETTER than crafted, AND won't get destroyed.

I frankly don't care that it takes longer to make that "perfect" set, because the ground game you can get that "perfect" set replaced easily... Well, yeah, because RE stuff is BETTER than crafted. I remember how hard it was to get a "perfect set" of ground gear when the looted gear was better than crafted on the ground. There's a good amount of end game content in space that doesn't include loot grinding. If crafted gear decays, it should be better than the best RE gear. OR just like ground, make it so you can't equip all that "junk" you collect.

What? Space is different? I KNOW! Don't bring the ground mechanisms to space, unless you wanna make the space looted parts the same as ground looted gear. You already have to repair your space gear. You already have to pay for repairs. Maybe up the costs for station repairs to the point where it sucks out some credits too. Oh don't wanna pay those insane credits. Repair kits from a SW. I don't believe gear should be destroyed, with exemptions for literally the best parts available, when the ground game the gear that decays is literally the best gear available(or in case of armor, the ONLY gear available). If we're going to bring in the ground mechanisms, lets bring them all in. Looted space parts can't be equipped. Looted weapons have worse stats than crafted. Everything decays.
Hello fellow star wars fans!

After much review I would like to mention if it works do not fix it.

Seems people are concerned that players are making way to many credits in space in comparison to ground combat and POI's. Both are credit sinks and gold mines. Depending on your character build and the location of your ground event; ground combat can produce items in the millions of credits. This is also said of space. You have to keep in mind that it takes an initial investment in both credits for equipment, and time leveling up to get to such a level of game play.

If one wanted to reduce the credits flowing from space then reduce the amount you receive from selling ship parts to the NPC's. If you want a credit drain; increase the cost to repair damaged ships.

Think about it...
YT-1300 should cost thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands to repair if destroyed.
Question? How many millions did a player spend just to buy that YT-1300 and unpack it?
The same could be said for your fighter. Depending on the ship, it should also cost thousands to tens of thousands to repair. And of course the game already keeps track of all damage.

Therefore the simple fix would be to reduce the cost of selling parts and or increase the cost of repairs.
This could be done very easy with an modification of the code and not require additional coding to the game (more code == more bugs +? server lag).

Now lets open this can of worms...
How much should parts sold to an NPC be worth? Currently it is 700 credits per level. Do you cut it in half? Reduce it to a said value from 100 to 700 credits per level? Say 200, 400, or 500 credits? Get the point? Then repairs... Say twice as much as current? Three times? Ect.

If it works do not fix it and it would seem the current systems works.

Hello fellow star wars fans!

After much review I would like to mention if it works do not fix it.

Seems people are concerned that players are making way to many credits in space in comparison to ground combat and POI's. Both are credit sinks and gold mines. Depending on your character build and the location of your ground event; ground combat can produce items in the millions of credits. This is also said of space. You have to keep in mind that it takes an initial investment in both credits for equipment, and time leveling up to get to such a level of game play.

If one wanted to reduce the credits flowing from space then reduce the amount you receive from selling ship parts to the NPC's. If you want a credit drain; increase the cost to repair damaged ships.

Think about it...
YT-1300 should cost thousands, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands to repair if destroyed.
Question? How many millions did a player spend just to buy that YT-1300 and unpack it?
The same could be said for your fighter. Depending on the ship, it should also cost thousands to tens of thousands to repair. And of course the game already keeps track of all damage.

Therefore the simple fix would be to reduce the cost of selling parts and or increase the cost of repairs.
This could be done very easy with an modification of the code and not require additional coding to the game (more code == more bugs +? server lag).

Now lets open this can of worms...
How much should parts sold to an NPC be worth? Currently it is 700 credits per level. Do you cut it in half? Reduce it to a said value from 100 to 700 credits per level? Say 200, 400, or 500 credits? Get the point? Then repairs... Say twice as much as current? Three times? Ect.

If it works do not fix it and it would seem the current systems works.


Well... the "too many credits" issue has been fixed, so strike that from the justification of this.
I think this idea holds quite a lot of merit.

Most crafted parts, if they are not top-tier, usually end up back on the bazaar in some form or fashion once a player finds a better looted or RE'd part. This doesn't benefit any Shipwright, it actually hurts them. They don't make any money from the original part being sold by another player, and they are losing more money by not selling another newly crafted part.

The idea that RE'd items can decay is smart, however I would like to see the decay rate to be quite a longer process on these than on crafted parts. As long as the repair doesn't change the original values of said part, I think it's a great idea.
As long as this does not affect reverse engineered parts and special ship chassis i'm actually fine with this. RE parts are just in another level that the game can't balance decay around. This encourages more people to go to space and farm for parts and because of the new GCW system (now you need to be overt for it to affect the game) for space it might even cause an effect to increase the rarity.

Collections can be done infinitely because well; for example I can just create a new character and get the cap. This is SWG and SWG relies on others, to me even if I didn't have a slot, asking a friend to do it for me is fine because this is SWG.
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Not sure why this was necro'ed from almost 2 years ago, but I'll go ahead and close it as not implemented, because, as already decided from other related discussions, we will not be implementing decay of space parts, and instead, the incremental cost associated with space will come from a new fuel system that will be consumed against while flying.
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