Remove combatant

Remove combatant
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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This will be unpopular for most, but I believe combatant should be removed, You should either be SF or on leave. It makes zero sense that players can attack factional npcs and structures and players of the opposite faction can't contest. I believe this will bring about more pvp and sink credits to combat inflation. But on the other hand people who don't like pvp for the thrills will need rewards for pvp ie. Cosmetics, skins, use items etc that can be purchased from a vendor for credits and certain player rating brackets.
Combatant makes zero sense and pvp is a huge credit sink to combat inflation.
Combatant in GWC doesn't make sense and this will encourage more pvp and a healthier economy.
Remove combatant as an option and only have on leave and special forces.
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Maybe I should have clarified more. My issue is with the GCW activities being largely PVE focused or done with minimal pvp activity. I don’t care if you are neutral, if you flag up to “go to war”. All of the things you listed would not change the amount of active pvp in the slightest. What I don’t like is that people who don’t pvp are able to reap the same GCW rewards or in some cases take pvper’s rewards away just by pveing. I think if you are actively participating in the GCW, that is you choosing to pvp, any and all activities and rewards related to that should be PVP related. A specific example that comes to mind is the ability to build attack forces in an invasion and not be flagged SF. You can now win that invasion without so much as lifting a finger if you chose. Whilst the defender has to be flagged to defend. That being said I do also like some of your ideas but they are not from the perspective I was going for.
I think Aconite's suggestion is a solution to your complaint but also doesnt alienate a large player base. Personally I think its a grand slam of an idea.

I just wanted to expand on what i think is the core issue you guys have just based on your comments. Increasing participation in GCW but also reward going SF. Getting people rewards for flagging SF by increasing to 3x influence on the region is the risk and the reward. Make the GCW actually mean something to everyone. I think everyone can agree that a healthy GCW is good for the economy and server content cause GCW/PVP is the true end game as its content that never runs out.
Please stop thinking of SWG as a real-life simulator and remember it is a GAME. Yes, you may see someone kill a stormtrooper. That's because that person was playing a game and having fun playing in a fictional universe and fighting the GCW in the way they want.

SWG isn't about forcing people into PvP, which many players loathe. If someone wants to roam the galaxy killing Rebel or Imp npc's, then fine. Let them. When the GCW changes come and there are battlefields again, the PvP community will have plenty to do and rewards that only come with PvP. Until then, let people play the game without worrying about getting killed by another player. Or, make a change that will make a few people happy and drive others away from the game.

Remember, this is a server that only has a few thousand players. It's also not a shiny new game that has tons If new people coming to it. It also competes with other SWG servers. If people leave, they likely won't be back. The server benefits by having more people happy, not less.
Please stop thinking of SWG as a real-life simulator and remember it is a GAME. Yes, you may see someone kill a stormtrooper. That's because that person was playing a game and having fun playing in a fictional universe and fighting the GCW in the way they want.

SWG isn't about forcing people into PvP, which many players loathe. If someone wants to roam the galaxy killing Rebel or Imp npc's, then fine. Let them. When the GCW changes come and there are battlefields again, the PvP community will have plenty to do and rewards that only come with PvP. Until then, let people play the game without worrying about getting killed by another player. Or, make a change that will make a few people happy and drive others away from the game.

Remember, this is a server that only has a few thousand players. It's also not a shiny new game that has tons If new people coming to it. It also competes with other SWG servers. If people leave, they likely won't be back. The server benefits by having more people happy, not less.
And you want to unlock jedi correct?
Please stop thinking of SWG as a real-life simulator and remember it is a GAME. Yes, you may see someone kill a stormtrooper. That's because that person was playing a game and having fun playing in a fictional universe and fighting the GCW in the way they want.

SWG isn't about forcing people into PvP, which many players loathe. If someone wants to roam the galaxy killing Rebel or Imp npc's, then fine. Let them. When the GCW changes come and there are battlefields again, the PvP community will have plenty to do and rewards that only come with PvP. Until then, let people play the game without worrying about getting killed by another player. Or, make a change that will make a few people happy and drive others away from the game.

