Remove combatant

Remove combatant
This idea/suggestion has been flagged as Not Implemented because of a lack of popularity, lack of interest, lack of feasibility, or other determination by the Development Team, so the suggestion will not be implemented. Once a suggestion has been flagged this way, the decision is final. Although the issue may be raised again in the future after a six month cooldown. A response explanation from the Development Team can be found in the thread.
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This will be unpopular for most, but I believe combatant should be removed, You should either be SF or on leave. It makes zero sense that players can attack factional npcs and structures and players of the opposite faction can't contest. I believe this will bring about more pvp and sink credits to combat inflation. But on the other hand people who don't like pvp for the thrills will need rewards for pvp ie. Cosmetics, skins, use items etc that can be purchased from a vendor for credits and certain player rating brackets.
Combatant makes zero sense and pvp is a huge credit sink to combat inflation.
Combatant in GWC doesn't make sense and this will encourage more pvp and a healthier economy.
Remove combatant as an option and only have on leave and special forces.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Also cant make it pvpers vs non pvpers like so many non pvpers try to do.... If you really thing about it all pvpers also pve. I would bargain to say pvpers are the ones that push the most in high end pve and are the ones that come up with meta builds, top tier crafts, are at the forefront of testings and new discoveries. Its rather annoying that people try to make it an us vs them. "Pvpers" as you refer to us as do it all.

Why not further this topic in a constructive way, rather than lash out and make this something its not. Come up with valid solutions to the problem at hand, that people can negatively affect pvp without ever flagging and this will become a big problem when officer is re-emplemneted and there will be huge consequences based off zone control.

Exactly. It's not "PvPers vs. PvEers". My whole point is that, incontrovertibly, it's "PvPers *and* PvEers". There are PvPers that really don't like to do PvE content and will avoid it. And that is a completely valid gameplay endeavor. And so are PvE'ers that, for whatever reason that should be viewed by all as valid, will avoid PvP, including no longer doing content they used to do if there's a chance they'll have to PvP. And that, too, is equally a completely valid gameplay endeavor.

Therefore, good game design includes BOTH avenues. Avenues that do not cross, as that violates the valid gameplay endeavors already outlined above.
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Also cant make it pvpers vs non pvpers like so many non pvpers try to do.... If you really thing about it all pvpers also pve. I would bargain to say pvpers are the ones that push the most in high end pve and are the ones that come up with meta builds, top tier crafts, are at the forefront of testings and new discoveries. Its rather annoying that people try to make it an us vs them. "Pvpers" as you refer to us as do it all.
Okay, so it's just unabashed elitism. Your original post started with This will be unpopular for most which is hilarious. You're openly admitting that the majority of people won't enjoy this, but you value your experience of the game more, so you just want to force it on them anyway. Thank you for being honest.
Your bias is showing. "Only hardcore players matter, only end game progression matters, casual players don't matter."
That's not at all my point. My point is to challenge the idea that "PVPers" are some fringe group of the game. The Mustafar progression is an example that people that are PVP focused are also coerced into PVE content
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So much animosity for a forum designed to help come up with ideas, being angry isn’t much of an idea IMO. The point I think that was meant to be made, and by now has gotten a bit muddled in the water is; In GCW content as of now, I can negatively effect the opposing faction as combatant and there is nothing that the opposing faction can do about it. If I were SF they could attempt to stop me. We want that to change, I personally, don’t care how. Removing combatant would do that, a big drastically though. I’m behind it because I like it which is my right. But I’m also, and I think most of us here are, open to other options that reach that same or similar goal. There are many different types of players on this server, I think the frustration is that most (not all of course) of the “PVEers” or at least “non-PVPers” are actually the newer population. The vets, or longer standing members are the ones that spend time doing pvp as they have done most of the pve already, and are frustrated with the fact that someone can stroll in and do whatever. But again as I said before, personally I’m open to a different solution to the problem. But let’s all actually be constructive and not randomly attack people you disagree with, save that for in game. (Respectfully of course)
in my opinion. and i do go sf but i do it for rewards. not too punish others choices. hence not caring for the idea. double tokens has me in constant sf. people regularly shoot me. i pick and choose when i shoot back. my solution given forced pvp is probably just picking neutral on all 3 toons and staying out of it. i dont care who controls the galaxy. i currently push it around on all three toons on a dice roll or request for team. given good enough rewards for pvp i see it to be easier to want to queue up. right now i strongly feel like its not worth my time or rewarding at all. beyond a whole one blueprint. i dont usually shoot down small names. and i may or may not even bother with big ones (roland you dont come to mind here. challenging you in space will simply one day make a better pilot out of me. especially since ive never seen you coming :) )
Okay, so it's just unabashed elitism. Your original post started with This will be unpopular for most which is hilarious. You're openly admitting that the majority of people won't enjoy this, but you value your experience of the game more, so you just want to force it on them anyway. Thank you for being honest.
Simply to start the topic for further discussion and coming up with a reasonable solution..
The point I think that was meant to be made, and by now has gotten a bit muddled in the water is; In GCW content as of now, I can negatively effect the opposing faction as combatant and there is nothing that the opposing faction can do about it.

