Remove mando armor restrictions

Remove mando armor restrictions
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I know that I’m coming across as a dkhead but seriously think about what you’re asking . It’s a slippery slope. It really is what led to the death of the game. Everyone wanted Jedi , so they broke it, everyone wanted pets, they broke that, everyone wanted Mando armour so they gave it everyone, buffs were simplified and nerfed, decay was removed which destroyed traders who then had to grind 35s to make cash.
If you want the server to survive leave it alone
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I know that I’m coming across as a dkhead but seriously think about what you’re asking . It’s a slippery slope. It really is what led to the death of the game. Everyone wanted Jedi , so they broke it, everyone wanted pets, they broke that, everyone wanted Mando armour so they gave it everyone, buffs were simplified and nerfed, decay was removed which destroyed traders who then had to grind 35s to make cash.
If you want the server to survive leave it alone
I agree with you on not giving things away or ruining the server (as do most resto players I imagine), I don't think letting a few more professions wear Mando will be an issue though.
I'm thinking only advanced ones and only specific ones, like.. Squad Leader, Combat Medic and then the weapon masters.
No Ents, no Docs, no Crafters, no master marksman or brawler.
This wouldn't make it any easier or cheaper to get the armour.
I think the lack of variety of "end game" armor is the issue here. There is no other that requires the amount of time and resources and group coordination that Mando armor does. Its also a status symbol that no other profession can use. Since i don't expect new armors to be added to this server...allowing everyone to get access to it might be we way to go.

The whole "but everyone will have it so it won't be special" argument is a silly one. This game is almost 20 years old with no real major content updates coming. So if Mando armor and Jedi are the "finish lines" then eventually EVERYONE who pursues them will get there.
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