Special Forces Loot Multiplier

Special Forces Loot Multiplier
This idea/suggestion is Open. You can respond to ask questions or discuss the idea and either vote it up or down if you believe it should or should not be implemented, respectively. Popular suggestions and ideas will be considered by the development team to become reality in-game.


Galactic Senator
Proposal for Special Forces Players to have some sort of loot and credit multiplier for looting any NPCs. Could have it appear as a buff on the player, with or without the loot multiplier displayed.
Group instanced content would be excluded. (No risk from players in instance)
Not going to propose an exact multiplier number or %. Figure that would be decided by the economy gurus at the Resto team with some help from the senate possibly.
I have a few different options on how this may be implemented.
1. All special forces players will simply get the full multiplier.

2. An item that can be purchased from a recruiter would be implemented. (Could be a token, emblem, etc.)
The item would cost a fair amount of credits, example 250k.
Having this item in your inventory and being special forces would grant you the loot multiplier.
This item upon dying to another player as special forces would be looted by them, granting them a deactivated/battle worn version of the item.
The deactivated/battle worn item does not grant the loot multiplier buff.
The deactivated/battle worn item could then be used by the player to sell to their recruiter for a fraction of the price, example 100k.
The deactivated/battle worn item can also be looted back again by an enemy faction player if you die to them.
The deactivated/battle worn item can be stacked if you loot multiple off of players.
Both versions of the item would be no trade and would have to stay in the player's inventory. And cannot be destroyed.
The only time they should be transferred is upon a PvP kill or buying/selling them to recruiters.

3. A combination of the two options above.
Simply being SF would give you a small loot multiplier.
While the riskier lootable item buff would stack on to that and give you most of the full loot multiplier.
More dynamic open world PvP/GCW.
Add excitement and more risk/reward mechanics to existing content while hopefully not being too much work for the devs.
A lot of current special forces activity has only been at invasions or the occasional base bust/defense.
We have a whole open world sandbox game, and the GCW/PvP is being played only in a few circumstances.
Yes, zone control matters, but since bases have such a huge influence on that, any fight for a zone has really just been a base battle.

Would encourage and reward groups of special forces players to stay grouped together and flagged after an invasion or base busting and do other content or farm together.
I don't understand how giving an optional incentive (With real tradeoffs and consequences) to one set of players is taking away from another.

I also think that a game system actively rewarding people for participating in more facets of the game is a good thing and that the mindset of we should all live in our own walled off villages is a bad thing.
They're worried about the effects it'll have on real pve farms, and they have a valid concern. But that will NEVER be an issue on this server. Nothing can be added to bring up the pvp population to more than maybe 30% that the dev's would allow. The population of the server itself makes meaningful economy impacts minor, if not non-existent.
I don't understand how giving an optional incentive (With real tradeoffs and consequences) to one set of players is taking away from another.

I also think that a game system actively rewarding people for participating in more facets of the game is a good thing and that the mindset of we should all live in our own walled off villages is a bad thing.
As for how, refer to my earlier post about artificially increasing supply to one type of player.

As for actively rewarding PvP, absolutely that's a must. But not with a farmable resource that has nothing to do with PvP. That's where the imbalance in this proposal is. There are plenty of other ways to accomplish that.

And for that reason, I'm out.
I'm with Ethavan on the idea that PvP should be rewarded, but not where it would potentially impact players that do not want to. The idea of items that can be looted from other players is probably the answer you're looking for, without the bonus to world loot. Create a PvP vendor that has a bunch of items on it that do nice things for those who pvp, but make that list of items lootable when you DB. Now you've got a bunch of things that are exclusively pvp involved. I'm not going to make a list, but it could be anything from weapons, to tokens that allow special NPCs to be summoned - easy enough to come up with ideas. Not only that, you could push the GCW even more by having alliance/imperial exclusive items.
Among the few, yes. Nudging PvEers that are on the fence at the expense of the vast majority on the WHOLE SERVER is the perspective I'm coming from here.
There are too many PvEers that really aren't even buddy buddy with any PvPers, much less even in Discord to understand what's happening to their bottom line. They certainly aren't going to call in PvPers.
Is it really nudging tho? Same thing happened with the empire day event, you can easily get your tokies on leave/combatant or you can get an increase of tokies while being SF, no one is forcing you to pvp or be SF its OPTIONAL, higher risk higher reward as stated before and we have plenty of examples in game. What are you even loosing if you died in pvp with moof on? literally nothing, pretty close to space pvp now where the game doesnt punish you for playing but instead encourages you to play and do other activities you didnt try before.
Is it really nudging tho? Same thing happened with the empire day event, you can easily get your tokies on leave/combatant or you can get an increase of tokies while being SF, no one is forcing you to pvp or be SF its OPTIONAL, higher risk higher reward as stated before and we have plenty of examples in game. What are you even loosing if you died in pvp with moof on? literally nothing, pretty close to space pvp now where the game doesnt punish you for playing but instead encourages you to play and do other activities you didnt try before.