Remember, this is a server that only has a few thousand players. It's also not a shiny new game that has tons If new people coming to it. It also competes with other SWG servers. If people leave, they likely won't be back. The server benefits by having more people happy, not less.
I agree to an extent. SWG is not about forcing people into PvP. It is a big game - with a ton to get into.

I will also say that the GCW is a voluntary road to go down. If someone chooses to be a Rebel or Imperial, there should be some expectation that PvP will be in their future. Again - you can be one side or the other and never have to PvP, but if you partake in attacking the opposing faction, there should be an element that leaves you open to attack (TEF), but not necessarily a bat signal that goes out that tells people where exactly you are (War IntelPad). This way it's a 'at your own risk' sort of scenario, without directly feeding PvP fiends your direct location like when you're Special Forces.

I get it's a game - but it also needs to make sense. I see where you're coming from in not wanting people to be forced into PvP - but there has to be some middle-ground. The idea of a combatant status with no repercussions is just a little off to me.
Serious question: What tangible benefits are there from non-SF GCW content at the moment? The stuff from the recruiter is the main thing I can think of.

Also, how easy is it to go off and kill NPCs without another player in sight? The visibility TEF would only require you to use a few more brain cells to avoid being attacked
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I agree to an extent. SWG is not about forcing people into PvP. It is a big game - with a ton to get into.

I will also say that the GCW is a voluntary road to go down. If someone chooses to be a Rebel or Imperial, there should be some expectation that PvP will be in their future. Again - you can be one side or the other and never have to PvP, but if you partake in attacking the opposing faction, there should be an element that leaves you open to attack (TEF), but not necessarily a bat signal that goes out that tells people where exactly you are (War IntelPad). This way it's a 'at your own risk' sort of scenario, without directly feeding PvP fiends your direct location like when you're Special Forces.

I get it's a game - but it also needs to make sense. I see where you're coming from in not wanting people to be forced into PvP - but there has to be some middle-ground. The idea of a combatant status with no repercussions is just a little off to me.
Why should PvP be expected? It's a Star Wars game. Star Wars revolves around the GCW. It's why people play it. They should not be forced into PvP if they don't want it.

PvP is a choice, not the GCW as a whole. Once the GCW changes are implemented, there will be zones for PvP. Entering one is a choice.

As for the game "making sense," games don't always make sense. You sacrifice that in order for people to have a good time. If you want it to make sense:

- People should be arrested for killing Meatlumps in town.
- All combat toons should be arrested for basically being galactic serial killers.
- You shouldn't be able to walk while carrying 4 starship engines in your inventory.
- Every cantina except Mos Eisley should be out of business due to lack of customers.
- Riding a swoop through lava falls on Mustafar should kill you.

...and so on.

A game makes as much sense as it can, but there has to be a suspension of disbelief in order to have fun.

Leave combatants alone. Let them play their game, and if you enjoy PvP, you play yours. Don't try to drag people into something they don't want to do.

And as full disclosure, no, I don't generally PvP. Once the GCW changes occur, I probably will.
Why should PvP be expected? It's a Star Wars game. Star Wars revolves around the GCW. It's why people play it. They should not be forced into PvP if they don't want it.

PvP is a choice, not the GCW as a whole. Once the GCW changes are implemented, there will be zones for PvP. Entering one is a choice.

As for the game "making sense," games don't always make sense. You sacrifice that in order for people to have a good time. If you want it to make sense:

- People should be arrested for killing Meatlumps in town.
- All combat toons should be arrested for basically being galactic serial killers.
- You shouldn't be able to walk while carrying 4 starship engines in your inventory.
- Every cantina except Mos Eisley should be out of business due to lack of customers.
- Riding a swoop through lava falls on Mustafar should kill you.