That's not true though. The opposing faction's PvE players absolutely can do something about it. They can reverse the opposing faction's progress.
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That's not true though. The opposing faction's PvE players absolutely can do something about it. They can reverse the opposing faction's progress.
I just think it’s ironic how vehemently opposed you are to forcing pvp yet forcing pve is fine. Currently that’s how it is. There needs to become some sort of compromise so that I don’t have to easy mode a bunch of pve content and you don’t have to get perma rekt in pvp. That’s what I’m saying- a balance, in between, middle ground. Do those terms help put it in perspective? This post wouldn’t be here nor would it be active if everyone thought it was fine as is. So can we please stop (I can’t beleive I’m saying this once again) with the non constructive comments and focus on finding a NEW idea that benefits both sides.
I just think it’s ironic how vehemently opposed you are to forcing pvp yet forcing pve is fine. Currently that’s how it is. There needs to become some sort of compromise so that I don’t have to easy mode a bunch of pve content and you don’t have to get perma rekt in pvp. That’s what I’m saying- a balance, in between, middle ground. Do those terms help put it in perspective? This post wouldn’t be here nor would it be active if everyone thought it was fine as is. So can we please stop (I can’t beleive I’m saying this once again) with the non constructive comments and focus on finding a NEW idea that benefits both sides.

It's not forcing PvP at all. It's two avenues in the same feature. PvPers don't have to PvE at all to accomplish tokens and objectives. What's being asked here is that PvEers not be allowed the same thing.

They can coexist without crossing, are we not aware of that fact? Trying to cross the two has historically in nearly every game never worked. If you're a PvPer and see some combatants doing their job, then recruit some PvEers! Let's do this together! Community involvement, not crossing lines that won't work so that you can continue to solo or small group it.

The proof is already in the proverbial pudding that the only thing this idea will accomplish is remove PvEers from even doing GCW, which will make them move on to somewhere else where they can. This illusion and wishful thinking that PvEers will magically start PvPing and being ok with being flagged or TEFd enmasse is delusional.

It simply won't work.

So, let's think of inclusive ideas instead of exclusive ideas.
Stop putting a divide between "PVPers" and "PVEers". Many, many players enjoy both and want an incentive to PVP. It's not a dichotomy

I am one of those. However, "many many" is anecdotal, and is still statistically the exception rather than the norm. Therefore, we must put aside the exception and push for what will include more players, not fewer.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."
I am one of those. However, "many many" is anecdotal, and is still statistically the exception rather than the norm. Therefore, we must put aside the exception and push for what will include more players, not fewer.

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one."
What statistics?

This player voice is pretty balanced in votes
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You won't get more PVPers by forcing the TEF or removing the ability to be combatant. Just get more people to quit logging in. In the process you'll cut out a large chunk of a lot of players' gameplay. Themeparks, and other PVE content are locked behind some factional PVE.

How about we make factional armor schematics NO-TRADE. That way you HAVE to grind up a crafter to make your own armor. So what if you don't WANT to craft, and there are loads of players who already enjoy it. I want to make YOU be FORCED to craft so you can PVP in your factional armor...

Of course that's a ridiculous idea. But then so is FORCING those who CHOOSE not to be SF to have to be SF for their preferred content.
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You won't get more PVPers by forcing the TEF or removing the ability to be combatant. Just get more people to quit logging in. In the process you'll cut out a large chunk of a lot of players' gameplay. Themeparks, and other PVE content are locked behind some factional PVE.

How about we make factional armor schematics NO-TRADE. That way you HAVE to grind up a crafter to make your own armor. So what if you don't WANT to craft, and there are loads of players who already enjoy it. I want to make YOU be FORCED to craft so you can PVP in your factional armor...

Of course that's a ridiculous idea. But then so is FORCING those who CHOOSE not to be SF to have to be SF for their preferred content.
PVE vs PVP is not anywhere the same as combat vs crafting. This is a false comparison.

TEF would not "force" people to PVP. You could still just PVE, you'd just have to be smarter about it.
this sounds like a game killer to me. im not contributing anymore to this conversation. and if its not. good for you. if i wanted to stress out about a games pvp id go play destiny 2 competitive or overwatch
I’m not generally supportive of this.

I believe there’s ways (e.g., PvP radius around GCW Invasion Defensive General, Player City ability to enforce as SF zone, the Covert Factional Scanner likely to return, faction perk bases being SF only, GCW Officer ranks enforcing permanent enemy flagging, a much heavier weighting towards PvP in GCW Regional Control) that strike a balance between ensuring PvP can play an active role with strong influence and incentive in the game while not alienating players who only want to participate in PvE (e.g., theme parks).

As mentioned here, I also think temporary flagging against players who attack NPCs when they are also observed to be attacking by a player of the opposite faction who is declared/special forces, could make sense if properly worked out.
I’m closing this with reference to my original point. We won’t remove combatant, but are open to exploring alternatives as described above. Thnx.
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