Remove mando armor restrictions

Remove mando armor restrictions
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why do people keep referring to pre-cu? This game is cu/nge. if it was pre-cu we would have elemental weps that matter need buffs to wear armor and kill anything etc.
Probably as theres alot here who come from pre cu and never played nge. To the other comments… Mando was restrictied thru nge to mando/bh/offi. Ranger wasnt a thing then anymore.
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Whoever mentioned AS thats a great idea, and only place ive not seen it restricted use is on legends. Which is itself a good example of why decay abd restrictions should be somewhat checked and kept to a standard
While it would annoy me to see half the server running around in mando.. It doesn't make sense from a lore perspective (if anyone cares for such things) to stop melee users or a combat medic from wearing it. I do think it should be restricted to mastered advanced professions though.
I should maybe make a new PV about this, not removing the restrictions but definitely increasing the professions who can wear it because right now its just bh and commando, and yea half the server is running in mando armor already so doesnt make sense to have that restriction
It would be nice if more professions were added to the pool that can wear Mandalorian armor. For now it is just BH and Commando(afaik). I would really love to see Squad Leader being added, i think this profession deserves it.
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It would be nice if more professions were added to the pool that can wear Mandalorian armor. For now it is just BH and Commando(afaik). I would really love to see Squad Leader being added, i think this profession deserves it.
This is the kind of thing that has killed the game since live. Giving stuff to everyone takes away the depth of the game.
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