Let me be clear. I'm specifically addressing the part of the proposal highlighted by Remis here:

Increased junk loot would help people get tapes

Increased armor mods would help people armor

Increased weapon components would help people get weapons

Increased credits would help people pay crafters for their services

Correct me if I'm wrong, Chupa, but it's not just credit increase that is being proposed.
With the combat changes that came with 1.1, PvP has never been as welcoming and accessible for new players as it is now. The slower TTK really help a lot of newer people that I've spoken with in my experience process whats going on.
Let me be clear. I'm specifically addressing the part of the proposal highlighted by Remis here:
I like the credit idea. I don't like any sort of loot chance/benefits being SF.

Overall - I think this is a win-win for everyone. Definitely on board with this PV.
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Yes, credits is fine. But the rest makes this PV not upvoteable to me.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was not the intent of this PV originally. 'Loot Multiplier' definitely implies credits. I think the word 'loot' may have let this take a weird direction.

Let's work on that premise - that is the reason I upvoted it.

I think we can provide support with reservations but still get behind an idea. I think a combination (or option 3) would be a fantastic thing for the server. PvPers are a big consumer and economic mover - without much of the credit benefit of other areas of the game. I think we will see a good shift where people have more options to generate credits for economic participation - and this is a good first step for the PvP peeps - considering how much is spent and sunk by them.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was not the intent of this PV originally. 'Loot Multiplier' definitely implies credits. I think the word 'loot' may have let this take a weird direction.

Let's work on that premise - that is the reason I upvoted it.

I think we can provide support with reservations but still get behind an idea. I think a combination (or option 3) would be a fantastic thing for the server. PvPers are a big consumer and economic mover - without much of the credit benefit of other areas of the game. I think we will see a good shift where people have more options to generate credits for economic participation - and this is a good first step for the PvP peeps - considering how much is spent and sunk by them.
PvPing is very pricey specially at high levels, (not talking about gear itself but consumables), so that "unfair" advantage you said also comes with expenses (stims, foods, condition lost on wep/armor, speeder repairs, etc...). It is not any different from high end PvE, you can be rewarded with nice loot when you complete "high" difficulty dungeons that many other people cannot complete and you could say that's "unfair" as well.

I think Rohlan has a good point here about 'high end PvE' needing consumables etc to do and PvE usually has some kind of pay off for doing it where as PvP doesn't quite get that to the same effect .. more money to them means more money in PvP main pockets to spend and maintain their game play style.. spending that money on weapons and armour and consumables that people craft.. and they might even put more money back in to other things like bounties as well.

I think as a further attraction to flag SF outside of a direct credit / loot reward is double slayer reward. I'm sure that would encourage people doing slayers to flag up .. they will get double credit to their collections but at a cost of being attacked .. and if they are doing missions then they will be heading back to town each set of missions so it's not like they are always out in the wild unless they flag constantly.
Perhaps a trial weekend / event to see how the community and the economy is affected by it

I think NPCs in invasions etc probably shouldnt get this double reward though
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One last comment is that it doesn't necessarily have to increase chance of loot or credits directly, either ,perhaps it could have a chance to increase credits or could have a chance to increase the stat rolls of items i.e
If you got the buff you have a higher chance of getting a better roll on krayt tissues or peko feathers or enzymes etc.
It really isnt. So instead of 300 credits your getting 400? Reason people go overt in space, even if they just stop when a player attacks, is because it drastically shortens the time it takes to reach their goals. What does ground do? Not a damn thing. Ground, even with all the cool stuff they released (and it is, not saying at all it isnt) is still no impact at all to your avg gameplay if you run overt. You can groundpound for a year or more an never flag, an never lose out for it. THAT is what needs to change if you honestly want to incentivize ground pvp.
If people are going overt in space just for the extra reward with duty missions then they deserve to be ganked. Red=Dead no matter what you are doing. Its not a right that you can be left alone to farm overt. It is about risk vs Reward and its your choice to go overt and you live with the concequences. If anyone wants to say they are trying to be efficient thats a load of crap. Truth is they want to be greedy. Unfortunatly this is whats happened on legends where this kind of behaviour is the norm and PvPers are given a load of grief and ostracised. I dont really want to see this happen here
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I don't get the point why you want to encourage PvE players to participate in PvP. If people don't want to flag up, maybe THEY JUST DON'T WANT TO PVP.
I don't care about a credit multiplyer. Just not for any items at all, not even for junk look
Just doesn't make sense to me.
If people are going overt in space just for the extra reward with duty missions then they deserve to be ganked. Red=Dead no matter what you are doing. Its not a right that you can be left alone to farm overt. It is about risk vs Reward and its your choice to go overt and you live with the concequences. If anyone wants to say they are trying to be efficient thats a load of crap. Truth is they want to be greedy. Unfortunatly this is whats happened on legends where this kind of behaviour is the norm and PvPers are given a load of grief and ostracised. I dont really want to see this happen here
Maximizing your time spent isnt being greedy, its literally mmo 101. They are using that risk v reward to their advantage even if they dont want to pvp. Very few say its their right to be left alone. There is no such system for ground based pvp. Not sayin this is the way to do it, but why shouldnt ground do the same in one form or another?
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I don't get the point why you want to encourage PvE players to participate in PvP. If people don't want to flag up, maybe THEY JUST DON'T WANT TO PVP.
I don't care about a credit multiplyer. Just not for any items at all, not even for junk look
Just doesn't make sense to me.
Because there's a lot of people who do enjoy both and would enjoy a feature like this. No one is being forced to pvp with this proposal.