...and so on.

A game makes as much sense as it can, but there has to be a suspension of disbelief in order to have fun.

Leave combatants alone. Let them play their game, and if you enjoy PvP, you play yours. Don't try to drag people into something they don't want to do.

And as full disclosure, no, I don't generally PvP. Once the GCW changes occur, I probably will.
I repeat, you will play jedi, correct?
Smells a bit fishy
Not sure how it's fishy, but ok, or how it's even relevant, but I'll go along with it.

Will I play a Jedi? If I somehow manage to unlock (I've had my inciting event, but haven't gotten A or C), I may work my way to Jedi. It isn't a priority and it's a long grind. I'm a more casual player so if I get there, it will take a while. I doubt I'll focus on it until I've exhausted more of the current content.

So, short answer, yes, I'll play a Jedi, but I'm not focusing on it.
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i think combatant going away is maybe not the right choice.

but i think the dumbest thing ever is when i , a flagged SF, am standing there watching a player kill my factional NPCs and i can do NOTHING about it.

TEF sounds great.
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Please stop thinking of SWG as a real-life simulator and remember it is a GAME. Yes, you may see someone kill a stormtrooper. That's because that person was playing a game and having fun playing in a fictional universe and fighting the GCW in the way they want.

SWG isn't about forcing people into PvP, which many players loathe. If someone wants to roam the galaxy killing Rebel or Imp npc's, then fine. Let them. When the GCW changes come and there are battlefields again, the PvP community will have plenty to do and rewards that only come with PvP. Until then, let people play the game without worrying about getting killed by another player. Or, make a change that will make a few people happy and drive others away from the game.

Remember, this is a server that only has a few thousand players. It's also not a shiny new game that has tons If new people coming to it. It also competes with other SWG servers. If people leave, they likely won't be back. The server benefits by having more people happy, not less.

this whole post is very contradictory. if it is JUST A GAME. then how can anyone FORCE you to do something? if you dont want to participate in the gcw, then log off. congrats you just avoided being FORCED to do something. because its just a game and you can log off if you dont want to do it.

yes log off is an extreme example. but you get it. nobody forcing you to do anything. opting to participate in a war should probably(based on i guess just common sense?) probably leave you open to attack from the opposing faction.
Could also just make it so combatant doesn't affect gcw control at all. That'll prevent the problem of combatants making it harder on officers in the future and stop allowing people who flip zones sf being turned back by someone and them not being able to stop them. This will keep its so people could rp without being killed by a player.
I can see that some people don't understand that the function of a game is for everyone to have fun.

SWG started with TEF's and later removed them so more people would play GCW content. Adding them back is a mistake in my opinion.

Leave the system the way it is. It doesn't need fixing. If someone kills a factional npc standing next to you, fine.
I can see that some people don't understand that the function of a game is for everyone to have fun.

SWG started with TEF's and later removed them so more people would play GCW content. Adding them back is a mistake in my opinion.

Leave the system the way it is. It doesn't need fixing. If someone kills a factional npc standing next to you, fine.
"...If someone kills a factional npc standing next to you, fine."

I and others fundamentally disagree with this.

Also, your gameplay that you consider fun is PVE. Mine is mostly PVP. Is yours more important than mine?
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Also, your gameplay that you consider fun is PVE. Mine is mostly PVP. Is yours more important than mine?
No, it's not. That's exactly the point I'm trying to make. Let the PvE'ers play as they want and the PvP'ers play as they want. Trying to force others into your gaming style is what I don't want to see.

As it is, there's no harm done to PvP. You can still PvP all you want with other PvP'ers. Yes, you may have to watch a stormtrooper get killed, but in the end it has no real effect on you. On the other hand, forcing someone into PvP who doesn't want to very much has a real effect on them.

I'm not even going to start down the path of the ridiculous amount of credits and gear that it takes to be effective in PvP, which is another barrier for casual players (which most people are).

Just leave it alone.
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