- Proposal
- Proposed Changes to Neutrals:
1. Extend flagging down timers from special forces to 5 minutes to align with other factions.
2. Have neutrals show on the war pad when flagged for special forces.
3. Require going to the appropriate recruiter to step down from combatant state to the civilian state.
4. Have neutrals names flash when flagging up and down just like other factions. (If this is a bug then this is just proposing to fix this bug. )
- Justification
- Align neutrals to match faction standards for staging up and down from Combatant/Special Forces states so all factions are equal or lack of a faction doesn't gives added benefits when flagging for the GCW.
- Motivation
- Aiming to create a fair and balanced game experiences for all.
This player voice aims to align the standards for staging up and down for participation for the GCW.